That's racist!

You will attempt to present some heartfelt bs based on nothing but feelings. When facts get involved you have nothing of substance. Thanks for tapping out early.

Odd way of saying you don't bother with qualitative or quantitative research findings, even if they're longitudinal, viable, and reproducible.
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Rolling in claiming most social science is "reproducible" is a low-IQ post if I've ever seen one.

Analysing multiple studies with similar or identical methodologies from across multiple samplings fits my statement well. My first thought is methodologies, yours is insults. I'm sorry
Studies are like polls. You can always get the desired result you want if you want to.

And that's why you take into account positionality and statements of bias. Easy stuff. Good science self-identifies its biases and discuss how it corrects for them.
And that's why you take into account positionality and statements of bias. Easy stuff. Good science self-identifies its biases and discuss how it corrects for them.

“Good science” isn’t needed to identify any of the REAL issues associated with the idiotic victimhood mentality.
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Analysing multiple studies with similar or identical methodologies from across multiple samplings fits my statement well. My first thought is methodologies, yours is insults. I'm sorry

If your first thought is methodologies, then you'd realize one of the major problems in science across all fields- but especially in "social science"- is that we are sitting in an apparent replication crisis. Tell me- how can a social science be "repeatable" when no two humans have an identical path through life? That's just at the basic level- how can you have a "science", how can you run a real test, you can't even control the environment? This doesn't even consider the manufactured results that have destroyed the credibility of social "science" of late.

It's a low-IQ post because you went after someone while claiming social sciences are legitimate. It's downright goofy, if not some of the most pseudo-intellectual trash I've ever seen posted here.
“Good science” isn’t needed to identify any of the REAL issues associated with the idiotic victimhood mentality.
Science by definition can't fit any of the things he's addressing because there's no way to run an accurate test on a hypothesis- and there's often a total absence of a real hypothesis to test in the social sciences. It's an absolute insult.

Methinks this poster is somehow involved in leading people into a life of debt and barista wages.
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Methinks this poster is somehow involved in leading people into a life of debt and barista wages.

Not right now. I was Conservative Enemy #1, but I was passed over for the permanent position and non-renewed last week. So grab yourself a glass of your favorite and lift a toast to another unemployed PhD. I'm sure you'll sleep easier tonight.
Not right now. I was Conservative Enemy #1, but I was passed over for the permanent position and non-renewed last week. So grab yourself a glass of your favorite and lift a toast to another unemployed PhD. I'm sure you'll sleep easy tonight.
It seems to me that you can take a hit and still move forward.
I think you’ll be fine. Still praying for you just in case though
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It seems to me that you can take a hit and still move forward.
I think you’ll be fine. Still praying for you just in case though

It takes a lot more than septic shock, losing my leg, losing my mom, and losing my job to stop me. I have my dad's balls to the wall work ethic to match my faith. Someone cue up "Tubthumping" on the juke box, please. :)
Comments like, “this board needs a reminder” and calling out several specific posters as closet racist. Plus, your general platform that racism is systemic tends to come from a place where you assume racism and ask questions later. Take all those graphs you posted as “evidence” of systemic racism. Just because there is a lower % of black CEOs than % of black people in the country doesn’t automatically equate to an issue of racism. You’re oversimplifying the issue and jumping to a conclusion without all of the facts. Are there racist people? No question. That doesn’t mean it is as widespread as it would appear you believe.
But you are. What about Ricky’s post indicates he finds another race inferior?
No, assuming is what you’ve done in both of these posts. You have no clue who I’ve had correspondences with and how those conversations have gone.
No, your defense against being termed a racist is that you don’t think another race is inferior. You correctly identify THE defining characteristic of racism when it suits YOUR defense, but run when it defies your indiscriminate use of the term.
^You are having a boring, made up conversation with your self. You said I defined the term, I did not.
You should acquaint yourself with the statistical facts. There are five categories of violent crime: murder, rape, robbery. aggravated assault, and burglary. Of those, black Americans - less than 14% if the population - commit more than half of TOTAL murders and robbery, and grossly disproportionate rates of the other three. In fact, black Americans commit a slightly greater percentage of TOTAL violent crime than non-Hispanic/Latino whites who exceed their population by about 550%.
That is the principal reason black Americans come into contact with police more often, and are arrested and incarcerated at a racially or ethnically higher rate.
Lets have the convo! Why do you think all the above stated is true?
Yet police kill twice as many whites as blacks annually. Statistically, police should either be killing far fewer whites or killing far more blacks given the two groups rate of violent crime.
Huh? Now you’re being disingenuous. Feels intentional. Black people are six times more likely to die by the hands of the police than white people.
BLM, Antifa and other Marxist group are only able to proliferate in the absence and ignorance of those facts. The stats put the lie to claims of systemic racism.
Only in your slanted mind apparently.
Facts are not racist.
I’m keeping up just fine, thanks.
You’re doing better than last time but the jury is still out.
But that’s just it, they aren’t underserved. There are mountains of programs, private and public that target resources towards minorities, specifically blacks. In fact, you’re proving that point.
The above sounds like you either underestimate or do not understand their problems.
My husband and myself have served urban areas for the better part of two decades. I’ve lost count of the various 501c3’s and government funded programs dumping money into at risk communities. My take away is a large part of this isn’t humanitarian, but is instead condescending do-gooding. That being the twisted idea that blacks aren’t able to do for themselves, vote (know who to vote for) unless woke whites are there to guide them.
We should not assume when resources are readily available.
Closet racist? How so?
How many convos have we had during my time? This is not an unfounded opinion. You think black people are solely responsible for their place in the society and do not deserve help. You refuse to respond to numerous attempts of responses with substance but you attempt to disparage black people whenever you get the chance.
You really going to try to debate that kids are taught to value hard work by many, if not most parents? They make excuses for kids failures instead of using them to teach the value of harder work equals better rewards.
Who are “they?” An entire race? 🤦‍♂️
You know nothing of me, I think most, even those who disagree with me would tell you I at least apply intellectual honesty, something that can't be said for you however.

Enjoy your racist, quasi anti racist organization that fleeces the intellectually arrested and lines their pockets.
The bold still amounts to only your opinion, which is often off base.

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