That's racist!

Its not. You get too many cultures too close together and there are usually issues. Acceptable in one culture is an insult in another.

A good point; early immigration worked well because micks, wops, limeys, frogs, rutabagas, fish-eaters, sheep shaggers, Herms, wogs, dagos, etc. had worked out a number of differences over millennia and were either Catholic or Protestant. They all drank, traded together, and much of the cultural diversity was putting tomato sauce on bread instead of butter and/or jam. Jarlsberg vs, well, an actual laundry list of great cheeses, or thirty varieties of intestine-cased meats.

In short, they were white Europeans. So, when people say "immigrants built this country and are the backbone" or "immigration made this country great"...uhm, okay but lets be clear about whom we're discussing.

I disagree with the premise anyway; what made this country great was being a constitutional republic of multiple constitutional states in which law was equally applied and the recognition of inalienable, individual rights. Of course people migrated for that.
Multiple assumptions here but at least you admit there are issues πŸ‘

We get in our own way and keep ourselves from living up to our full potential, a lot more than other people block and keep us from having that. That’s the biggest issue as I see it , self reliance and self responsibility will solve most problems .
I think ALL people (not just black) are in "their place in society" because of the decisions and choices made by their parents, grandparents, and themselves.

I think people deserve help when they need it, but there are people who don't do the right things or flat out refuse any REAL help, and are lazy, (again ALL races).

If you think that is racist, then you simply can't be logically reasoned with.
1. I am surprised you’re even responding because you’re famous for running.
2. See my last post @NCFisher.
3. Please Repent.
Bay is the type of person that says stupid s**t about why we celebrate confederate monuments and such because they lost. Why would we celebrate losers? Yet he never asks himself who lost their battles against their own people…was sold by their own people….why on earth those people affected celebrate that β€œheritage”…and fails to realize that even through all the terrible things it worked out for a greater good if these people would put forth some f****ing effort instead of wanting to be victims for centuries.
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😴 @ corny joke and attempt at saving face.

Sigh, here you go again making yet another ridiculous leap. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

This is an incredibly dumb rebuttal by you. Does everyone deserve to be shot for a violent crime? πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

Please explain, because this statement sounds racist πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


I do not owe you a thing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Only @Rickyvol77 has refuted and it’s because he isn’t smart enough to understand a propensity argument is racist. Curious to see if you fall in that boat πŸ€”
Btw, I’ve provided instances before, and speaking of cowards, @AM64 is clearly not responding for a reason πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Not a joke nor an unnecessary attempt to save face.

No, clearly to have systemic racism you need have institutionalized government that considers blacks an inferior race. We're well past that history. In fact, I'd argue the cycle of dependency encouraged by the left has done much to disintegrate the black community.

That's an incredibly dumb take on what is clearly an objective statement; if black Americans @ 13% commit nearly as much violent crime as 61% of the population that is white, why the disparity in police killing of whites? It's CLEARLY not a statement saying "everyone should be shot for a violent crime" - you argue like a teenager. What it definitely is NOT, is systemic racism.

AM64 hasn't been on forum for nearly four days, but you go on thinking it's your shallow, shrill cry of "racist!" that intimidates him.

Please explain, because this statement sounds racist πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

You have two full paragraphs of inarguable statistics showing black Americans are overachievers in violent crime, as prelude to the statement (explaining why blacks are in contact more often, arrested and incarcerated disproportionately). What in blazes do you not understand?

Good, me too. As soon as the black community exhausts the victimhood mentality and takes advantage of the equal opportunities, puts back together the black family structure that was still in place into the 1960s, and stops voting in a monolithic bloc for a party that votes against their school choices and whose cities they run are the worst for black Americans, maybe that can happen. Blacks should begin hearing the message "Yes, you can" and not "Yes, we you, since you can't do it".

Yes, you're another bomb-throwing, shallow intellect that hides behind yelling "RACISM!" while unable to follow a conversation or logic. "I don't owe you anything" is another way of saying, "yeah, that's me".
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Not a joke nor an unnecessary attempt to save face.

No, clearly to have systemic racism you need have institutionalized government that considers blacks an inferior race. We're well past that history. In fact, I'd argue the cycle of dependency encouraged by the left has done much to disintegrate the black community.

That's an incredibly dumb take on what is clearly an objective statement; if black Americans @ 13% commit nearly as much violent crime as 61% of the population that is white, why the disparity in police killing of whites? It's CLEARLY not a statement saying "everyone should be shot for a violent crime" - you argue like a teenager. What it definitely is NOT, is systemic racism.

You have two full paragraphs of inarguable statistics showing black Americans are overachievers in violent crime, as prelude to the statement (explaining why blacks are in contact more often, arrested and incarcerated disproportionately). What in blazes do you not understand?

Good, me too. As soon as the black community exhausts the victimhood mentality and takes advantage of the equal opportunities, puts back together the black family structure that was still in place into the 1960s, and stops voting in a monolithic bloc for a party that votes against their school choices and whose cities they run are the worst for black Americans, maybe that can happen. Blacks should begin hearing the message "Yes, you can" and not "Yes, we you, since you can't do it".

Yes, you're another bomb-throwing, shallow intellect that hides behind yelling "RACISM!" while unable to follow a conversation or logic. "I don't owe you anything" is another way of saying, "yeah, that's me".

What I find comical is he feels he does not owe anybody anything, while proclaiming the national policy owes his cause.
No, clearly to have systemic racism you need have institutionalized government that considers blacks an inferior race. We're well past that history. In fact, I'd argue the cycle of dependency encouraged by the left has done much to disintegrate the black community.

We're not past that history at all. Multiple examples of institutionalized segregation still exist in the South within the past fifteen years. School construction issues in Mississippi. Licensure and ID offices in Alabama. Voting in Georgia. Easily searched, easily found.

The "Left" hasn't done much to help, I agree. They've patted themselves on the back for throwing money in the general direction and then moving on to the next thing to congratulate themselves for.
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We're not past that history at all. Multiple examples of institutionalized segregation still exist in the South within the past fifteen years. School construction issues in Mississippi. Licensure and ID offices in Alabama. Voting in Georgia. Easily searched, easily found.

The "Left" hasn't done much to help, I agree. They've patted themselves on the back for throwing money in the general direction and then moving on to the next thing to congratulate themselves for.

Blacks are calling for their own enclaves as we speak.
Ok. What program takes a person out of poverty instantly? Let me know, and I may give your under-served comment more credence.

There are a ton of worthless organizations out there but whose fault is that? I am curious about how you serve and invest. I’m not very impressed of what I have read from you thus far in regards to race honestly. That is a sad Republican talking point you referenced @ blacks can’t do for themselves. I truly only believe racist people even think along those lines.

Sigh just no. I am not impressed. Your information sharing network is clearly all white. I’d suggest you start by trying to engage better in these communities you claim to serve.
You’re a piece of work and obviously Not open to honest discussion. What you just stated is nothing but a bunch of lies. Good luck and good day.

There is no switch you can flip and β€œfix” things. It’s a multi faceted approach to deal with generational problems.
We're not past that history at all. Multiple examples of institutionalized segregation still exist in the South within the past fifteen years. School construction issues in Mississippi. Licensure and ID offices in Alabama. Voting in Georgia. Easily searched, easily found.

The "Left" hasn't done much to help, I agree. They've patted themselves on the back for throwing money in the general direction and then moving on to the next thing to congratulate themselves for.
Rural Appalachia faces this and worse. So, why isn’t it racial in this case?
We're not past that history at all. Multiple examples of institutionalized segregation still exist in the South within the past fifteen years. School construction issues in Mississippi. Licensure and ID offices in Alabama. Voting in Georgia. Easily searched, easily found.

The "Left" hasn't done much to help, I agree. They've patted themselves on the back for throwing money in the general direction and then moving on to the next thing to congratulate themselves for.

The South has been the most integrated for a long time. And I'll challenge your assertion by saying you will have to provide examples of institutionalized segregation broadly or in MS, or that licensure and ID offices in AL are...something racial. GA - if you're referring to the recent election law changes, you'll need to make that case, too, thanks.
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Screw you for calling out @AM64. He and his family lineage have protected your freedom to espouse your Marxist BS.

That's the conundrum with Marxism in a constitutional republic; recognizing that speech we don't like is exactly the point of the 1A, they get years to say anything about anyone while we hope they grow out of it, and that sensible people are the majority and value their liberty.

Right up until we have to wage a bloody war to keep from living under these people who love us so much they'd kill us to help us. If only there was a constitutional exclusion that would allow a bit of...tidying up now and then. Sigh.
We're not past that history at all. Multiple examples of institutionalized segregation still exist in the South within the past fifteen years. School construction issues in Mississippi. Licensure and ID offices in Alabama. Voting in Georgia. Easily searched, easily found.

The "Left" hasn't done much to help, I agree. They've patted themselves on the back for throwing money in the general direction and then moving on to the next thing to congratulate themselves for.

Public schools are constructed through local taxes, it’s a county/city issue not state controlled segregation. In general, rural/poor areas have inferior schools/athletic facilities due to limited tax base. It’s a pretty basic concept
This is another conversation I’d love to have here!
Can I answer with a return question? How valuable is a head start in a capitalist society?
What qualifies as a head start IYO? Being white? I hate to break it to you, but being white isn't a head start for many. Life is hard, and people struggle, no matter the color of their skin.

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