That's racist!

There’s no money in ending racism and that’s the way the race baiters want it. They have peons like you do the dirty work while they laugh at you behind closed doors. You’re not even smart enough to realize the bs you screech isn’t even about promoting equality. You’re the problem for the very people you claim to represent.
What dirty work is he doing?
Coal mining and subsistence farming are never going to make anyone rich, that’s a silly comparison. Hard work extends beyond manual labor in case you were wondering
Coal mining and subsistence farming is precisely how my paternal grandfather eked our a living. And he had 9 kids. My dad however, was “too good” for that life and moved to the big city and had 6 kids of his own. He never got rich either and none of his kids went to college except me thanks to a great HS math teacher whose husband was ex-mayor of Knoxville and her help getting me a scholarship to UT. The rest I did on my own. Probably had almost as many jobs as a kid as did @volinbham
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There’s no money in ending racism and that’s the way the race baiters want it. They have peons like you do the dirty work while they laugh at you behind closed doors. You’re not even smart enough to realize the bs you screech isn’t even about promoting equality. You’re the problem for the very people you claim to represent.
I am surprised you’re back after you embarrassed yourself yesterday 🤦‍♂️
Ellie Kemper Responds to “Racist” Veiled Prophet Ball: “Ignorance is No Excuse” – The Hollywood Reporter
After seeing Kemper’s apology, @WB_Baskerville responded Monday afternoon on Twitter, posting, “I have made the decision to accept Ellie’s apology. Everyone leave her alone now.”

This is what happens when you negotiate with terrorists. Ellie Kemper actually has a career and she's decided to sink to the level of clowns on Twitter. Thank God WB_Baskerville has decided to have mercy on her. This only encourages the slug brained trolls on twitter to continue their incessant quest to find things to create a stink about in the vain hope someone will see it and give them more than two likes.
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So let me get this right.....all racism will end and everyone will be equal when everyone has 2 parents at home?
Sigh, how is this not a propensity argument also btw 🤦‍♂️

Racism will never end and equality of outcomes will never (and should never) exist. However, those two things are nearly entirely unrelated to the gaps you've been screeching about.

And I don't know wtf a "propensity argument" is.
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Racism will never end and equality of outcomes will never (and should never) exist. However, those two things are nearly entirely unrelated to the gaps you've been screeching about.

And I don't know wtf a "propensity argument" is.
Sounds like you do not want it to Mr. Rebel 😳

@ your other point: Obama made a powerful comment on CNN: “The single most important thing I learned... the line between success or failure in this society so often is dictated not by anybody's inherent merits."
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods - CNNPolitics

Outcomes should never be determined on physical appearance. This is very much an issue whether you acknowledge it or not.
Ellie Kemper Responds to “Racist” Veiled Prophet Ball: “Ignorance is No Excuse” – The Hollywood Reporter

This is what happens when you negotiate with terrorists. Ellie Kemper actually has a career and she's decided to sink to the level of clowns on Twitter. Thank God WB_Baskerville has decided to have mercy on her. This only encourages the slug brained trolls on twitter to continue their incessant quest to find things to create a stink about in the vain hope someone will see it and give them more than two likes.

I always liked her but less so now.
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Sounds like you do not want it to Mr. Rebel 😳

@ your other point: Obama made a powerful comment on CNN: “The single most important thing I learned... the line between success or failure in this society so often is dictated not by anybody's inherent merits."
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods - CNNPolitics

Outcomes should never be determined on physical appearance. This is very much an issue whether you acknowledge it or not.

Yet Critical Race Theory says otherwise. (bolded)

I wonder what Obama attributes his considerable success in society to? Clearly not his inherent merits per his comment.
Yet Critical Race Theory says otherwise.

I wonder what Obama attributes his considerable success in society to? Clearly not his inherent merits per his comment.
Please explain @ bolded.

I look forward to the day you can strengthen your argument with much more evidence. @ 2nd point
Please explain @ bolded.

I look forward to the day you can strengthen your argument with much more evidence. @ 2nd point

CRT says your physical appearance lands you either in the "oppressed" or "privileged" class. Those in the oppressed class have constrained outcomes vis a vis the privileged class. IOW, CRT claims that outcomes are determined by your physical appearance.

WRT Obama's comment - clearly he hit the highest levels of success in society based on his inherent merits yet his take away is that inherent merits are not the determining factor. If we are to take him at his word then what do we attribute his success to?

As corollary are we to say that someone with "whiteness" who is successful cannot look to their inherent merits as the reason?
Sounds like you do not want it to Mr. Rebel 😳

@ your other point: Obama made a powerful comment on CNN: “The single most important thing I learned... the line between success or failure in this society so often is dictated not by anybody's inherent merits."
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods - CNNPolitics

Outcomes should never be determined on physical appearance. This is very much an issue whether you acknowledge it or not.

It is not an issue. Outcomes are determined by one’s choices and the willingness to put in the work. Nothing is stopping an 18-50 year old with no life skills from walking into a community college or trade school and learning a skill/career. If you have poor high school grades, then remedial classes may be necessary. Don’t give the racism bs or white privilege that is preventing it from occurring, the only qualification you need to get into a community college is a hand strong enough to open the door. You make excuse after excuse as to why that’s an unreasonable expectation
CRT says your physical appearance lands you either in the "oppressed" or "privileged" class. Those in the oppressed class have constrained outcomes vis a vis the privileged class. IOW, CRT claims that outcomes are determined by your physical appearance.

WRT Obama's comment - clearly he hit the highest levels of success in society based on his inherent merits yet his take away is that inherent merits are not the determining factor. If we are to take him at his word then what do we attribute his success to?

As corollary are we to say that someone with "whiteness" who is successful cannot look to their inherent merits as the reason?
Huh? Weird takeaway. CRT claims that race is a social construct. CRT also believes that “...systemic racism has been and continues to be a part of the nation’s history.” Which absolutely furthers 44s point.

As of today, he is an outlier that proves the normal.
It is not an issue. Outcomes are determined by one’s choices and the willingness to put in the work. Nothing is stopping an 18-50 year old with no life skills from walking into a community college or trade school and learning a skill/career. If you have poor high school grades, then remedial classes may be necessary. Don’t give the racism bs or white privilege that is preventing it from occurring, the only qualification you need to get into a community college is a hand strong enough to open the door. You make excuse after excuse as to why that’s an unreasonable expectation
Sigh. The bold is exactly what it is.
Please stop with your assumptions and seek education.
Huh? Weird takeaway. CRT claims that race is a social construct. CRT also believes that “...systemic racism has been and continues to be a part of the nation’s history.” Which absolutely furthers 44s point.

As of today, he is an outlier that proves the normal.

CRT includes what I suggested; particularly dividing people into oppressed or privileged based upon their physical characteristics (even though race is a social construct if you possess the physical characteristics you get added to the race group).

He's part of a long list of "outliers". But I'll bite, so is he saying that he's the exception? Somehow his success is truly earned on inherent merit yet others who haven't succeeded just got screwed by the system AND the success of others (those with whiteness) was not due to their inherent merit? What an ego.
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CRT includes what I suggested; particularly dividing people into oppressed or privileged based upon their physical characteristics.
You said it runs contrary to his point. I am still trying to see how that is so 🤷‍♂️
He's part of a long list of "outliers". But I'll bite, so is he saying that he's the exception? Somehow his success is truly earned on inherent merit yet others who haven't succeeded just got screwed by the system AND the success of others (those with whiteness) was not due to their inherent merit? What an ego.
In sum, your argument is the equivalent of: if it happens to one, it happens to all. This is simply not the case. Progress has been made. But there is still a ways to go.
CRT includes what I suggested; particularly dividing people into oppressed or privileged based upon their physical characteristics (even though race is a social construct if you possess the physical characteristics you get added to the race group).

He's part of a long list of "outliers". But I'll bite, so is he saying that he's the exception? Somehow his success is truly earned on inherent merit yet others who haven't succeeded just got screwed by the system AND the success of others (those with whiteness) was not due to their inherent merit? What an ego.
Obama was the ultimate snake charmer apparently, able to lull the ever vigilant white man into a false sense of security and even convincing him to vote for him. If white people had known he was actually black they would have sent him back to Kenya on a rocket. Is there nothing he can't do?
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