That's racist!

Ok....Done. Still a dumb post even for you. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Why be lazy and assume when the facts are readily available?
You really going to try to debate that kids are taught to value hard work by many, if not most parents? They make excuses for kids failures instead of using them to teach the value of harder work equals better rewards.

You know nothing of me, I think most, even those who disagree with me would tell you I at least apply intellectual honesty, something that can't be said for you however.

Enjoy your racist, quasi anti racist organization that fleeces the intellectually arrested and lines their pockets.
Life isnโ€™t fair.
Some are born Into this crap and are trapped there. Iโ€™m not so concerned about whatโ€™s fair. We are spending the money on the poor either way. Under my plan the poor leave poverty and join the middle class paying their own way. Under the current plan we pay for the poor forever.
Itโ€™s sad but there are people who are trapped there and they canโ€™t get out.
You can't save everybody. You do what you can. Like you said in the other (imho BRILLIANT) post; welfare is designed to keep these people down. Instead of giving them phones and EBT cards, how about finding them some jobs? All I have been hearing on here for months is how hard it is to find employees.... well?
Now we just have to address the real issues. We agree there are issues, BLM the organization is doing nothing to address the issues or even advancing the main issues in the AA community.
Thatโ€™s because we are in a culture war in the guise of a race war. Jobs would mean conforming your speech, appearance and behavior to obtain and maintain employment. BLM tells them that having work culture is white culture. The ghetto sub culture has been made synonymous with race. BLM isnโ€™t out there supporting blacks integrating into the economy and overcoming challenges. BLM isnโ€™t condemning fatherlessness, criminality and thug life. They are applauding it. What happened to George Floyd was inexcusable, but to make him a martyr and compare to MLK is insane.
You can't save everybody. You do what you can. Like you said in the other (imho BRILLIANT) post; welfare is designed to keep these people down. Instead of giving them phones and EBT cards, how about finding them some jobs? All I have been hearing on here for months is how hard it is to find employees.... well?
They would actually HAVE to work. Lol
Do you think the black community bears any responsibility at all for their current situations?
I bet that's someone's alternate account. Someone who trolls poorly.
marxist calls EO a racist in five four three two one.......
Well, plants are being called racist these days by some people so. Fudge it.
Yeah I am getting to the point that I couldn't care less if one of these Khaki Karens calls me a racist. The word has no meaning anymore.
I can argue that pretty much anything is racist. Effortlessly.
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