Tennessee 17 Alabama 14.

Hat, I love it. I sure as heck am not going to put any money on us (to even cover), but stranger things have certainly happened. There is so much tradition and emotion in this rivalry, Bama looked very human against OM, and we are surely hungry for a "signature win."
At work today I posted a note on the bulletin board. Bama will lose two games out of their next 5. Read it and weep bama fans. The first one will be this week GO VOLS
working with Bama and Tiger fans all day is quite interesting. I must admit, the 13 years Ive been in Bama land, has been pretty good, with the last 4 too much like the old days. I've never bragged during the long streak, always kept my mouth shut, but the bama fans are relentless this year. NO respect what soever of the vols. Heres the way I hope my week goes
Mon :no:

Tue :thumbsup:

Wed :question:

Thur :mf_surrender:

Fri :no: :nono:

Sat. :clapping:

Sun :dance2:

Mon back at work :eek:lol::rock: :post-4-1090547912: :yahoo:
this is the game that will determine who is are coach next yr... if fulmer wins this game and at least 3 of are last 4 then i think he stays which would just kill me inside.... i have this feeling that we are goin to win this game and i wanna see the face of nick satan when the game over... but if we lose who cares its not like we r playing for anything else but spoiler...EB14 for heisman 09
thats great news, he is possibly the greatest defensive back I've ever seen. I would love to see him on offense some. The possibilities seem endless. He is a true talent and NFL scouts must be drooling. GO VOLS BEAT BAMA

On the floor out the door Roll tide Roll
You think he is going to skip his junior year and spend his time at the supreme court to challenge the nfl with a better set of lawyers than Clarett and mike williams?

why are you asking me that? not sure if you're being sarcastic or what, but i'm saying he'll be back next year.
BAMMERS can give it but they sure can't take it!! I hope we upset their little apple cart this week. UT 21, BAMA 20. Need to bring their fans down a notch or two - That's what I'm sayin'.
Being a Tennessee Football fan since I was little I will never pull for Alabama to win for any reason at all. This weekend Coach Fulmer reminds everyone that he still owns a team & that team is Alabama..Yeah I said it..Go Vols get us a much needed win on ESPN Primetime! :rock:
Hat, a couple weeks ago you posted that the Vols were not a very good football team. Seems to me that either you think they’ve improved greatly or bama is over-rated(having played poorly the last couple weeks). If true, I can accept that line of thought, but not to the extent of the Vols winning Saturday. The Vols remain very ordinary and bama much better offensively. My heart wishes for a win…but my mind(as ordinary as it is!) says otherwise. UT 10 – Bama 27.
Chavs usually has a lot of problems against spread teams. I think this is a bad match-up defensively. Although Tennessee has a good seconary.

On offense, everyone is going to keep playing 8 men in the box most downs until Stephens starts making them pay consistently.

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