Tennessee Lady Vol News

I wouldn't be surprised to see the game at Miss. State postponed or canceled because of weather. Mississippi got the same winter storm Tennessee received plus they had a coating of ice. There is another winter storm scheduled to hit the South starting Thursday plus frigid temps. We'll see if the Lady Vols take a chance on making that trip. If the game were to be canceled like a few years ago how would that affect the Lady Vols' chances of making the NCAA tourney. Would it help them or hurt their chances?
Depends on whether they were to win or lose.
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Tennessee projects to next four out not to bad considering how terrible the team has played all season. Eight SEC teams in so were 10th in the SEC right now as Arkansas is in the first four out.
A one year over 11 million profit over expenses so looks like we could hire anyone we wanted to in any sport. Cause the next year coming up looks even better.
I don't know, 11 mil doesn't even buy that many football players these days. And technically, all the money would have to go over to the collective to be distributed. I believe the universities can't directly do it.

But you would think if only for political correctness they'd toss a few crumbs the LVs way. I think some lawsuits are coming up this spring that will question how the funds are being distributed.
I don't know, 11 mil doesn't even buy that many football players these days. And technically, all the money would have to go over to the collective to be distributed. I believe the universities can't directly do it.

But you would think if only for political correctness they'd toss a few crumbs the LVs way. I think some lawsuits are coming up this spring that will question how the funds are being distributed.
One million more on the million were already paying should attract some top coach. There are only three or four making 2 million or more now. None can be used for NIL just ask Fla St.
IMG_0849.jpegIt’s interesting to see the breakdown of all the sports. UTAD uses women’s soccer and rowing to offset the high number of football players. Almost all of the rowers (50+) are walkons/novice.
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View attachment 611071It’s interesting to see the breakdown of all the sports. UTAD uses women’s soccer and rowing to offset the high number of football players. Almost all of the rowers (50+) are walkons/novice.
How do the basketball numbers work? I would have expected equal numbers between men and women, almost twice the number for women, how come? Thanks in advance for any answers, it’s probably something obvious I’m clueless about.
How do the basketball numbers work? I would have expected equal numbers between men and women, almost twice the number for women, how come? Thanks in advance for any answers, it’s probably something obvious I’m clueless about.
Not sure about Tennessee but some schools give half (or less) scholarships to some men in some sports like baseball. Number of participants is not the same as number of scholarships.
Women basketball has more scholarships available than men.
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One million more on the million were already paying should attract some top coach. There are only three or four making 2 million or more now. None can be used for NIL just ask Fla St.
And how much was spent on that trip to Europe last summer? The athletic department apparently has a ton of money and has enough to hire just about any coach they want.
And how much was spent on that trip to Europe last summer? The athletic department apparently has a ton of money and has enough to hire just about any coach they want.
Dont fool yourselves, amongst the SEC teams, UT could pay/get one of the best WBB coaches available each year if they chose to do so. I think your new AD will be willing to do so if he sees the need to make a move, the right person as HC at UT would wake the bear. Too much built into the system already historically to fail with the right HC in place, and the right coach won't take 5 years to get the ship off the ground at a place like UT. Not advocating for a change here, just surmising that if UT hired a true alpha coach that team would take off quick. If UT ever makes a change, they should go all out and go big, immediate turn around imo at a place like UT. It's been long enough now after PS that a new coach doesn't need to carry that burden, but the right coach could reignite it quickly given your history and support. Berube at Princeton looks interesting btw, but UT could go way bigger if they were set on it, the timing is right now, it’s been enough time since PS that the new coach doesn’t need to inherit that pressure now and can just build it their way. The sleeping giant could be rewoken with the right leadership quickly.
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Dont fool yourselves, amongst the SEC teams, UT could pay/get one of the best WBB coaches available each year if they chose to do so. I think your new AD will be willing to do so if he sees the need to make a move, the right person as HC at UT would wake the bear. Too much built into the system already historically to fail with the right HC in place, and the right coach won't take 5 years to get the ship off the ground at a place like UT. Not advocating for a change here, just surmising that if UT hired a true alpha coach that team would take off quick. If UT ever makes a change, they should go all out and go big, immediate turn around imo at a place like UT. It's been long enough now after PS that a new coach doesn't need to carry that burden, but the right coach could reignite it quickly given your history and support. Berube at Princeton looks interesting btw, but UT could go way bigger if they were set on it, the timing is right now, it’s been enough time since PS that the new coach doesn’t need to inherit that pressure now and can just build it their way. The sleeping giant could be rewoken with the right leadership quickly.
If UT went "way bigger", who would that alpha coach be ?
I'm having trouble coming up with someone that fits that description.
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If UT went "way bigger", who would that alpha coach be ?
I'm having trouble coming up with someone that fits that description.
UT is still a destination place where a coaching career can reach its heights, I don’t think there is much of any limitation on what UT could draw for a HC. Geno, Dawn and Tara are not going anywhere, but you have to think all the other coaches in WBB are fair game for UT if they pony up. I know Berube can coach, but can she recruit at an elite level in WBB? At UT she will be able to if she has that talent…..
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Not sure about Tennessee but some schools give half (or less) scholarships to some men in some sports like baseball. Number of participants is not the same as number of scholarships.
Women basketball has more scholarships available than men.
Not 34 though...15 for women, and is it 12 for men? Either a huge practice squad or a bunch of fake scholarships.

To bad we can't use some of this as Lady Vol basketball NIL money.
Actually each individual can. It's a bit tricky but if you go to the official University Tennessee Website and open the roster tab under a specific sport you will see a small script about providing NIL opportunities to your favorite athelete. Open the tab and pick out the apparel item you want to purchase. When you designate the name for the article of clothing, a NIL contribution from NIKE is generated.
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Not 34 though...15 for women, and is it 12 for men? Either a huge practice squad or a bunch of fake scholarships.
Several coaches got prosecuted for selling fake scholarships some years ago....at what point is a scholarship fake?

According to the game program, it looks like most of the regular women's team is on endowed scholarships.
If an endowed scholarship mentions basketball and has other criteria, is it legal?
Can said recipient satisfy Title IX requirements even if she never plays (I'm thinking yes)?

The coaches' prosecutions -- is the illegal part only that the scholarships were sold, or was it that certain students bypassed regular admission requirements?
Several coaches got prosecuted for selling fake scholarships some years ago....at what point is a scholarship fake?

According to the game program, it looks like most of the regular women's team is on endowed scholarships.
If an endowed scholarship mentions basketball and has other criteria, is it legal?
Can said recipient satisfy Title IX requirements even if she never plays (I'm thinking yes)?

The coaches' prosecutions -- is the illegal part only that the scholarships were sold, or was it that certain students bypassed regular admission requirements?
Scholarships vary by sport.
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Some sports are full scholarships only and cannot be divided up such as basketball, football, volleyball. Other sports can be divided up. I wonder if women’s basketball still uses guys for practice/scout team players like in Pat’s tenure, I know South Carolina does.
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Scholarships vary by sport.

The ground breaking Title IX legislation (1972 I think) tried to level the playing field.

Men's football has 85 scholarship unless you are under NCAA requirements to reduce which we are. I think we have 5 years to not issue 12 schoolarship.

Men's basketball has 13 scholarships. Women have 15.

Women volleyball has 12 scholarship. Men don't play.

Women have 14 ( I think) in soccer. Men don't play.

Softball has 12 and half for upto 27 players and upto 35 including walk ons. Same rules for men's baseball.

So you get the idea. Endowment scholarships just means someone has given the university money for investment to pay for a position. Every scholarship has to be paid for by the atheletic department to the academic side.
So can you account for the 34?
So can you account for the 34?

Yes, yes I can. No one at Tennessee is on a fake scholarship. What ever that is. The NCAA will allow up to 34 individuals to be part of the University of Tennessee Women's basketball team. You don't have to have 34 positions but would not be in violation of NCAA policy if you did.

15 full scholarships,
5 walk-ons as a minimum (men get 5)
? Male practice players

Coaches that sold positions on their teams committeed fraud were fired and prosecuted. The "advisor" that orchestrated these ridiculous scams committed fraud and was prosecuted. Parents IBID.
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UT is still a destination place where a coaching career can reach its heights, I don’t think there is much of any limitation on what UT could draw for a HC. Geno, Dawn and Tara are not going anywhere, but you have to think all the other coaches in WBB are fair game for UT if they pony up. I know Berube can coach, but can she recruit at an elite level in WBB? At UT she will be able to if she has that talent…..
What utter bs. This year Princeton has lost to UCLA, Indiana, and…wait for it, Rhode Island, who has already lost 7 games. What a magnet for recruits that would be.

If the Coaches “out there” are great, are they “great” because a special player is on the team, like when Arizona had their big time player, and when Kentucky beat SC for the SEC Tournament Championship, and a player such as Clark?

Coach Kellie has kept Tennessee in 3rd place in our conference since she’s been here, (the year before she came TN was tied for 8th place).

All the Coaches outside the SEC do not play in a conference that includes the last 2 NCAA Champions. They might not look so “great” if they Coached in the SEC Conference, and some won’t look so great once their star player leaves.

What utter bs. This year Princeton has lost to UCLA, Indiana, and…wait for it, Rhode Island, who has already lost 7 games. What a magnet for recruits that would be.

If the Coaches “out there” are great, are they “great” because a special player is on the team, like when Arizona had their big time player, and when Kentucky beat SC for the SEC Tournament Championship, and a player such as Clark?

Coach Kellie has kept Tennessee in 3rd place in our conference since she’s been here, (the year before she came TN was tied for 8th place).

All the Coaches outside the SEC do not play in a conference that includes the last 2 NCAA Champions. They might not look so “great” if they Coached in the SEC Conference, and some won’t look so great once their star player leaves.

Nah, Princeton is really good in spite of their recruiting deficiencies Ivy League and all, Berube can coach, she can coach her azz off tbh, get on board

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