That's racist!

No, assuming is what you’ve done in both of these posts. You have no clue who I’ve had correspondences with and how those conversations have gone.
I don’t. I’m going by what you’re posting here, including what you yourself used as evidence of systemic racism. It seems your own posts are fair game when it comes to proving your thought process. Sure it’s possible there’s more to the story but you haven’t offered anything else up that I’ve seen.
There are major issues in the system that are impossible to overcome. I also do not like negativity judging a group of people based on their race.
Impossible or difficult? If they're impossible to overcome, how do you explain successful black men like Barack Obama or Dr. Ben Carson? It's this myth that it's "impossible" that keeps some from trying. It's a fall back excuse. No child, of any color, should be taught success is impossible. Anything is possible if you're willing to put in the work and never give up.
The above sounds like you either underestimate or do not understand their problems.

We should not assume when resources are readily available.
I’m happy to take any specific issue and discuss.

I doubt you have any clue how much my family has invested and continues to invest. In addition to local work, I’m connected to groups in Atlanta, Bedford Stuy as well as skid row in California. The information sharing and what we’ve learned over 20 years is impressive.

My 20 year old daughter is 2nd gen and is now serving in two communities on a weekly basis. This in addition to being a full time student and working two jobs.

A good start would be to read two books. Toxic Charity and When Helping Hurts.

And again, I’d challenge you to look at your statement, which is subtly laced with critical race theory.

In addition to urban causes, I’ve also worked with Appalachian communities. These are nearly 100% white and are far worse in terms of quality of life. It has its differences, but much if not most of the issues are similar if not the same. Since it’s isolated and out of the view of many, it goes unnoticed. The biggest difference is that many of these folks are truly helpless. There are no jobs to get. Few resource centers and those that exist are miles away from the folks they serve.
Who are “they?” An entire race? 🤦‍♂️

The bold still amounts to only your opinion, which is often off base.
They equals parents. I already said it wasn't an issue only with AA but it is perpetuated at a high rate in that community as well as others.

If I'm off base you aren't even in the ballpark.
I’m happy to take any specific issue and discuss.

I doubt you have any clue how much my family has invested and continues to invest. In addition to local work, I’m connected to groups in Atlanta, Bedford Stuy as well as skid row in California. The information sharing and what we’ve learned over 20 years is impressive.

My 20 year old daughter is 2nd gen and is now serving in two communities on a weekly basis. This in addition to being a full time student and working two jobs.

A good start would be to read two books. Toxic Charity and When Helping Hurts.

And again, I’d challenge you to look at your statement, which is subtly laced with critical race theory.

In addition to urban causes, I’ve also worked with Appalachian communities. These are nearly 100% white and are far worse in terms of quality of life. It has its differences, but much if not most of the issues are similar if not the same. Since it’s isolated and out of the view of many, it goes unnoticed. The biggest difference is that many of these folks are truly helpless. There are no jobs to get. Few resource centers and those that exist are miles away from the folks they serve.
Kudos to you for raising a hard worker. Most kids her age are lazy. Really, most people under 30 are it seems. I actually had one guy in his upper 20s tell me that just by showing up regularly and working his designated hours that he would be ahead of 75%+ of people his age. What’s sad is he was probably right.
It takes a lot more than septic shock, losing my leg, losing my mom, and losing my job to stop me. I have my dad's balls to the wall work ethic to match my faith. Someone cue up "Tubthumping" on the juke box, please. :)
Keep pushing forward!
Would there be any benefit to the "discussion" in this thread by identifying a country where racism is non existent, or has the least impact on people? If we in America are doing it wrong and have a long, complex history of doing race relations wrong, perhaps we aren't the ones to be making suggestions on how to fix the problem. Assuming problems exist which are fixable and need to be fixed.

Which country is the model for the best race relations, best opportunity for all, and with the least negative impact on others?
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Would there be any benefit to the "discussion" in this thread by identifying a country where racism is non existent, or has the least impact on people? If we in America are doing it wrong and have a long, complex history of doing race relations wrong, perhaps we aren't the ones to be making suggestions on how to fix the problem. Assuming problems exist which are fixable and need to be fixed.

Which country is the model for the best race relations, best opportunity for all, and with the least negative impact on others?

Greenland and Iceland maybe?
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I saw some of that in Korea, a definite discrimination among the classes exists.
I've worked with people from Mexico and they have prejudice based on the skin tone and ancestry. Which I laughed at because they should know they are all dirty mexicans. That was a joke but the prejudice is real. I've heard Japan is incredibly racist / xenophobic (depending on who is talking about the country).

I believe there will always be a reason for some people to be prejudiced against others. I think it is in our nature. But I would still like to discuss countries where the prejudice is kept in check enough where racism isn't an issue (if such a place exists).

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