That's racist!

Education, nuclear family, two incomes make it easier to retain the wealth needed to sustain a household and give back to your children. This isn't a white conspiracy, it's the antitheses of well intended social policies that short circuit the system that helps families attain success. We have seen erosion in the nuclear family among white Americans as well, they are just lagging behind.

You are making the perfect case for traditional values, you just don't realize it.
Sigh. Is this another propensity argument? 🤦‍♂️
What social policy btw????😂
Link please
The point is that a family that consists of two parents that contribute to the household are more likely than a family that doesn't to have have disposable income they can invest in their kids education or marriages etc.

The link is common sense, if you can't apply that there isn't need to continue this discussion.
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Again, this does not apply to ALL white people, and I doubt it even applies to the majority. Both of my parents dropped out of school, though they did eventually get their GEDs. My maternal grandmother was illiterate. My paternal grandmother taught herself to read by reading the Bible. My dad found out he was about to get drafted to go to Vietnam, so he joined the Navy. He figured he could handle a ship better than the jungle. He made it a career. He bought our house (after he retired) with a VA loan. As far as I'm, aware, VA loans are available to all veterans, regardless of race. So please, go ahead and point out all that privilege my family enjoyed.
You are only addressing certian issues. You are missing quite a few more in your effort to tell your life story. Thanks though ☺️
Sigh. Is this another propensity argument? 🤦‍♂️
What social policy btw????😂
Pick any social policy, welfare, food stamps, section 8, etc.

Edit. All well intended, all have had disastrous effects on the AA community.
You are only addressing certian issues. You are missing quite a few more in your effort to tell your life story. Thanks though ☺️
I addressed the issues you brought up. Why don't you tell me what issues I'm missing? You're trying to make a blanket judgement on something it doesn't fit. Have SOME white people had the advantages you mentioned? Absolutely. But not most. You're living in a fantasy world, believing what liberal logic has told you to believe.
Income does not equal wealth.
“Much of the transmission of wealth to the next generation goes through these earlier life processes, such as supporting children’s education, supporting their ability to purchase a home, or to get married,” Pfeffer said. “All of these—education, homeownership, marriage—in turn help you accumulate wealth.”
Three generations of data show how wealthy (white) families stay wealthy

You do understand this is how it absolutely should be, correct?

How about quit focusing on all of these irrelevant "gaps" and start focusing on the ONE and ONLY gap that matters... Ready??? Fatherless homes. Fix that gap and the rest will fall into place. But don't expect white people to help fix that gap. There isn't ANYTHING white people can do to help black people stay together. Every time we try, it gets worse. It has to be fixed from the people it is affecting. It is the truth, and if you weren't so obsessed with excuse making, it would take you 1.6 seconds to see it as truth.
The response to any discussion of race or race related issues here is always a mine rich in sociological data.

How different would the discussion be if we were talking about Appalachian folk? Generations of poverty, yet they work themselves to the bone. Little wealth to pass on. Reliant on multiple forms of assistance and targeted programs. Yet, somehow, they are given a pass from the snide and dismissive remarks that a small handful of posters here toss about exponentially more often than actual meaningful contribution.

Data is interesting.
How about teachers?

Data is interesting. What, for a slice of example, is the percentage of folks BELOW the poverty line that have enough money to smoke cigarettes? (30%) They are literally burning money they don't have. How is that Jeff Bezos' fault? How many people have loans they cannot afford? Etc Etc Etc...
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You are aware that Appalachia has extremely high addiction, poverty, and incarceration rates? Hardly fits the narrative of your “differential” treatment narrative. They are handicapped by their choices, not their skin color.
I think in Appalachia you have a little view into what happens when one entity 'owns' everything about you and you become dependent on that entity. In coal mining communities, they were "owned by the company"... housing, staples, everything they needed to survive was 'provided' by the company... for a price. Then the vise was squeezed to the point they basically became slaves. Increased those prices and cut those wages... Those companies = big government.

How will socialism be any different?
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Yep. So much money pointlessly thrown out into the world without really understanding what it takes to actually help people out.

I spent four years where I was the minority in church and in my neighborhood, 2015-2019. I learned a lot by shutting up and listening.
Just because ignorant people talked to you and you listened doesn't mean their incorrect opinions "taught" you anything

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