Thankful for honest Vol fans about Hunter

I don't blame you.
My experience is just more than a random ortho that says yes when you ask him if you will ever be able to play kickball at the same level.

you sound a lot like govols/cc with your posts. Congrats on that

the dr who told me that worked at KOC and had a little experience with sports injuries. I was in college (19yo) and working to get back to playing soccer again. I had not yet begun my professional kickball career that was tragically cut short with my last surgery
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Hunter will have the much better rookie season. They both have the potential to have solid careers in the NFL. I wish the best to both of them and hope Hunter doesn't go to a craphole and the beginning of the 2nd.
I'm sorry. I can't sugarcoat this. This thread proves that some fans are just complete morons.

The kid shredded an ACL and was back playing football in 11 months. For a kid to go through the rehab and pain it takes to get back from an ACL and to then get called out for a lack of effort means you're either clueless or you like to treat football players like cattle.

I agree with what you say.. Justin's injury was tough; the way,it happened, the severity, rehab, the whole nine yards but you have to admit there were a few plays last year that were something more than just being gun shy after an injury.. The way he 'pulled up' to avoid contact on a few plays was obvious and alarming.

That being said he was most definitely the best pure wide receiver on the team.. I wish him well as I do ALL former VOLS...

Imagine Patterson with Hunters polish in route running and the hands he showed his fresman year...

One other thing, too many get to wrapped up in 'where' a player goes in the draft as opposed to the fact that the player simply 'went' in the draft and WILL have a chance to prove himself... God willing and the creek don't rise...
There were two Justin Hunters. The 2010 version that didn't know how to run routes but caught everything that came his way and the 2012 version that was a great route runner but had trouble making plays down the field and struggled with drops (but still had a 1000 yard season).

If the 2013 version puts the route running and playmaking together then the NFL should watch out!!! Good luck to the kid. Hopefully he knocks it out of the park next year and somebody has a 2nd round steal.
you sound a lot like govols/cc with your posts. Congrats on that

the dr who told me that worked at KOC and had a little experience with sports injuries. I was in college (19yo) and working to get back to playing soccer again. I had not yet begun my professional kickball career that was tragically cut short with my last surgery

Shocking that you would have a reinjury to a previously injured knee, being that its just like new with no residual effects.
Shocking that you would have a reinjury to a previously injured knee, being that its just like new with no residual effects.

I never claimed there were no residual effects much later in life. I also never claimed a repaired knee was made of Adamantium and thus impervious to any future injuries
I never claimed there were no residual effects much later in life. I also never claimed a repaired knee was made of Adamantium and thus impervious to any future injuries

That's fine, but to consider if a knee is as good as new, you need to look at more than a 2-3 year window and to see how the injury truly has affected the joint down the line. Most acl tears in teenager, college and pro athletes occur when they are young and can heal fast. You don't see as many guys in their 30's coming back from ACL's because they can't heal as well, they will be a step slower, and their gait will probably change. They are usually written off for a reason at the pro level and it's not because their new knee will be the same as the old one.
That's all
Hunter was the best receiver going into the season. He did not perform like he did pre-injury. If he gets back to pre-injury form he will have a fine NFL career. His problem appeared to be mental.
I see on espn that Hunter has moved up and passed Patterson on the top graded board. Hunter definitely is the better receiver of the two but Patterson definitely needs work and make the transition and if he can do that then he can be a beast.
as pure WRs, I'd still take Da'Rick over both, even if Hunter never got the injury
Firstly Hunter may do very well, but remember back right before the season when Hunter was the #1 receiver by all the experts. As the season started many Vol fans were honest and not ripping Hunter, but saying he is not the best on the team. While others were unbelievable angry at those fans for just calling like we see...making excuses. It did not take long to see that CP put more effort and was just better, the NFL has confirmed this. Again Hunter may do very well, but I think it is good idea to cheer for your team as we do as vol fans, but at the same time it is okay to be critically honest about the players on the team, there is nothing wrong with that. Here is to Hunter doing very well and here is to Vol fans that get let's win the NC next year.:)

The book aint finished yet.
I'm sorry. I can't sugarcoat this. This thread proves that some fans are just complete morons.

The kid shredded an ACL and was back playing football in 11 months. For a kid to go through the rehab and pain it takes to get back from an ACL and to then get called out for a lack of effort means you're either clueless or you like to treat football players like cattle.

You took an opportunity and miss applied the context of what I was saying. I said Hunter may do very well, but this is a perfect of example of weak individuals that cannot make a critical evaluations. Again Hunter may do very well and that great, but he was not the best WR in the draft after two games in and everybody could clearly see it, yet people continued to throw stones like in this case of a critical evaluation of how he was playing. CP had the better year and was drafted earlier. Many said this after three games and were ripped for it. Not even sure what you are saying, my argument had nothing to do with Hunter coming back from ACL, it was that he was not playing well ACL or not. Did not matter, he was not the best playmaker from TN, period. Who knows how he will turn out.
Not even sure what you are saying, my argument had nothing to do with Hunter coming back from ACL, it was that he was not playing well ACL or not. Did not matter, he was not the best playmaker from TN, period. Who knows how he will turn out.

By this logic couldn't we have been ripping him for not showing up in the 2nd half of the FL game two years ago? I mean, why should the fact he had just torn his ACL keep people from criticizing him? (I hope the answer is obvious)

So he does come back and proceeds to be top 5 in the SEC in receptions, yards & TD's. So, even taking his criticisms into consideration, he was still the most productive WR on the team and one of the most productive in the entire league.

"Playmaker" I'd give to Patterson hands down. You seem to be a bit too inclined to overlap the attributes of being a "playmaker" with being an effective position player. JH was damned productive at the WR position in spite of coming back from major surgery.
Firstly Hunter may do very well, but remember back right before the season when Hunter was the #1 receiver by all the experts. As the season started many Vol fans were honest and not ripping Hunter, but saying he is not the best on the team. While others were unbelievable angry at those fans for just calling like we see...making excuses. It did not take long to see that CP put more effort and was just better, the NFL has confirmed this. Again Hunter may do very well, but I think it is good idea to cheer for your team as we do as vol fans, but at the same time it is okay to be critically honest about the players on the team, there is nothing wrong with that. Here is to Hunter doing very well and here is to Vol fans that get let's win the NC next year.:)

It is ridiculous to state that the NFL has confirmed that CP is better than Justin Hunter. How would you know? I'll bet more teams had Hunter ranked higher on their draft boards, so how is it the NFL "Confirmed" anything? The Vikings were trying to replace Percy Harvin who is a playmaker with the ball in his hands like CP. The only thing "confirmed" is that Minnesota thought CP was a better fit for them. Hunter clearly has the better skill set as a WR. It's almost like comparing Apples to Oranges. They won't even play the same position in an NFL offense because they are completely different players. If you think him being drafted higher means he's better then I guess that means EJ Manuel was the best QB in the draft and Sam Bowie was better than Michael Jordan. Just Plain Stupid!
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CP is special with the ball in his hands. Hunter was more of a WR. You could argue that Zac Rodgers was the best WR last year.

Ahh sorry... but the best WR for the Vols last season went in the 1st round to the Vikings with the 29th pick.

He had the most catches and receiving yards on the team this year?

Dropped passes

Did not make aggressive plays on the ball

Did not always hustle his routes

He was NOT the same player. He was either still skiddish about the knee (which he denied) or else he was playing just to get to the draft. I guess it is also possible that Rogers physical style created more opportunities for Hunter.

I really like Hunter and always felt he was a better player than Rogers. But he didn't appear to be in it for the team last fall.

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