Tennessee 17 Alabama 14.

I dont know what to think of this game. Bama has some injuries but so do we. I dont know whats worse bama winning or fulmer keeping his job. just sickening either way.
I think Hat saw the bottom of a once full Petron bottle when he made this pick. I thought he was crazy picking TX over OU, too, so what do I know.

Damn, do I hope he's right.

Wonder what the opening line will be on this one? Bama -6?

I saw -6...
TENNESSEE football maybe down this year but, we sure as hell ain't gonna let bama come into our house and roll all over us!
ya gotta have faith brother! If your a real tennessee fan you know all about faith. Tennessee vs florida state ring a bell 98

We're a bad football team. Alabama is a good one. We'll need alot of magic for this to happen. That being said, I'll be yelling as loud as I can if it does, disturbing my neighbors, and probably winding up in the county jail for the eve.
I want Fulmer to be gone, so I hope Bama does win!!!

don't ever come on here claiming to be a vol fan. no true vol fan will ever, for any reason, cheer alabama to beat our beloved vols. you are a sick person. ban benedict now.
Who wants to bet money that I can tell you the EXACT score before the game even starts Saturday???
we're a bad football team. Alabama is a good one. We'll need alot of magic for this to happen. That being said, i'll be yelling as loud as i can if it does, disturbing my neighbors, and probably winding up in the county jail for the eve.

i cannot disagree with that statement, however i can think back to many games that we were not the favorite team but we prevailed.

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