Thankful for honest Vol fans about Hunter

I'm sorry. I can't sugarcoat this. This thread proves that some fans are just complete morons.

The kid shredded an ACL and was back playing football in 11 months. For a kid to go through the rehab and pain it takes to get back from an ACL and to then get called out for a lack of effort means you're either clueless or you like to treat football players like cattle. is extremely tough and hard work to come back from his injury...and it certainly doesn't mean that I want to treat him like cattle if I believe that he didn't give his all for Tennessee on the field last year. I believe he gave his all for Justin Hunter--just like Jamaal Lewis back in 1999--and I do wonder if you think Jamaal gave his ALL FOR TENNESSEE back in 1999? So, why is there a double-standard now???

Honestly--after reading all the stuff about CDD's tenure--I have come to believe that most of the players just flat out hated CDD and his Saban-wannabe-mentality and actions. They just didn't respect him and would not give their all for CDD.

So, yes, I do believe Hunter short-armed some passes, laid down sometimes, and protected his future. And he is now gonna pay for it in the NFL draft. No matter what he thought about CDD--the GMs have questioned his toughness and durability and simply will not stake their reputations and careers on drafting a slender WR who falls down in the face of two CANDY DBs in the first round!

However, I do hope he gets an opportunity to prove himself in the NFL and has a lucrative and productive career. GO VOLS! :salute:
Last edited: is extremely tough and hard work to come back from his injury...and it certainly doesn't mean that I want to treat him like cattle if I believe that he didn't give his all for Tennessee on the field last year. I believe he gave his all for Justin Hunter--just like Jamaal Lewis back in 1999--and I do wonder if you think Jamaal gave his ALL FOR TENNESSEE back in 1999? So, why is there a double-standard now???

Honestly--after reading all the stuff about CDD's tenure--I have come to believe that most of the players just flat out hated CDD and his Saban-wannabe-mentality and actions. They just didn't respect him and would not give their all for CDD.

So, yes, I do believe Hunter short-armed some passes, laid down sometimes, and protected his future. And he is now gonna pay for it in the NFL draft. No matter what he thought about CDD--the GMs have questioned his toughness and durability and simply will not stake their reputations and careers on drafting a slender WR who falls down in the face of two CANDY DBs in the first round!

However, I do hope he gets an opportunity to prove himself in the NFL and has a lucrative and productive career. GO VOLS! :salute:

You realize someone already ponied up and picked Hunter as the 34th pick right?
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You took an opportunity and miss applied the context of what I was saying. I said Hunter may do very well, but this is a perfect of example of weak individuals that cannot make a critical evaluations. Again Hunter may do very well and that great, but he was not the best WR in the draft after two games in and everybody could clearly see it, yet people continued to throw stones like in this case of a critical evaluation of how he was playing. CP had the better year and was drafted earlier. Many said this after three games and were ripped for it. Not even sure what you are saying, my argument had nothing to do with Hunter coming back from ACL, it was that he was not playing well ACL or not. Did not matter, he was not the best playmaker from TN, period. Who knows how he will turn out.
1). I'm not sure I understand what the bolded sentence means.

2) I wasn't targeting you per se with my rant. I was speaking more to the notion I saw a couple of times in the thread that Hunter just didn't try hard enough.

3) I'd argue that Hunter was the better WR and Patterson was the better player. Patterson made some incredible plays, but he also ran some goofy routes at times that got us in trouble.
Hmmm, NFL draft professional analysts mentioned it takes 2 yrs to fully recover from ACL tear but...many on here disagree...who to believe????
Hmmm, NFL draft professional analysts mentioned it takes 2 yrs to fully recover from ACL tear but...many on here disagree...who to believe????

It almost took a year before Derrick Rose was given the green light to return and he still hasn't returned because he doesn't feel comfortable. AP's comeback was amazing but Rose choosing to sit out some of the season and now the playoffs even after doctors ok'd him to return speaks volumes about ACL tears. It can be different for everyone and the mental aspect appears to be an issue. I can also attest to watching David West on the Pacers that it can take two years to fully recover. He returned last season from an ACL tear the previous season. I think he looked fine last season but... he got better towards the end of the season and you can tell he looked muuuch better this season.

I do think Justin Hunter looked better prior to the injury but that could just be because he was still getting back to full strength and the mental aspect of re-injuring his knee held him back from doing some of the things he felt comfortable before the injury. Derrick Rose has been practicing with the team full contact for quite a while now but he still won't come back and play against other opponents because he can't jump and make cuts the same way he did before. Plus, I think he's scared of taking contact from players who won't go easy on him. With a year under Hunter's belt to shake the cobwebs and another off-season to heal, it's possible he'll come back better than ever. Hope so anyways.
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CP is special with the ball in his hands. Hunter was more of a WR. You could argue that Zac Rodgers was the best WR last year.

Zac was legit. I loved him at UT...

But anyways, CP is an all purpose yardage guy. He can do it all on a high level. But Hunter is the better Wide Receiver.

He runs routes better, he catches with his hands - not his body as CP often does, he is just as fast as CP, and he can out jump just about any one. At the receiver position, Hunter is better and I have always honestly said that. However, CP is still extremely special as well. Hopefully they will both do well in the NFL. As a Titans fan, I am stoked to see Hunter stay in Tennessee.
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Not only should you not call someone a moron when you are dead wrong, but surely don't do it while butchering the English language twice in the same sentence.

Oh, my bad, I'm dead wrong bc YOU said I was....yet 7 other people thought I was right....I forgot I was in an English writing class while posting on a football forum....please Teacher, don't give me a failing grade...I don't think I could live with myself....

What was I dead wrong about? The fact he DROPPED passes? The fact he went down as soon as contact was imminent? Please oh please WISE(a$$) one, enlighten me....

Edit: It is now 8 other people......
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1). I'm not sure I understand what the bolded sentence means.

2) I wasn't targeting you per se with my rant. I was speaking more to the notion I saw a couple of times in the thread that Hunter just didn't try hard enough.

3) I'd argue that Hunter was the better WR and Patterson was the better player. Patterson made some incredible plays, but he also ran some goofy routes at times that got us in trouble.

I said over and over he may do very well and that is great. What I am saying is when somebody would say, Hunter is not playing well or CP is better, people immediately said you are dead wrong, he is top 10 in the draft easy. The point is, Hunter for whatever reason did not give his all for TN last year in my mind. I don't hate him for it, but CP was better. Now you did not say this, but somebody said that by that logic he should have played in the second half against Florida. No you are wrong I did not say that, don't change my logic, I said very clearly he did not play to his potential last year. May mean nothing for him, but we may have won a few more games if he had. My main point is it is okay to say a player for TN is not doing as well as he should. I disagree when people say these are kids, they are not. A lot of us had familes and a full time job and went to college all at the same time at their ages...heck Hunter has a kid. It is okay to say, this guy is not playing with great effort. Does not mean we do not like TN.
Why wait until next year for the NC? Despite our whines about the QBs, things happen. HereÂ’s the recipe:

1 lb cups of mallard breast
½ lb of gator tongue
3 cups of sea water mixed with 2 tbs red food dye
1 lb de-boned chicken wings
2 tsp of ground tiger claws
3 cups of wimp flour

Simmer the meat products for an hour while stirring slowly. Flash fry and sit aside.
Mix red water with ground claws and flour. Add some last minute nervous wreck.
Pray earnestly for the timer to expire while boiling the mixture on high temperature.
Combine all ingredients and stir briskly. Place in direct contact with the electric heating coils
to shock cook the dish. Add liberal amounts of Texas PeteÂ’s and serve to Urban and watch his eye go buck wide.

Pretty sure no one was saying CP was the best reciever. And if you did, that is stupid because even though he was, he hadn't played a down yet in D1 football.

Most of those people thought david Ricky was the best reciever on the team.

Guess who is also still on the board...

Da Ricky and Bray are both still on the board.
It takes 18 to 24 months to be back 100% plus from an ACL injury for a skill player, You can get back onto the firld in less than a year but to be at 100% plus improving takes at least 2. Yes there are some examples of some players who did, but they are the exception. Also having DaRick Rogers act like a selfish fool just before the season allowed other teams to put extra focus on Hunter. I can only imagine how good last years offense could have been with Rogers and Cam Clear on the field with Hunter CP and Z rogers.
you sound a lot like govols/cc with your posts. Congrats on that

the dr who told me that worked at KOC and had a little experience with sports injuries. I was in college (19yo) and working to get back to playing soccer again. I had not yet begun my professional kickball career that was tragically cut short with my last surgery

That's a shame. Bet you were a great kickballer.

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