That's racist!

I've worked with people from Mexico and they have prejudice based on the skin tone and ancestry. Which I laughed at because they should know they are all dirty mexicans. That was a joke but the prejudice is real. I've heard Japan is incredibly racist / xenophobic (depending on who is talking about the country).

I believe there will always be a reason for some people to be prejudiced against others. I think it is in our nature. But I would still like to discuss countries where the prejudice is kept in check enough where racism isn't an issue (if such a place exists).

I don't know of a diverse country where it doesn't exist.
I poked around online yesterday and today trying to find minimally racist countries or societies. There were articles and resources which provided some rankings of racial equality and such. But I found their metrics to be ill defined.

I am leaning towards your thinking. Perhaps there isn't any country which can claim no racism. Which means my discussion needs to pivot to which countries are the least racist so we can copy what they're doing.
I poked around online yesterday and today trying to find minimally racist countries or societies. There were articles and resources which provided some rankings of racial equality and such. But I found their metrics to be ill defined.

I am leaning towards your thinking. Perhaps there isn't any country which can claim no racism. Which means my discussion needs to pivot to which countries are the least racist so we can copy what they're doing.

CHAZ holds the key to racial equity and peace
I poked around online yesterday and today trying to find minimally racist countries or societies. There were articles and resources which provided some rankings of racial equality and such. But I found their metrics to be ill defined.

I am leaning towards your thinking. Perhaps there isn't any country which can claim no racism. Which means my discussion needs to pivot to which countries are the least racist so we can copy what they're doing.

When you find some good examples let us know, it should be an interesting discussion.
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Not right now. I was Conservative Enemy #1, but I was passed over for the permanent position and non-renewed last week. So grab yourself a glass of your favorite and lift a toast to another unemployed PhD. I'm sure you'll sleep easier tonight.
Not sure why you'd think I'd relish in someone's suffering.

I certainly think a lot of people are wrong, wrong-spirited, and misguided, but I very rarely wish bad on them.

I hope things work out better in the future.
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And that's why you take into account positionality and statements of bias. Easy stuff. Good science self-identifies its biases and discuss how it corrects for them.
Well all this Chinese Flu nonsense surely shot that in the head.
I poked around online yesterday and today trying to find minimally racist countries or societies. There were articles and resources which provided some rankings of racial equality and such. But I found their metrics to be ill defined.

I am leaning towards your thinking. Perhaps there isn't any country which can claim no racism. Which means my discussion needs to pivot to which countries are the least racist so we can copy what they're doing.
You already answered this I think- the countries where "racism" is considered of low impact I would imagine have less diverse racial populations in general. Even then, I imagine, there are other -isms that people will bark about instead.

The problem I see is that racism is a deliberately muddy thing, designed that way to allow maximum abuse.

The funny thing is that hierarchies are natural and will always exist. The various -isms will never die, because it's a lazy explanation for the form of the hierarchy. Today it's racism, tomorrow it's sexism, and it's easy to pollute or pick the data one wants to justify their claim when they've boiled the world down to a single element.
I have asked this question many times and have yet to get any rational answer: Why is diversity better?
I could offer a lot of opinions on what I appreciate about living in a diverse society. But I don't think I can make a case economically, politically, or culturally that diversity is better.
You already answered this I think- the countries where "racism" is considered of low impact I would imagine have less diverse racial populations in general. Even then, I imagine, there are other -isms that people will bark about instead.

The problem I see is that racism is a deliberately muddy thing, designed that way to allow maximum abuse.

The funny thing is that hierarchies are natural and will always exist. The various -isms will never die, because it's a lazy explanation for the form of the hierarchy. Today it's racism, tomorrow it's sexism, and it's easy to pollute or pick the data one wants to justify their claim when they've boiled the world down to a single element.
2 economists from Sweden produced a world map showing the percentage of people who would NOT want a neighbor moving in of a different race. Many countries (including US) showed less than 5% would not want. Jordan and India (i think) were the worst at 40%+.
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I have asked this question many times and have yet to get any rational answer: Why is diversity better?
The sad state is that you can't simply ask that without being called a racist or whatever -ist is hot.

There are organizational behavior studies that show that certain population sizes for teams are ideal, and that there is a limit to the benefit of "diversity" (not just skin tone, but thought, background, etc.) for team success. I think you see this in society.

On top of that the "best" examples of societies we always hear about from the left, like parts of northern and western Europe, Japan, etc., are some of the least "diverse" places in the world.
2 economists from Sweden produced a world map showing the percentage of people who would NOT want a neighbor moving in of a different race. Many countries (including US) showed less than 5% would not want. Jordan and India (i think) were the worst at 40%+.

India is an absolute mess. The caste-based conflict is so bad you can feel it. Or maybe I'm just imagining things.
India is an absolute mess. The caste-based conflict is so bad you can feel it. Or maybe I'm just imagining things.
No, it's very bad there. That's the reality, rape is overlooked by the upperclass there. Been a huge movement by the lower castes to bring attention to it for the past year.
How many convos have we had during my time? This is not an unfounded opinion. You think black people are solely responsible for their place in the society and do not deserve help. You refuse to respond to numerous attempts of responses with substance but you attempt to disparage black people whenever you get the chance.

I think ALL people (not just black) are in "their place in society" because of the decisions and choices made by their parents, grandparents, and themselves.

I think people deserve help when they need it, but there are people who don't do the right things or flat out refuse any REAL help, and are lazy, (again ALL races).

If you think that is racist, then you simply can't be logically reasoned with.
Not right now. I was Conservative Enemy #1, but I was passed over for the permanent position and non-renewed last week. So grab yourself a glass of your favorite and lift a toast to another unemployed PhD. I'm sure you'll sleep easier tonight.
You were never an "enemy", don't think so highly of yourself, I seem to remember you were called out for some silly posts and then you took your ball and went home and cried in your research about it for a few months before coming back. Don't take a message board so seriously, it will help your mental state better
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Kind of building on our discussion this morning, America isn't perfect and let's assume it is still as bad as some claim it to be. We have people who are incredibly narrow minded (in all races) and we have a sordid history relative to racial and immigrant inclusion. With all that said, why do you think immigrants, especially immigrants of color, come to America with its racism? Is America less racist than the country from which they are emigrating? Is the opportunity so profound, they overlook the racism? Are they unaware the extent of racism in America?

Why come to a country as "bad" as America is with ethnicity and immigration?
I could offer a lot of opinions on what I appreciate about living in a diverse society. But I don't think I can make a case economically, politically, or culturally that diversity is better.
I agree with that and I honestly don't think anyone can to be frank. I am not advocating for a homogenous society, I just keep hearing about how diversity is our strength, and I would love to know why that is the case.
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