That's racist!

I wonder what percent "nearly everybody" is? I'm going to guess less than 5%. Maybe @Tastylicks can set me straight.

do you know any officers?

have a 20 minute conversation with one and I guarantee they will bring up a "problem" where they had someone who resisted. Maybe it would only take 10 or 15 mins but I'm hedging my time :)

seems pretty common to me. People don't like to be arrested (duh)
do you know any officers?

have a 20 minute conversation with one and I guarantee they will bring up a "problem" where they had someone who resisted. Maybe it would only take 10 or 15 mins but I'm hedging my time :)

seems pretty common to me. People don't like to be arrested (duh)
Having a story of resisting isn't the same as "nearly everybody resists" arrest. Lmao.
do you know any officers?

have a 20 minute conversation with one and I guarantee they will bring up a "problem" where they had someone who resisted. Maybe it would only take 10 or 15 mins but I'm hedging my time :)

seems pretty common to me. People don't like to be arrested (duh)
Is there any way that a person could prevent themselves from being arrested and having to go to jail?
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yes. But thats not what we were discussing
Imo..... you play stupid games..... you win stupid prizes..... George Floyd played that game and lost.....if evidence shows that the technique was what caused his death and outside department policy then the cop should go to jail..... if Floyd would be alive today if hadn’t ingested drugs into his system then the cop is innocent, imo.
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Imo..... you play stupid games..... you win stupid prizes..... George Floyd played that game and lost.....if evidence shows that the technique was what caused his death and outside department policy then the cop should go to jail..... if Floyd would be alive today if hadn’t ingested drugs into his system then the cop is innocent, imo.

the (now former) cop is not innocent. You can't watch that video and tell me the officer was doing his job properly. The drugs will be a major argument and will probably be the reason he gets off, but that don't make him innocent
the (now former) cop is not innocent. You can't watch that video and tell me the officer was doing his job properly. The drugs will be a major argument and will probably be the reason he gets off, but that don't make him innocent
The video is damning imo..... it depends on what the forensic evidence shows..... if the hold strangled Floyd then he deserves to go to jail....if he couldn’t breathe to OD’ing on drugs then the cop is innocent of murder.
The video is damning imo..... it depends on what the forensic evidence shows..... if the hold strangled Floyd then he deserves to go to jail....if he couldn’t breathe to OD’ing on drugs then the cop is innocent of murder.

the thing is even if I'm to believe Floyd was dying because of the drugs (I don't), then shouldn't the officers be helping the dying man?

'Serve and protect' used to be a thing...
nationwide Only 17% of arrests require the officer to use force according to the justice department. That’s not “nearly everybody “ so you’re wrong. If you don’t believe it learn to use google.

The discussion was on resisting arrest. Use of force stats do not refute that in any way. Especially since they likely dont use force on certain demographics
the thing is even if I'm to believe Floyd was dying because of the drugs (I don't), then shouldn't the officers be helping the dying man?

'Serve and protect' used to be a thing...

For the 100th time, a police officer’s job is to enforce the law not “serve and protect”. That is a motto on the side of a police car just like “In God we trust”
The discussion was on resisting arrest. Use of force stats do not refute that in any way. Especially since they likely dont use force on certain demographics
Nice try moving the goalposts. If the officer is not having to use force then the criminal is not resisting. You are a joke. Totally pathetic troll. Your only existence on here to convey your anti white crap. You are the problem with society today.
BS!!! and disrespectful to our police who diffuse situations without force daily ...
I thought you said “nearly everybody resisted”? So we must not have any police diffusing the situation. The only BS in here is you. And you’re the one that’s disrespectful. I’m just stating a facts. Like I said your a troll, an instigator, and worthless to the board.
I thought you said “nearly everybody resisted”? So we must not have any police diffusing the situation. The only BS in here is you. And you’re the one that’s disrespectful. I’m just stating a facts. Like I said your a troll, an instigator, and worthless to the board.

uhhhh what? the police officers diffuse resisters.

is this hard to understand or something? No. I dont think so

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