That's racist!

Ghetto and trailer park cultures are inferior....disregarding normal family structures, supporting gang and drug culture, dropping out of school, lack of fathers in the home, constant generations of welfare due to laziness, no work ethic, always blaming others for your own decision making, aggression and violence to handle problems.

That is inferior culture from any race (white, black, hispanic or asian)

We once had a gang problem within the white community - most of it seemed Italian and Irish mob related - which has been mostly cleaned up. Now it's black and Hispanic gangs creating an even more thuggish culture which apparently we don't have the will to clean up ... because today that would be racist apparently. Somehow we have to create the mindset that cleaning up criminality and corruption is racially/culturally blind, and get on with the job.
We once had a gang problem within the white community - most of it seemed Italian and Irish mob related - which has been mostly cleaned up. Now it's black and Hispanic gangs creating an even more thuggish culture which apparently we don't have the will to clean up ... because today that would be racist apparently. Somehow we have to create the mindset that cleaning up criminality and corruption is racially/culturally blind, and get on with the job.
It's not really cleaned up. They are just paying taxes now on their legal gains. If uncle sugar got his cut of the crack biz he wouldnt be violently shutting down dealers.
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It's not really cleaned up. They are just paying taxes now on their legal gains. If uncle sugar got his cut of the crack biz he wouldnt be violently shutting down dealers.

I know that was the reason for the "mostly" part - "somewhat" might have been a better word. The old organized crime is tamer and more "civil" - moving into white collar crime, and not so much gunning people down in the street to incentivize compliance; but as you say, it's still there. We keep importing problems - like Russian and other eastern European thugs - doesn't say much for our "immigration" policy.
nope, literally none of that is true.

I only called 1 person racist and its because he had about an ignorant a take on the black community in the United States as I've seen in quite some time.

Your silly pee wee herman stuff is just dumb. grow up and be an adult
I have a friend from Ghana that thinks the same thing.
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Impressive. I can never tie a tie for someone else. Can't tie one using a mirror either.
I heard the comedian Killer Beaz in an interview one time tell a story about this. He said his father was a mortician and would make him lay down on the kitchen table in order to tie his tie on Sunday mornings before church.... he said it was the only way his dad could do it
This is crazy. This happened in my hood.

“He was very enraged and very angry and upset,” Myers recounted. “I just couldn’t understand, like...Why was he so angry? He had an All Lives Matter shirt, started yelling at me with his shirt and told me that I was racist started telling me how our business was and, um, that he should sue us, but he wouldn’t get much and how he just didn’t want us at the kitchen. I told him he was being very unprofessional; that he was making me feel uncomfortable. So I told him, ‘let’s go outside and have the meeting’ because I was in that corner.”

“My wife starts telling me what [Toot] said,” Odubajo explained. “So and he interrupts and says: ‘Basically we don’t want to do business with you guys.’ I told him it didn’t make any sense and that he was coming off as rude and disrespectful. That’s when he took a deep breath and drew his pistol.”

Odubajo immediately leapt from his seat and grabbed Toot’s hand. When she realized what was going on, Myers helped her husband restrain Toot before calling the police. While waiting for law enforcement authorities to arrive, Odubajo held on to Toot’s gun hand so he couldn’t shoot them...

“I didn’t really want to call the police because I was scared,” said Myers. “I thought they might kill my husband if I call the police because he’s a Black man pinning down a white and it don’t look right. So I’m just like, do I call? Do I not call? What do I do? We didn’t know what to do, honestly.

“Once I did call the police, the first thing I said was: ‘Somebody’s trying to kill us! At the same time, I’m like, ‘please don’t kill my husband when you come to handle this situation.’”

Business Owner Restrains Man Who Pulled Gun on Him

VN Store
