That's racist!

nope it was an accident and a tragedy that one of those poor murdering teens lost her phone! ammirite? Pakistani immigrant uber diver lives don't f'in matter! (PIUDLDFM!)
The only reason his life doesn’t matter is because he was killed by 2 black girls, they would be screaming and rioting if 2 white girls killed him
The only reason his life doesn’t matter is because he was killed by 2 black girls, they would be screaming and rioting if 2 white girls killed him
I know and one of those @BayVol marxists lost her phone when she murdered that legal immigrant! She needs some phone reparations!

Bunch of big dudes lookin' like bouncers just casually watching and the one guy comes up and closes the door. I can almost see the argument against intervening while the guy is actively beating people. He's obviously mentally unstable and could have a gun or something similar. But once he is gone, you could at the very least go help the woman. Good grief.
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