That's racist!

The law will cause voter suppression. No one here is arguing that for a reason. It was basically the purpose of the bill.

^This is a claim. Seems you’re confused.
I’ll take the link now ☺️

You confuse voter suppression with voter inconvenience. Get over it. Do you think we should abolish background checks for people wanting to more easily exercise their 2A rights?
It’s so important to them they have to be solicited to register and have someone lick a stamp for them while never leaving the house. Hell dims want people to automatically be registered. Lol. Let a career criminal get shot committing a crime though and leaving the house for that free tv and to burn s**t down isn’t so inconvenient. 🤣
I’m for letting every citizen vote ftr
Hard to refute hate.
It is easy to do in fact. Who are you to speak for minorities?? To say voting is not important to them barely deserves comment.
Your other dumb point? Dems are anti-suppression because they are currently the party of the majority 🤦‍♂️

Who are you saying I hate? I don't hate minorities. I hate lying, hypocritical, "say one thing an mean the other," a$$holes.

The Dems are the ones saying needing an ID is voter suppression. They are pointing this "suppression" at the black community. I promise you, a majority of black people have an ID and don't have an issue proving their ID. The Dems are the ones that have an issue with this. Who is really the racist?
Nobody is stopping them. It’s up to every individual to determine how important it is to them. It doesn’t require a ballot harvester or less security for them to exercise that right.

I believe there is evidence the democrats were attempting ballot harvesting in the state of Tn but their requests were rejected for getting voter rolls. Sneaky ba$tards.
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No worse than chiropractors insisting to be called DR.
Don't get me wrong..... If I am in your office or classroom, or if we are talking about something that your degree pertains to, then I'll refer to you as DR., but otherwise you're just Mr. Ms., Sir or ma'am.

She's not a chiropractor and it was in a professional setting, this dude went out of his way to intentionally slight her after she corrected him. And if you're in a formal enough place where you're referring to a known Dr. as Mr. or Ms., then it's intentionally being disrespectful whether you want to admit it or not. I'm not saying you should or are required to use a formal title, but dismissing it in place of Mr or Ms is willful.
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She's not a chiropractor and it was in a professional setting, this dude went out of his way to intentionally slight her after she corrected him. And if you're in a formal enough place where you're referring to a known Dr. as Mr. or Ms., then it's intentionally being disrespectful whether you want to admit it or not. I'm not saying you should or are required to use a formal title, but dismissing it in place of Mr or Ms is willful.
1.I said it is no worse than, meaning it's no worse than a chiropractor wanting to be called Dr. in their every day life.
2.Why would someone want to be called Dr. in a setting that is outside their field of expertise?
3.Did you find it disrespectful that she interrupted him in the first place?
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She's not a chiropractor and it was in a professional setting, this dude went out of his way to intentionally slight her after she corrected him. And if you're in a formal enough place where you're referring to a known Dr. as Mr. or Ms., then it's intentionally being disrespectful whether you want to admit it or not. I'm not saying you should or are required to use a formal title, but dismissing it in place of Mr or Ms is willful.

It’s a case of double douchery. She was there as a member of the public and her name was listed only as first and last name from what is read from the interaction. Without other information, he addressed her as Mrs. she pulled the douche card and said call me Dr and he doubled down on the douchery by refusing.
Funny story: We toured Tech. When we left the engineering portion of the tour, he told me about the double major in Chem/Chem E. I said the classes which separate the men from the boys is Organic and P Chem. Our next stop was the business college. The dean was a Chem E major at Tech. When he heard of my son's plans, he repeated my words. The look on my kid's face was priceless. My son looked at me like I set him up.
Unless his needs change in college, I am not worried about him wanting to socialize with people except for the occasional DnD game.
Drunk n disorderly?
Hard to refute hate.
It is easy to do in fact. Who are you to speak for minorities?? To say voting is not important to them barely deserves comment.
Your other dumb point? Dems are anti-suppression because they are currently the party of the majority 🤦‍♂️

The only racist here is you. Your expectations of minorities are pretty in line with a supremacist who thinks they are lower and stupid.
What's your definition of citizen?
But you're opposed to people proving they're a citizen in order to vote?
How do you identify the citizens?

This question always send to go unanswered:
If you can't get a job or govt benefits without an id, how do people live?

@Weezer and @utvolpj I noticed you two also quoted his post. He asked me to define racist after he asked what laws were racist and I gave him an answer. He then made the post that you both quoted and I asked him the definition of citizen. After that, he disappeared.

PJ, is he a D4H alt? He sounds A LOT like him.
@Weezer and @utvolpj I noticed you two also quoted his post. He asked me to define racist after he asked what laws were racist and I gave him an answer. He then made the post that you both quoted and I asked him the definition of citizen. After that, he disappeared.

PJ, is he a D4H alt? He sounds A LOT like him.
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