That's racist!

I read a little about that the other day. How f-ing stupid! She apologized for being in a pageant more than 20 years ago that just started allowing more than just white people more than 20 years before she was in the pageant. 1. That wasn’t uncommon back at the time.
2. What the hell does that have to do with the pageant in 1999?
3. What the hell does that have to do with her as a person?
4. How is any of it relevant to 2021?

There’s no way in hell she should’ve apologized for something so stupid. It wasn’t just a normal apology either. It was full of all her woke BS and white privilege. No wonder so many people are depressed and have anxiety these days. They buy into the BS.
I read a little about that the other day. How f-ing stupid! She apologized for being in a pageant more than 20 years ago that just started allowing more than just white people more than 20 years before she was in the pageant. 1. That wasn’t uncommon back at the time.
2. What the hell does that have to do with the pageant in 1999?
3. What the hell does that have to do with her as a person?
4. How is any of it relevant to 2021?

There’s no way in hell she should’ve apologized for something so stupid. It wasn’t just a normal apology either. It was full of all her woke BS and white privilege. No wonder so many people are depressed and have anxiety these days. They buy into the BS.
People are applying 2021 values to things that happened decades or even centuries ago and wondering why people didn't do something about it. The person calling her a racist was probably a baby when she went to that event if they even existed. It’s moronic.
Coal mining and subsistence farming is precisely how my paternal grandfather eked our a living. And he had 9 kids. My dad however, was “too good” for that life and moved to the big city and had 6 kids of his own. He never got rich either and none of his kids went to college except me thanks to a great HS math teacher whose husband was ex-mayor of Knoxville and her help getting me a scholarship to UT. The rest I did on my own. Probably had almost as many jobs as a kid as did @volinbham
White…wait for it…privilege
Sounds like you do not want it to Mr. Rebel 😳

@ your other point: Obama made a powerful comment on CNN: “The single most important thing I learned... the line between success or failure in this society so often is dictated not by anybody's inherent merits."
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods - CNNPolitics

Outcomes should never be determined on physical appearance. This is very much an issue whether you acknowledge it or not.
Then why didn’t Obama do the things Trump did to help POC? Criminal reform, long term money for higher ed institutions, setting up opportunity zones, the record low unemployment, the 8% increase in median income, and so on? Wait, I guess what Obama is saying is he’s just now figuring out it’s a problem. I withdraw my question.
Then why didn’t Obama do the things Trump did to help POC? Criminal reform, long term money for higher ed institutions, setting up opportunity zones, the record low unemployment, the 8% increase in median income, and so on? Wait, I guess what Obama is saying is he’s just now figuring out it’s a problem. I withdraw my question.
Hey hey hey. He had a beer with a cop and a black guy at the same time. That's epic progress.
not allowed.

now the question is can a non-AA POC play either of those colors. the rules of intersectionality suggest that an AA female or LBGTQ could due to having more oppressed characteristics but I'm guessing there'd still be trouble
I say make 'em run a 400 meter vs. Caitlyn Jenner winner take all

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