That's racist!

It is an unfounded opinion. From my personal experience, the majority of minorities that I have met who do not have gov IDs grew up not understanding the importance or just do not care to obtain one because it does not make a major difference in their life.
So instead of educating them on the importance of that you choose just to remove the requirement which allows the potential for fraud. Seems like a smart idea to me.
Welll, let me say I might have hauled several 1000 square bales. So you got me. Should I tell Uncle Sam about the income? If you have been around long enough to remember when people baled that many square bales congrats.
There were 3 of us that picked up over 3 thousand square bales of straw in one day. Granted straw is a lot lighter than hay, but it was a hell of a day. I wish my grandsons could have that experience but they're city folk and square bales are a thing of the past.
There were 3 of us that picked up over 3 thousand square bales of straw in one day. Granted straw is a lot lighter than hay, but it was a hell of a day. I wish my grandsons could have that experience but they're city folk and square bales are a thing of the past.
Yeah. The youth of today would scream abuse if they got stuck in a dusty field, 98 degree heat, and wasp filled barn loft with an old school country farmer screaming to hurry up before rain came. Man good times and I ain't lying.
I like the 14As definition @ bolded.
In this case, diversity makes us better because our representatives should, by and large, look like and share similar values with those they represent.
The USA is one of the most..... if not the most diverse country in the world. Take your white guilt agenda and shove it
How did they do it in the 2020 election? Let’s stick with what worked.

Easily. Many of the ID-less people never drive or fly. A lot have their IDs suspended or revoked and they never apply for recertification. Most jobs do not require an ID. It is not as much a necessity as some think.
If you’re too lazy or irresponsible to have your license reinstated if it’s revoked.... you’re probably too stupid to be voting anyway
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The USA is one of the most..... if not the most diverse country in the world. Take your white guilt agenda and shove it
What is interesting is that what he said is a bald faced lie. The only 'values' that matter are leftist 'values'. If you are a homogenous society/community that doesn't gybe with the leftist touchy feely world, your representation will be deemed racist or something with a -phobe on the end of it and virtue signaled into oblivion.

@BayVol7 is the most blatant racist I have ever interacted with.

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