Tennessee Football boldly supporting BLM

That is why I put it in quotes. But to a degree it is, you need to go along with the mob or you're labeled something.

Systemic racism is a scam, a vague way to cry about how you arent getting yours.

Give me real life examples of systemic racism on the UT campus.

For the most part I agree that it’s a scam. That doesn’t mean there are not real problems that needs a solution. And the Message has been stolen by the rioters. But again that doesn’t mean we stop trying to affect change.
I think people saying black lives matter is different than the organization......I have no issue with peaceful uniting protest although I may disagree with some of the things they are protesting about.
The “slogan” is the name of the radical organization.

Read this


They try to paint George Zimmerman as a white man (white passing person) being supported/celebrated by white supremacists.

I couldn’t imagine how in 2013 a white passing person could kill a young boy and not be held accountable. I didn’t want George Zimmerman to be the period to the story. I didn’t want his name to be the name held up over and over again by the media, by his fellow white supremacists.

The whole organization is based on lies.

That doesn’t mean I ever supported George Zimmerman. It’s just a fact.

6 Years Strong
On July 13, 2013 we disrupted business as usual and impacted the world. Thank you to our organizers, our supporters, and our allies.

Thank you to every person who used the hashtag, every person who donated, and every person who courageously stood up for Black people.

Happy 6th Anniversary, #BlackLivesMatter

6 Years Later and Black Activists Are Still Fighting
A Letter from Black Lives Matter Global Network Co-Founder, Executive Director, and Board President Patrisse Cullors

As human beings we usually fight for the things that move us out of complacency. We fight for clarity and truth telling. We fight for a world that we want our children to live in. A world we want our communities to thrive in.

I’ve always fought for my family. My community. For Black poor people.

That’s why when Trayvon Martin was murdered and in 2013 when George Zimmerman was acquitted my body and spirit was moved into action. I couldn’t imagine how in 2013 a white passing person could kill a young boy and not be held accountable. I didn’t want George Zimmerman to be the period to the story. I didn’t want his name to be the name held up over and over again by the media, by his fellow white supremacists.

That’s why when I saw the phrase Black Lives Matter spelled out by Alicia Garza in a love letter towards Black people – I decided to put a hashtag on it. Alicia, Opal, and I created #BlackLivesMatter as an online community to help combat anti-Black racism across the globe. We firmly believed our movement, which would later become an organization, needed to be a contributing voice for Black folks and our allies to support changing the material conditions for Black people.

For more than 500 years Black people have been fighting for our freedom. We have fought back against slavery, Black codes, Jim Crow laws, policing, incarceration, some of the highest unemployment rates, consistent homelessness, dying while giving birth, being murdered for being trans or non-binary. We have been the consistent moral compass in a country that has thrived on harming the most vulnerable of its population.

Every Black person who has fought for our dignity deserves the deepest bow of gratitude. Six years later and Black activists and organizers are moving forward towards justice, towards visions, towards a world where our families and communities are no longer the sacrifice for a better America, for a better world. We are doing that through our continued fight against elected officials, be it Democrat or Republican, who don’t share a vision that is radical and intersectional. We are building grassroots power with Black communities who have been left out the political process. We are building new spaces and places that tell Black stories and remind the world our everlasting contributions.

In the last six years many of us faced down tanks, rubber bullets, were forced to do jail and prison sentences, have been surveilled, lied on, called terrorists, been given false labels by the FBI, and some of us have lost our lives. These six years have been the most profound six years of my life and the most traumatic and destabilizing six years of my life.

I know I can speak for most of us. We have fought like hell for our freedom and we will continue to fight like hell. Because we deserve more than what we have been given. Because we deserve the healing and the transformation and most importantly we deserve to be free.
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No doubt but there really isn’t that many kids on the team that has to worry about their soul being eaten.

You just had NBA players arguing with each other over this. No one is going to ever be in complete agreement

Some athletes are more than just athletes. Some have brains.
For the most part I agree that it’s a scam. That doesn’t mean there are not real problems that needs a solution. And the Message has been stolen by the rioters. But again that doesn’t mean we stop trying to affect change.

What are we changing?
You just had NBA players arguing with each other over this. No one is going to ever be in complete agreement

Some athletes are more than just athletes. Some have brains.

No question there will be some division but for the most part I think CJP and CPF have handled this well.
Nothing at this pace but I’d like to see serious welfare reform and outside oversight for police just to get us started.

Trey Smith said he wanted to address the systemic racism at the university. What?

I dont think BLM is interested in your welfare reform.
As someone that was around the team in the early 2000’s, I can attest that there is always some sort of racial division on the team. It doesn’t mean that the entire team is at odds, but I can guarantee there are enough at odds on the team to ruin the locker room if it doesn’t get shut down.

Well I think you can believe black lives matter and not get in on the mob action. The narrative now is you gotta believe black lives matter then march in the streets too. They are pressuring people around them.
The sad thing is that this is a human rights issue that's been hijacked by politicians who are framing it in a way to benefit them. The left-sided view never really talks about the progress that has already been made and the right-sided view paints it as just violent terror and destruction. The real problem is that we have too many people willing to go along with the politics instead of seeing through the BS and being able to support the good parts of these movements and also speak out against some of the bad that is coming along with it. Like most things...the truth is somewhere in the middle...but that doesn't turn out voters.
There’s significant history with the BLM organization to have a strong opinion prior to 2020

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So, the "system" has mandatory training to show their systemic racism?
Sounds like the same "training" that's also taking place in the Sandia Labs which is a premier bastion of our nuclear weapons infrastructure.

All them highly educated physicists and engineers need woke management to make sure our missiles aren't racist.

If we don't deal with our "white fragility" as we maintain our national defense we might further offend the oppressed.
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Black people in America are the most prosperous black people in the world. Are there some white racists in America? Yes. Are there some black racists in America? Yes. Are there racists all over the world? Yes, racism is not exclusive to America.

Even though there are some racists in America this is not even remotely close to the majority nor is it in any policy that has been created in the last 50+ years.

We cannot take the few instances of police brutality and apply the stereotype to all cops. Just like should not take crimes committed by those in the black community and apply the stereotype to all blacks.

This is not that difficult to comprehend.
1994 crime bill?
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No doubt but the few white guys on the team aren’t going to rock the boat. Heck I’d say most of them even support it.

You're assuming "all" the black guys support it but I know it's highly probable but not a definite.
Sounds like the same "training" that's also taking place in the Sandia Labs which is a premier bastion of our nuclear weapons infrastructure.

All them highly educated physicists and engineers need woke management to make sure our missiles aren't racist.

If we don't deal with our "white fragility" as we maintain our national defense we might further offend the oppressed.

It’s a wonderful time to live.

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