That's racist!

Just because ignorant people talked to you and you listened doesn't mean their incorrect opinions "taught" you anything
In fact, it sounds a lot like hardcore idolatry when humans are held with such reverence that their every word is soaked up.
Just because ignorant people talked to you and you listened doesn't mean their incorrect opinions "taught" you anything

That's a rather broad and drippy brush you're painting with right there. I said neither what I heard nor what I learned.
I am kind of disappointed bayvol hasn’t cured racism and white privilege yet. She is spending too much time on VN and too little on solving these important issues.
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That's a rather broad and drippy brush you're painting with right there. I said neither what I heard nor what I learned.
If they had real solutions to fix the problem, it wouldnt be a problem any more.

Also I generally find that when I need someone else to do something to fix a problem I have, I have done something wrong.
How sad it is that so many here automatically default to negative interpretations or assumptions. I am truly sorry for those who cannot perceive anything from a positive or inquisitive standpoint.
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If they had real solutions to fix the problem, it wouldnt be a problem any more.

Also I generally find that when I need someone else to do something to fix a problem I have, I have done something wrong.

Have you ever listened to someone just for the sake of getting to know them better, learn about them, and understand their positions? Not to save them, not to fix things for them, not to profit from them, but just to get to know them for the sake of getting to know them?

We are all children of God, worthy of dignity and kindness. Being heard is all many people need to feel better.
How sad it is that so many here automatically default to negative interpretations or assumptions. I am truly sorry for those who cannot perceive anything from a positive or inquisitive standpoint.
Isnt that the entire argument for the law changes, reparations, etc? People assume AA or other minorities cant make it in the system. Or at least assume the always broke government is broke to the point of being morally wrong because a subset of a subset doesnt find success equal to a different subset of a different subset.
Have you ever listened to someone just for the sake of getting to know them better, learn about them, and understand their positions? Not to save them, not to fix things for them, not to profit from them, but just to get to know them for the sake of getting to know them?

We are all children of God, worthy of dignity and kindness. Being heard is all many people need to feel better.
Yes. I talk with a homeless regularly. Well as regular as can be. Some days he remembers, others not so much.

Some great conversations with randos on trains, rarely with someone of any of my demographics.

Anyone wearing UT gear at an Atlanta bar.

Pre Covid church groups. Although I guess there is an alterior motive there.
Isnt that the entire argument for the law changes, reparations, etc? People assume AA or other minorities cant make it in the system. Or at least assume the always broke government is broke to the point of being morally wrong because a subset of a subset doesnt find success equal to a different subset of a different subset.

What if I were to tell you that many of the people I listened to actually felt the government just continuously pandered to them for their votes then screwed things up even worse? That the systems designed to help them out actually lock them further in?

In one of the threads here, there was a rather detailed conversation on all the ways that both the .gov and the White Savior continually bungle attempts at help because they don't bother to listen. I wish I could remember who the other person in the conversation was as she had very detailed data on this from personal experience.

This probably isn't what a couple here thought I'd say, expecting me to recommend some other expenditure of money.
What if I were to tell you that many of the people I listened to actually felt the government just continuously pandered to them for their votes then screwed things up even worse? That the systems designed to help them out actually lock them further in?

This is why I gave up voting.

The Republic is in the rear view mirror. Nothing will stop us from arriving at full Democratic Socialism now.
Have you ever listened to someone just for the sake of getting to know them better, learn about them, and understand their positions? Not to save them, not to fix things for them, not to profit from them, but just to get to know them for the sake of getting to know them?

We are all children of God, worthy of dignity and kindness. Being heard is all many people need to feel better.
I’m willing to listen. What I’m unwilling to do is feel guilty about something neither me nor anyone in my family had anything to do with.
What if I were to tell you that many of the people I listened to actually felt the government just continuously pandered to them for their votes then screwed things up even worse? That the systems designed to help them out actually lock them further in?

In one of the threads here, there was a rather detailed conversation on all the ways that both the .gov and the White Savior continually bungle attempts at help because they don't bother to listen. I wish I could remember who the other person in the conversation was as she had very detailed data on this from personal experience.

This probably isn't what a couple here thought I'd say, expecting me to recommend some other expenditure of money.
I think the frustration is it's very hard to have empathy when they continue to support the those that pander to them and to a large extent are the ones who made things worse for them, no matter how well intentioned.
Have you ever listened to someone just for the sake of getting to know them better, learn about them, and understand their positions? Not to save them, not to fix things for them, not to profit from them, but just to get to know them for the sake of getting to know them?

We are all children of God, worthy of dignity and kindness. Being heard is all many people need to feel better.
But the problem is assuming that everyone's "feelings" or "opinions" actually matter. I will be happy to listen to other's points of views, however when they are clearly factually inaccurate or incorrect or they base their life choices off of "feelings" instead of logic, they are simply not up to the task of actually solving anything for themselves, let alone others.
What if I were to tell you that many of the people I listened to actually felt the government just continuously pandered to them for their votes then screwed things up even worse? That the systems designed to help them out actually lock them further in?

In one of the threads here, there was a rather detailed conversation on all the ways that both the .gov and the White Savior continually bungle attempts at help because they don't bother to listen. I wish I could remember who the other person in the conversation was as she had very detailed data on this from personal experience.

This probably isn't what a couple here thought I'd say, expecting me to recommend some other expenditure of money.
My question to you would be if you asked who those that (bolded above) voted for the current clown or the one that had unleashed our economy providing record job numbers to the lower income group. If they voted because they bought into the pandering, I would tell them that they got what they voted for, congrats. Jobs lift people out of poverty, not government handouts. Been that way my entire life.
What if I were to tell you that many of the people I listened to actually felt the government just continuously pandered to them for their votes then screwed things up even worse? That the systems designed to help them out actually lock them further in?

In one of the threads here, there was a rather detailed conversation on all the ways that both the .gov and the White Savior continually bungle attempts at help because they don't bother to listen. I wish I could remember who the other person in the conversation was as she had very detailed data on this from personal experience.

This probably isn't what a couple here thought I'd say, expecting me to recommend some other expenditure of money.
that doesnt refute my point. If people know what the fix is, there wouldn't be a wide spread problem. they are Monday Morning Quaterbacking if they aren't putting this stuff to practice.

and I know many do know the fix, and work towards it, they just don't want to speak out against the "cause" so they aren't labeled Uncle Toms.

How messed up is it that many who do work their way out are labeled such? It speaks to the mindset, having a problem is more valuable than having a solution.
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a lot in this article.

1. I wouldn't call the closest Home Depot part of Buckhead, Lindbergh is actually affordable (compared to Buckhead). I am not sure where the line gets drawn but south of Sydney Marcus is too far imo.
2. ouch: "The impact on the City of Atlanta's finances would be devastating, including on its ability to satisfy nearly $3 billion of existing liabilities and unfunded pension obligations,"
3. Buckhead itself would have to stop its crazy spending before it could hope to address the myriad of issues. I would bet a lot of revenue has been lost, plus whatever money goes towards the efforts, in all the tax deals they have granted to developers. willing to bet that 20% population, 40% property value is closer to 20% tax income than it is 40%.
4. I guarantee Buckhead City would care about only one color, just like John's creek, were it to happen. Green.
The point is that a family that consists of two parents that contribute to the household are more likely than a family that doesn't to have have disposable income they can invest in their kids education or marriages etc.

The link is common sense, if you can't apply that there isn't need to continue this discussion.
I stopped taking you seriously in this convo when you said your situation is comparable to 80% to 90% of other families πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
Pick any social policy, welfare, food stamps, section 8, etc.

Edit. All well intended, all have had disastrous effects on the AA community.
Wait, only AAs? Disastrous effect? What the heck would you try to bridge the gap??
You do understand this is how it absolutely should be, correct?

How about quit focusing on all of these irrelevant "gaps" and start focusing on the ONE and ONLY gap that matters... Ready??? Fatherless homes. Fix that gap and the rest will fall into place. But don't expect white people to help fix that gap. There isn't ANYTHING white people can do to help black people stay together. Every time we try, it gets worse. It has to be fixed from the people it is affecting. It is the truth, and if you weren't so obsessed with excuse making, it would take you 1.6 seconds to see it as truth.
So let me get this right.....all racism will end and everyone will be equal when everyone has 2 parents at home?
Sigh, how is this not a propensity argument also btw πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
So let me get this right.....all racism will end and everyone will be equal when everyone has 2 parents at home?
Sigh, how is this not a propensity argument also btw πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

There’s no money in ending racism and that’s the way the race baiters want it. They have peons like you do the dirty work while they laugh at you behind closed doors. You’re not even smart enough to realize the bs you screech isn’t even about promoting equality. You’re the problem for the very people you claim to represent.

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