That's racist!

It obviously means that they think America offers them the chance of a better life for them and their kids.
Maybe they are unaware of how bad things actually are in America racially (according to the ones who make that claim).
Maybe they are aware but place racial harmony below being able to provide basic necessities.
What would you say is the percentage of POC immigrants who are unable to provide basic necessities in their home country?

My understanding is that America also attracts a decent amount of professionals who do well even in their home country. Engineers as an example which you're probably familiar with, too.

ETA: I may have confused the percent who come to our country as professionals with the number of professionals in our country who are immigrants.
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Tulsa was a mutually combative race issue that was started by and blown out of proportion of by the media which fueled the fire by both sides. Even then many "facts" have been exaggerated or outright made up by people since.

Confederate monuments had little to do with "black migration"

Yeah not really sure what his “migration” assertion was supposed to be about? Scare them out of the South?
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Would there be any benefit to the "discussion" in this thread by identifying a country where racism is non existent, or has the least impact on people? If we in America are doing it wrong and have a long, complex history of doing race relations wrong, perhaps we aren't the ones to be making suggestions on how to fix the problem. Assuming problems exist which are fixable and need to be fixed.

Which country is the model for the best race relations, best opportunity for all, and with the least negative impact on others?
South Africa?
I'm trying to come at this from a neutral position, but I realize that's not always possible.

Our history curriculum is very much whitewashed. Unless a teacher deviates from the state-provided curriculum guides, there's no discussion of the Tulsa or Fayetteville atrocities. Textbooks tend to contain black and white images of the Civil Rights era despite many of the photographs being available in color, making it appear further back than it was. There's no mention of most Confederate monuments being erected in the 1900s as deterrents to black migration during and after Reconstruction.

I'll admit it's been a couple years since I've had my head in multiple states' curriculums, but these omissions were pretty common. And I don't recommend their study as a method of shaming, but to demonstrate how progress is possible when we start to work together.
so you watched 60 minutes yesterday lol
It takes a lot more than septic shock, losing my leg, losing my mom, and losing my job to stop me. I have my dad's balls to the wall work ethic to match my faith. Someone cue up "Tubthumping" on the juke box, please. :)
I missed the losing a leg - how did that happen? If you dont mind me asking
..and to think someone has tapped that.



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