That's racist!

Yes he used excessive force because Floyd was black. Floyd's crime was a counterfeit 20 bill FYI
Any white dude would be alive after such an egregious crime. Probably out on probation.

Lol. It wasn’t Floyd’s first arrest. He put on the same act while resisting every time. The world is a better place without him.
I saw on the news that the cop is charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter - and the judge reinstated third-degree murder. In other words throw enough stuff out there and see if you can get something to stick. This kind of thing seems like double (or triple) jeopardy; like the DA is free to upscale charges and maybe get lucky but can always fall back on something else. That's disgusting. Why not just go for first degree murder too and claim Chavin had a previous run in with George and George skated, so he waited until George was up for grabs, and brought his killer knee to do the job. Motive, means, and opportunity.
I saw on the news that the cop is charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter - and the judge reinstated third-degree murder. In other words throw enough stuff out there and see if you can get something to stick. This kind of thing seems like double (or triple) jeopardy; like the DA is free to upscale charges and maybe get lucky but can always fall back on something else. That's disgusting. Why not just go for first degree murder too and claim Chavin had a previous run in with George and George skated, so he waited until George was up for grabs, and brought his killer knee to do the job. Motive, means, and opportunity.

I feel the same way about civil suits. How can a person be cleared of any criminal wrongdoing but still be forced to throw someone some money for something he, according to a court of law, didn’t do or wasn’t in the wrong for doing?
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Just narc'ed on him when I was 15. He was stealing internet from his ex employer, some tattoo shop in Canada somewhere. When he got his free feed cut it ruined his "international internet band devoted to Satan". He made a website dedicated to killing me and used a very blurry photograph of me from the Knox News Sentinel when I won some soccer goal scoring accolade as a freshman in high school. I remember telling him (on mIRC) if you can't afford 14.4 dial up internet, how can you afford to drive down to Tennessee to kill me? 25 years later, still kicking!
Its funny that our resident Black fister fan continually uses the word "privilege". I had a black female (I think) say that to me recently. Do left wingers think that works on non left wingers? Do you even know what you are saying/asking when you throw out the "privilege" word? Something tells me you don't.
Its funny that our resident Black fister fan continually uses the word "privilege". I had a black female (I think) say that to me recently. Do left wingers think that works on non left wingers? Do you even know what you are saying/asking when you throw out the "privilege" word? Something tells me you don't.
It think that you are supposed to be embarrassed for people to perceive you to have privilege.
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It was not close to equal. We have and have had a large Asian and Latino population here. The white population has increased in Oakland.
As a percentage or just a pure number?

Either way this is the equality you claim to want. But as soon as you get it you want preferential treatment.

The suburbs were the original locations of gentrification, the rural poor, largely white, get pushed out further and further. Now the cities are going thru the same experience. It's funny you complain about the black neighborhood becoming poor, then in the same breath complain about gentrification.
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Hold on.
I thought those racist bastards in Ga made water illegal at the polls to keep thirsty black people from voting?

turns out the the law says poll workers are to provide water at the polls. So just like everywhere else in the United States partisans are not allowed to interact with anyone waiting to Vote.

I’m going to turn on cnn and see if they apologized for outright lying
Not sure why people are up in arms about it.

Voting times got lengthened and formalized. Absentee ballots were formalized.

About the only reduction I saw were on ballot boxes not being allowed outside polling locations.
You are clearly judging again and it honestly sounds crazy. 🤦‍♂️
Who the hell are you to make these determinations?
I call it how I see it. This. Is. Privilege.
Seeing actual reality and having knowledge of sociological trends isn't privilege, it's not being an emotionally stunted idiot duped by a political party for votes
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Just the thought alone that race can affect someone’s intelligence is beyond ridiculous. I am mincing my words in an effort to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Again, please explain, unless you’re a spineless coward.
Darwin said that, I didn't....culture is the issue not race, some cultures are just superior to others
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