That's racist!

Honest question. Is this quote racist? I KNOW it is! It's sad that he is so beloved.

"there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I suppose, will forever forbid the two races living together upon terms of social and political equality, and inasmuch, as they cannot so live, that while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, that I as much as any other man am in favor of the superior position being assigned to the white man.โ€

Abraham Lincoln "The Great Emancipator" Quote:

Cancel Culture..............Do your thing!
News flash, most people aren't hateful and ignorant. Most people just want to live their lives in peace without being lectured about how racist they are and that the system they have succeeded in is inherently racist. Quit telling people to "be better" who are already doing their best.

I disagree. I don't think everyone is doing their best. Maybe its my Catholic upbringing, idk, but I believe we are all sinners and need to be better

that was probably my no.1. issue with Donald Trump and what he stood for. He told people it was okay to be ignorant, racist, etc. I just cannot imagine being happy with personal ignorance and this country was never like that, we always tried to be better
I fit your description except for one detail. I no longer care if someone wants to lecture me about how racist I am. When someone goes down that path, I switch channels or stations (unless I derive comedic value from them). It's never happened face to face, but if it did, I would either walk away or ignore them. People who see racism in everything are labeling who they are far more than they are labeling who I am.
It only happened once, walked away saying my name is not white, while being verbally accosted by a young black man. It says much more about him than me.
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I disagree. I don't think everyone is doing their best. Maybe its my Catholic upbringing, idk, but I believe we are all sinners and need to be better

that was probably my no.1. issue with Donald Trump and what he stood for. He told people it was okay to be ignorant, racist, etc. I just cannot imagine being happy with personal ignorance and this country was never like that, we always tried to be better
Link proof
Anyone who throws out racist as causally as she does is never to be taken seriously
I haven't looked much, but it seems like a parody account.
"They're just frustrated from centuries of oppression under the white hegemony. Obviously this kind of lashing out is to be expected and tolerated until true justice exists."
True justice is me running over whoever tries to stop me. The meaning of justice is โ€œ to be left aloneโ€ apparently they donโ€™t want justice because I highly doubt any white in Sherman has oppressed the rioters. To chase any white down and beat them is illogical stupidity and the exact same mentality they are trying to defeat.
Who is that quote from?
True justice is me running over whoever tries to stop me. The meaning of justice is โ€œ to be left aloneโ€ apparently they donโ€™t want justice because I highly doubt any white in Sherman has oppressed the rioters. To chase any white down and beat them is illogical stupidity and the exact same mentality they are trying to defeat.
Who is that quote from?

It was me speaking as a Social Justice political imbecile. It isn't a direct quote from any one person, but it is definitely an argument I've heard repeated time and again by multiple cultural terrorists.
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It was me speaking as a Social Justice political imbecile. It isn't a direct quote from any one person, but it is definitely an argument I've heard repeated time and again by multiple cultural terrorists.
I know Iโ€™ve seen that mentality coming from several political activists, sjwโ€™s and even some elected leaders.
I disagree. I don't think everyone is doing their best. Maybe its my Catholic upbringing, idk, but I believe we are all sinners and need to be better

that was probably my no.1. issue with Donald Trump and what he stood for. He told people it was okay to be ignorant, racist, etc. I just cannot imagine being happy with personal ignorance and this country was never like that, we always tried to be better
Link to DT telling people its ok?
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Welcome to indoctrination 101.
I say this because the same thing is done in North Korea. Take young concrete minds and apply concepts that require abstract thinking and you are ruining that child. This actually pisses me off.
I've been saying this for months. I even posted the slides from the courses.

This is straight brainwashing. Don't allow your kids to be subjected to this crap.
That's true, I have a lot to learn too. I think we can all be better as opposed to being proud of our ignorance as many seem to be
The young are more ignorant and clueless than older generations. Part of what's wrong with society and the downward trend. With experience comes wisdom, with youth comes careless exuberance. The 30 year old you should always be better than the 18 year old you. The young have more to learn from us than we do from them.
I've been saying this for months. I even posted the slides from the courses.

This is straight brainwashing. Don't allow your kids to be subjected to this crap.
Iโ€™ve known this since my children were in school. Even went face to face with the principle over a few things. I believe my words were โ€œ you arenโ€™t teaching my children that crapโ€ they can have a recess during that curriculum.
Iโ€™ve known this since my children were in school. Even went face to face with the principle over a few things. I believe my words were โ€œ you arenโ€™t teaching my children that crapโ€ they can have a recess during that curriculum.
They're abandoning any facade of subtlety.
I disagree. I don't think everyone is doing their best. Maybe its my Catholic upbringing, idk, but I believe we are all sinners and need to be better

that was probably my no.1. issue with Donald Trump and what he stood for. He told people it was okay to be ignorant, racist, etc. I just cannot imagine being happy with personal ignorance and this country was never like that, we always tried to be better

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