That's racist!

I missed the losing a leg - how did that happen? If you dont mind me asking

I survived septic shock in 2013. Long story short, an infection got into the bones of my right leg because of a broken toenail. Spent three months in the hospital. They took my foot, then my leg almost to my knee.
I survived septic shock in 2013. Long story short, an infection got into the bones of my right leg because of a broken toenail. Spent three months in the hospital. They took my foot, then my leg almost to my knee.

A broken toenail? How does that happen?
I survived septic shock in 2013. Long story short, an infection got into the bones of my right leg because of a broken toenail. Spent three months in the hospital. They took my foot, then my leg almost to my knee.
Omg. I am so sorry to hear that. Hospitals are dangerous places.
I survived septic shock in 2013. Long story short, an infection got into the bones of my right leg because of a broken toenail. Spent three months in the hospital. They took my foot, then my leg almost to my knee.
You diabetic?
A broken toenail? How does that happen?

A midnight jaunt to the bathroom. I have Morton's toes, so my second toe is longer than the big toe. The lights were off and I wasn't watching where I was going and I kicked the snot out of the door jamb. That was on a Monday.

Wednesday, I'm at Ft. Sanders wound care for a regular checkup. The toe looks ok, just keep a bandaid on it.

Thursday, I'm having my Coumadin checked at my regular doctor. Tip of the toe is a little red, barely. Add some Neosporin and keep an eye on it.

Friday, I don't have to go to the bathroom for some reason. I feel like I have a mild flu. That night I skip dinner and go to bed with chills. Blanket + comforter. Still haven't made water all day.

My wife says I stayed in bed all day Saturday. Drank some Gatorade. I don't remember Saturday.

Sunday morning, about 4, I wake up on the bathroom floor. Wife rushes me to Jeff Memorial. My right foot is purple and skin is peeling off. 106F fever. Full kidney and liver shutdown. They get me stabilized.

Ft. Sanders refuses to take me, they're afraid I'll die in transit. Recommend making me comfortable so the family can say goodbye. UT Med has a bed in their Critical Care unit and will risk transit. Ten days later, I wake up from a coma at UT Med missing half my right leg but still very much alive.

And that's the story.
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A midnight jaunt to the bathroom. I have Morton's toes, so my second toe is longer than the big toe. The lights were off and I wasn't watching where I was going and I kicked the snot out of the door jamb. That was on a Monday.

Wednesday, I'm at Ft. Sanders wound care for a regular checkup. The toe looks ok, just keep a bandaid on it.

Thursday, I'm having my Coumadin checked at my regular doctor. Tip of the toe is a little red, barely. Add some Neosporin and keep an eye on it.

Friday, I don't have to go to the bathroom for some reason. I feel like I have a mild flu. That night I skip dinner and go to bed with chills. Blanket + comforter. Still haven't made water all day.

My wife says I stayed in bed all day Saturday. Drank some Gatorade. I don't remember Saturday.

Sunday morning, about 4, I wake up on the bathroom floor. Wife rushes me to Jeff Memorial. My right foot is purple and skin is peeling off. 106F fever. Full kidney and liver shutdown. They get me stabilized.

Ft. Sanders refuses to take me, they're afraid I'll die in transit. Recommend making me comfortable so the family can say goodbye. UT Med has a bed in their Critical Care unit and will risk transit. Ten days later, I wake up from a coma at UT Med missing half my right leg but still very much alive.

And that's the story.

Holy wow! That's terrible. Such a minor injury ends up life threatening.
A midnight jaunt to the bathroom. I have Morton's toes, so my second toe is longer than the big toe. The lights were off and I wasn't watching where I was going and I kicked the snot out of the door jamb. That was on a Monday.

Wednesday, I'm at Ft. Sanders wound care for a regular checkup. The toe looks ok, just keep a bandaid on it.

Thursday, I'm having my Coumadin checked at my regular doctor. Tip of the toe is a little red, barely. Add some Neosporin and keep an eye on it.

Friday, I don't have to go to the bathroom for some reason. I feel like I have a mild flu. That night I skip dinner and go to bed with chills. Blanket + comforter. Still haven't made water all day.

My wife says I stayed in bed all day Saturday. Drank some Gatorade. I don't remember Saturday.

Sunday morning, about 4, I wake up on the bathroom floor. Wife rushes me to Jeff Memorial. My right foot is purple and skin is peeling off. 106F fever. Full kidney and liver shutdown. They get me stabilized.

Ft. Sanders refuses to take me, they're afraid I'll die in transit. Recommend making me comfortable so the family can say goodbye. UT Med has a bed in their Critical Care unit and will risk transit. Ten days later, I wake up from a coma at UT Med missing half my right leg but still very much alive.

And that's the story.

I wonder about the possibility of a side effect of warfarin? I've read of cases of purple toe syndrome leading to gangrene. Glad you survived the ordeal.
โ€˜I Will Never Let A Man Disrespect Meโ€ฆEspecially A Little White Oneโ€™: WNBA Star Slams Coach Who Said She Weighed 300 Lbs


After a coach of a rival WNBA team called for a foul against her on Sunday, saying, โ€œโ€™Cโ€™mon, sheโ€™s 300 pounds,โ€ the Las Vegas Acesโ€™ three-time All-Star Liz Cambage, who stands 6โ€™8โ€ and weighs 235 pounds, responded on Instagram, writing, โ€œI will never let a man disrespect me, ever, ever, ever, especially a little white one.โ€

โ€˜I Will Never Let A Man Disrespect Me...Especially A Little White Oneโ€™: WNBA Star Slams Coach Who Said She Weighed 300 Lbs
I wonder about the possibility of a side effect of warfarin? I've read of cases of purple toe syndrome leading to gangrene. Glad you survived the ordeal.

Yes, that played a part. It also turned my vascular system into high speed mass transit once the infection hit my bloodstream. Dr Wahid Hanna spent significant time trying to find an alternative medicine my body could handle and I'm no longer on Coumadin, hallelujah.
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โ€˜I Will Never Let A Man Disrespect Meโ€ฆEspecially A Little White Oneโ€™: WNBA Star Slams Coach Who Said She Weighed 300 Lbs


After a coach of a rival WNBA team called for a foul against her on Sunday, saying, โ€œโ€™Cโ€™mon, sheโ€™s 300 pounds,โ€ the Las Vegas Acesโ€™ three-time All-Star Liz Cambage, who stands 6โ€™8โ€ and weighs 235 pounds, responded on Instagram, writing, โ€œI will never let a man disrespect me, ever, ever, ever, especially a little white one.โ€

โ€˜I Will Never Let A Man Disrespect Me...Especially A Little White Oneโ€™: WNBA Star Slams Coach Who Said She Weighed 300 Lbs

There really are alot of racists in this country.

End racism!
^You are having a boring, made up conversation with your self. You said I defined the term, I did not.

Lets have the convo! Why do you think all the above stated is true?
Huh? Now youโ€™re being disingenuous. Feels intentional. Black people are six times more likely to die by the hands of the police than white people.

Only in your slanted mind apparently.

Youโ€™re doing better than last time but the jury is still out.

It's a manner of speech, good grief; of course you didn't define the term since if predates you by at least a century.

You acknowledged the actual definition of racism by stating your discriminatory comments are not racist, indeed that some discrimination is good; I agree. BUT, you then used as your sole defense against a charge of racism that you do not think another race inferior. That is the correct definition of racism, that a group of people are inferior due to immutable characteristics due to race. And YOUR argument undermines the claim of systemic racism.

Yes, I think what I stated because it's demonstrably true.
Annually, black offenders account for about 35% of all violent crime, non-Hispanic whites about 41%, and Hisp/Latinos about 20%. Table 43 Whites are about 61% of the population, while blacks are about 13.3%, and Hisp/Lat 18.5%. In spite of that, of the 1100 or so people killed by police each year, about 25% will be black, 18% Hisp/Latino, and about half will be white. People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2021 | Statista Again - statistically, given groups involvement in violent crime - it would seem police should be killing fewer whites or more blacks.

So, your "SIX times more likely" means little in context. 2014 was the last time I ran the numbers to compare violent crime RATES Table 43 and found these murder offender rates per 100K:
- a White rate of 1.3,
- a Black rate of 10 - that's TEN
- a Hisp/Latino rate of 2.3.
That means blacks have a murder offender rate 7.8 - nearly 800% - higher than whites, and Hisp/Lats a rate 1.8 (180%) higher than whites. Rape: blacks - 2.9 times and Hisp/Lats 1.8 higher than whites. Robbery - 9.6 and 2.0 times higher than whites. Agg. assault - 3.5 and 1.6 times higher. Burglary is the only violent crime category in which blacks and Hisp/Lats underperform whites with comparative rates 0.6 and 0.2 that of whites.

It isn't a racial thing, but a propensity for crime thing.

94% of police killings involve armed suspects. Yet, this author The Overwhelming Number of Police Shootings Involve Armed Suspects found over 12.3 million references to police killing unarmed people - so why the apoplexy? The ridiculous claims that police forces were created to hunt fugitive blacks (false) and are therefore based in and remain artifacts of "white supremacy" (false again). That everything - from simple mathematics, objectivity, for crying out loud, the constitution, government, acknowledging "hey, that 'woman' has a pecker" - are the mantle of white supremacy? It's nonsense and it is purposeful manipulation.

That's my "slant", what's yours?

Lastly, given the propensity with which you claim AM64, Ricky, etc. have demonstrated their "racism", you should be able to provide at least an instance any of us can say "oh hell yeah, that's racist!", but you haven't done so. I've also had conversations with or observed their conversations, and you're full of shite. The burden of proof is on YOU, not them. Put up, or shut up and retract.
Would there be any benefit to the "discussion" in this thread by identifying a country where racism is non existent, or has the least impact on people? If we in America are doing it wrong and have a long, complex history of doing race relations wrong, perhaps we aren't the ones to be making suggestions on how to fix the problem. Assuming problems exist which are fixable and need to be fixed.

Which country is the model for the best race relations, best opportunity for all, and with the least negative impact on others?

We're the most diverse country and most successful at it. Yet, here we are, so 'success' is relative.

If racial and ethnic diversity and multiculturism make great societies - rather than a balkanized one - it'd better show up fast. If it doesn't work here, it isn't going to work anywhere.
Yes, that played a part. It also turned my vascular system into high speed mass transit once the infection hit my bloodstream. Dr Wahid Hanna spent significant time trying to find an alternative medicine my body could handle and I'm no longer on Coumadin, hallelujah.
I've seen Dr. Hanna in the past. Great guy and doctor.
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I could offer a lot of opinions on what I appreciate about living in a diverse society. But I don't think I can make a case economically, politically, or culturally that diversity is better.

I think that is subconsciously echoed by the left who fawn over the latest Ten Best Countries to Live In!' lists that read like 'The Journal of White Eurocentrists Today'. When they ooooh...ahhhh over Nordic countries, AU, etc. - okay, let's start over with that racial mix who share common culture and values, or start teaching civics again and make immigrants take loyalty pledges. If a populace doesn't share a common nationalism, it can't last.
I think that is subconsciously echoed by the left who fawn over the latest Ten Best Countries to Live In!' lists that read like 'The Journal of White Eurocentrists Today'. When they ooooh...ahhhh over Nordic countries, AU, etc. - okay, let's start over with that racial mix who share common culture and values, or start teaching civics again and make immigrants take loyalty pledges. If a populace doesn't share a common nationalism, it can't last.
Yeah I think it's funny when people get a boner for the utopias in Scandanavia or the Nederlands but conveniently gloss over that these countries are painfully overwhelmingly white and a few have a "checkered" past at best as it relates to colonialism and the slave trade.
Kind of building on our discussion this morning, America isn't perfect and let's assume it is still as bad as some claim it to be. We have people who are incredibly narrow minded (in all races) and we have a sordid history relative to racial and immigrant inclusion. With all that said, why do you think immigrants, especially immigrants of color, come to America with its racism? Is America less racist than the country from which they are emigrating? Is the opportunity so profound, they overlook the racism? Are they unaware the extent of racism in America?

Why come to a country as "bad" as America is with ethnicity and immigration?

I can't make the mental leap to assuming we're systemically racist, or even consequentially racist outside of government apparatus. It encourages an indulgent, theoretical conversation unrelated to the state of the union. So, sticking with the evident: People gripe with their mouth, but they vote with their feet. They KNOW it's better before coming here because other voting feet have told them so, by example historically, and personal testimony everyday.

Unfortunately, upon induction, immigrants are met with an education system and government apparatus that does not foster a national civic virtue, even among the native born. Nor even a can-do opportunity attitude, as subsequent generations of Hisp/Latinos not only participate in crime more frequently, but adopt a subsidy/welfare mentality at higher rates than whites.

Practically, no one is against immigrants who want to be AMERICANS coming here. But if the idea is to form a society within a society, just stay home. We have enough native born leftists who hate the idea of America as it is.
2 economists from Sweden produced a world map showing the percentage of people who would NOT want a neighbor moving in of a different race. Many countries (including US) showed less than 5% would not want. Jordan and India (i think) were the worst at 40%+.

I'm at minimum 40% inclined to not move to Jordan or India.

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