That's racist!

Agree. Stick with what just worked.

The bold is a wrong assumption. I work for the two biggest city hall’s in the Bay and have worked for some of the most prominent people in the country. Not once have I been asked for my ID.

Are you an employee of theirs ?
Agree. Stick with what just worked.

The bold is a wrong assumption. I work for the two biggest city hall’s in the Bay and have worked for some of the most prominent people in the country. Not once have I been asked for my ID.

Panhandling in front of city hall doesn’t mean that you are employed there.
Wha ? I’m thinking you need to qualify what you mean by “ most jobs” . Do you mean most jobs that pay cash or most jobs in general ?
Jobs only require proof of identification. There are many ways to obtain this and not all jobs are sticklers about it.
Agree. Stick with what just worked.

The bold is a wrong assumption. I work for the two biggest city hall’s in the Bay and have worked for some of the most prominent people in the country. Not once have I been asked for my ID.
So what's it like cleaning the offices of some of the most prominent people in the "Bay"?
Agree. Stick with what just worked.

The bold is a wrong assumption. I work for the two biggest city hall’s in the Bay and have worked for some of the most prominent people in the country. Not once have I been asked for my ID.

Bulls**t. What about a SS card? What do you do when cashing or depositing a check? How did you even open a banking account?
Agree. Stick with what just worked.

The bold is a wrong assumption. I work for the two biggest city hall’s in the Bay and have worked for some of the most prominent people in the country. Not once have I been asked for my ID.
A chauffeur needs a DL
Disappointed in some of the Berkeley responses. My lady graduated from there so I cannot wait to show her the above.
I posted an article earlier if you need an education on the differences. 👍
To misquote a former president, it's not that people on your side of the political spectrum are ignorant, the problem is the facts you are convinced you know are wrong, and you are ignorant.
Agree. Stick with what just worked.

The bold is a wrong assumption. I work for the two biggest city hall’s in the Bay and have worked for some of the most prominent people in the country. Not once have I been asked for my ID.
you weren't asked for any form of id when hired? Interesting

It's not wrong. People who do not have a valid form of id are most likely hiding. They are almost certainly not gainfully employed in a legal occupation.
you weren't asked for any form of id when hired? Interesting

It's not wrong. People who do not have a valid form of id are most likely hiding. They are almost certainly not gainfully employed in a legal occupation.
It is an unfounded opinion. From my personal experience, the majority of minorities that I have met who do not have gov IDs grew up not understanding the importance or just do not care to obtain one because it does not make a major difference in their life.
you weren't asked for any form of id when hired? Interesting

It's not wrong. People who do not have a valid form of id are most likely hiding. They are almost certainly not gainfully employed in a legal occupation.

Besides picking tomato’s , lettuce, walnuts , grapes or standing on a comer waiting on a day job at 5am in Northern California , you will be required to show an id . Hell they looked at everything except my little toe nail before I was hired for a Tug job in the bay .
Besides picking tomato’s , lettuce, walnuts , grapes or standing on a comer waiting on a day job at 5am in Northern California , you will be required to show an id . Hell they looked at everything except my little toe nail before I was hired for a Tug job in the bay .
We need more info on this "tug job" in California?
It is an unfounded opinion. From my personal experience, the majority of minorities that I have met who do not have gov IDs grew up not understanding the importance or just do not care to obtain one because it does not make a major difference in their life.

So if a person does not understand the importance of having an ID in the world today, I am expected to believe they understand the issues on which they would be voting? What?
It is an unfounded opinion. From my personal experience, the majority of minorities that I have met who do not have gov IDs grew up not understanding the importance or just do not care to obtain one because it does not make a major difference in their life.
The list of things they can't do is staggering, like get a job to support themselves, but it wouldn't make a major difference in their life? And you believe these people should vote?

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