That's racist!

The day after the class, however, she got an email from a student who said she had to "abruptly" leave the call because of Fischthal’s use of an "inappropriate slur."

"It was unnecessary and very painful to hear," the student wrote in the email seen by The Post.

Fischthal apologized to the student in an email and set up a private discussion online about the issue that she titled "Insensitive Language."

I'd bet she listens to and sings rap lyrics where that word is used over and over.

If we start flying Confederate flags, will these overly sensitive liberal bigots melt like the witches in the Wizard of Oz. I'd bet there's racist stuff in that story, too BTW. Book burning to exorcise our past?
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Police Investigating Attack On Military Vet Who Was Beaten, Called ‘White B*tch’ In Parking Lot Argument


Louisville police are investigating an attack that happened on Mother’s Day that left a military veteran with a broken nose, Wave 3 News reported.

Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown was attacked in a Kroger grocery store parking lot after a car was blocking her from leaving a parking spot, according to Wave 3 News. (RELATED: Hate Crimes Decreased During Trump’s Second Year In Office)

“I get out and I say, ‘Do you guys need any help?’ and she said, ‘F*** you, you white b****.’ I said, ‘Hold on, you don’t even know me,’” Brown said. “I said, ‘That’s fine. If you don’t need anything, that’s fine. I’ll get back in the car.’”

Ahlstedt-Brown, a disabled military veteran, said her attackers were four young black women in a Dodge Challenger or Charger, according to Wave 3 News. She claimed they threw a cup and then proceeded to assault her.

“I mean, they were beating me, and I was in a fetal position, covering my face, making sure they didn’t get my eyes,” she said.

Police Investigating Attack On Military Vet Who Was Beaten, Called ‘White B*tch’ In Parking Lot Argument
Police Investigating Attack On Military Vet Who Was Beaten, Called ‘White B*tch’ In Parking Lot Argument


Louisville police are investigating an attack that happened on Mother’s Day that left a military veteran with a broken nose, Wave 3 News reported.

Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown was attacked in a Kroger grocery store parking lot after a car was blocking her from leaving a parking spot, according to Wave 3 News. (RELATED: Hate Crimes Decreased During Trump’s Second Year In Office)

“I get out and I say, ‘Do you guys need any help?’ and she said, ‘F*** you, you white b****.’ I said, ‘Hold on, you don’t even know me,’” Brown said. “I said, ‘That’s fine. If you don’t need anything, that’s fine. I’ll get back in the car.’”

Ahlstedt-Brown, a disabled military veteran, said her attackers were four young black women in a Dodge Challenger or Charger, according to Wave 3 News. She claimed they threw a cup and then proceeded to assault her.

“I mean, they were beating me, and I was in a fetal position, covering my face, making sure they didn’t get my eyes,” she said.

Police Investigating Attack On Military Vet Who Was Beaten, Called ‘White B*tch’ In Parking Lot Argument

Hope they got the POSs, too bad we couldn't use them as cannon fodder and see how bad they really are.
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Tribalism is the thing that has been most responsible for holding civilizations back. Somehow the Europeans who colonized the US had turned their backs on it. We took that and dumped the concept of a monarchy, and it's served us well - until the left began trying to make us tribes. If you are busy fighting other tribes, you are too occupied to build or be a nation.
They are pushing the exact opposite of what they preach. Diversity by force doesn't create diversity but division... tribalism. Agreed. It doesn't just hold back civilizations, it can and has destroyed them.
They are pushing the exact opposite of what they preach. Diversity by force doesn't create diversity but division... tribalism. Agreed. It doesn't just hold back civilizations, it can and has destroyed them.

I've never figured out how we went from segregation to integration supposedly making everyone equal, and then to demanding that a diverse cult be separate, more than equal, and praised. It's something like take 2 of the Inca's reverence of the mentally disabled.
Flying Confederate Flag Deemed a ‘Hate-Related’ Offence by British Police


Police officers in Norwich, England have recorded a “hate-related public order offence” against a local resident who flew the Confederate flag to mark the anniversary of the death of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson.

Last week, Emily Robinson, a 34-year-old teacher — who recently moved back to the small English city from the left-progressive enclave of Brighton — made a complaint to the police about the house flying the Confederate flag.

The house reportedly has a longstanding tradition of flying different world flags on days associated with them, with a note posted explaining the history of the flag for the public to read.

Yet the teacher apparently took offence at the house flying the rebel flag after spotting it on a walk with her artist partner.

She told the Eastern Daily Press: “The Confederate flag is the flag used by southern states in the American Civil War who were fighting for the right to keep black slaves. It directly represents support for slavery.”

“To me, this is a great opportunity to educate people on how damaging this is to many people who are a minority in our lovely city — as I know many people may not have any reason to know why it is such a big deal,” she pronounced.

In response to Ms Robinson’s complaint, police issued “words of advice” to the owner of the house and recorded the flag flying as a “hate-related public order offence”.

Flying Confederate Flag Deemed a 'Hate-Related' Offence by British Police
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Flying Confederate Flag Deemed a ‘Hate-Related’ Offence by British Police


Police officers in Norwich, England have recorded a “hate-related public order offence” against a local resident who flew the Confederate flag to mark the anniversary of the death of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson.

Last week, Emily Robinson, a 34-year-old teacher — who recently moved back to the small English city from the left-progressive enclave of Brighton — made a complaint to the police about the house flying the Confederate flag.

The house reportedly has a longstanding tradition of flying different world flags on days associated with them, with a note posted explaining the history of the flag for the public to read.

Yet the teacher apparently took offence at the house flying the rebel flag after spotting it on a walk with her artist partner.

She told the Eastern Daily Press: “The Confederate flag is the flag used by southern states in the American Civil War who were fighting for the right to keep black slaves. It directly represents support for slavery.”

“To me, this is a great opportunity to educate people on how damaging this is to many people who are a minority in our lovely city — as I know many people may not have any reason to know why it is such a big deal,” she pronounced.

In response to Ms Robinson’s complaint, police issued “words of advice” to the owner of the house and recorded the flag flying as a “hate-related public order offence”.

Flying Confederate Flag Deemed a 'Hate-Related' Offence by British Police

But nobody is supposed to be upset about one of their favorite LGBTXYZ brands trotting around in full flaming pride. This kind of thing works two ways - either all sides get to be offended and "protected" or nobody does.
Flying Confederate Flag Deemed a ‘Hate-Related’ Offence by British Police


Police officers in Norwich, England have recorded a “hate-related public order offence” against a local resident who flew the Confederate flag to mark the anniversary of the death of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson.

Last week, Emily Robinson, a 34-year-old teacher — who recently moved back to the small English city from the left-progressive enclave of Brighton — made a complaint to the police about the house flying the Confederate flag.

The house reportedly has a longstanding tradition of flying different world flags on days associated with them, with a note posted explaining the history of the flag for the public to read.

Yet the teacher apparently took offence at the house flying the rebel flag after spotting it on a walk with her artist partner.

She told the Eastern Daily Press: “The Confederate flag is the flag used by southern states in the American Civil War who were fighting for the right to keep black slaves. It directly represents support for slavery.”

“To me, this is a great opportunity to educate people on how damaging this is to many people who are a minority in our lovely city — as I know many people may not have any reason to know why it is such a big deal,” she pronounced.

In response to Ms Robinson’s complaint, police issued “words of advice” to the owner of the house and recorded the flag flying as a “hate-related public order offence”.

Flying Confederate Flag Deemed a 'Hate-Related' Offence by British Police

Ironic when you consider the support Great Britain showed the Confederacy during the Civil War.
But nobody is supposed to be upset about one of their favorite LGBTXYZ brands trotting around in full flaming pride. This kind of thing works two ways - either all sides get to be offended and "protected" or nobody does.
I don't know if Britain protects free speech; or if it protects speech equally.
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Tribalism is the thing that has been most responsible for holding civilizations back. Somehow the Europeans who colonized the US had turned their backs on it. We took that and dumped the concept of a monarchy, and it's served us well - until the left began trying to make us tribes. If you are busy fighting other tribes, you are too occupied to build or be a nation.
Uhhhh there was a ton of tribalism amongst the white colonists. They just banded together to fight whatever outsider came along.
Police Investigating Attack On Military Vet Who Was Beaten, Called ‘White B*tch’ In Parking Lot Argument


Louisville police are investigating an attack that happened on Mother’s Day that left a military veteran with a broken nose, Wave 3 News reported.

Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown was attacked in a Kroger grocery store parking lot after a car was blocking her from leaving a parking spot, according to Wave 3 News. (RELATED: Hate Crimes Decreased During Trump’s Second Year In Office)

“I get out and I say, ‘Do you guys need any help?’ and she said, ‘F*** you, you white b****.’ I said, ‘Hold on, you don’t even know me,’” Brown said. “I said, ‘That’s fine. If you don’t need anything, that’s fine. I’ll get back in the car.’”

Ahlstedt-Brown, a disabled military veteran, said her attackers were four young black women in a Dodge Challenger or Charger, according to Wave 3 News. She claimed they threw a cup and then proceeded to assault her.

“I mean, they were beating me, and I was in a fetal position, covering my face, making sure they didn’t get my eyes,” she said.

Police Investigating Attack On Military Vet Who Was Beaten, Called ‘White B*tch’ In Parking Lot Argument
Imagine the stories had this been a black woman beaten by whites....
But nobody is supposed to be upset about one of their favorite LGBTXYZ brands trotting around in full flaming pride. This kind of thing works two ways - either all sides get to be offended and "protected" or nobody does.

imagine being so historically illiterate that you compare the stars and bars to the rainbow flag.
Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It


Christopher F. Rufo
Founder and Director, Battlefront
Christopher F. Rufo is founder and director of Battlefront, a public policy research center. He is a graduate of Georgetown University and a former Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy. As executive director at the Documentary Foundation, he has directed four films for PBS, including most recently America Lost, which explores life in Youngstown, Ohio, Memphis, Tennessee, and Stockton, California. He is also a contributing editor of City Journal, where he covers topics including critical race theory, homelessness, addiction, and crime.
The following is adapted from a lecture delivered at Hillsdale College on March 30, 2021.

Critical race theory is fast becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. Yet most Americans have never heard of it—and of those who have, many don’t understand it. It’s time for this to change. We need to know what it is so we can know how to fight it.

Follow the above link for the article.

Moderators @Freak : Imprimus is a FREE educational publication intended to be shared. Please reinstate the article.
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How is this not racism?

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a statement on Twitter Wednesday that she is "prioritizing media requests from POC reporters," or people of color, after some journalists accused her of giving interviews only to Black or Brown journalists...

Is it a shame that some people are white?

“It's a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American.”

This is exactly why I'm being intentional about prioritizing media requests from POC reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city.”

Hooray for this reporter:

Pratt criticized Lightfoot’s policy in a tweet on Wednesday, writing that “I am a Latino reporter @chicagotribune whose interview request was granted for today. However, I asked the mayor's office to lift its condition on others and when they said no, we respectfully canceled. Politicians don't get to choose who covers them.”

Is it OK if our politicians base who they grant interviews to on race?
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