That's racist!

Again, what does that have to do with the disproportionate treatment they face when they encounter the police?

Your subjective feelings don’t mean s**t. The disproportionate amount of violent crimes might result in more negative interactions with law enforcement but statistics don’t even back that up.
Your subjective feelings don’t mean s**t. The disproportionate amount of violent crimes might result in more negative interactions with law enforcement but statistics don’t even back that up.
Again, I posted facts.
Please back up your subjective feelings or accept the obvious answer that is immediately in your face.

This is just one facet of racism. Bias exist, whether you want to believe it or not.
Again, I posted facts.
Please back up your subjective feelings or accept the obvious answer that is immediately in your face.

This is just one facet of racism. Bias exist, whether you want to believe it or not.

Give me numbers on race related deaths at the hands of law enforcement.
So that is your answer to how it is considered white privilege? It appears you either you aren't following the conversation or you side stepped it to me.
You must be referring to the question he asked before the one I supplied the answer to.

The answer is pretty much the same. White privilege is the ability to take certain things for granted. To say you do not care that someone else is majorly offended with reason is a privilege.
You must be referring to the question he asked before the one I supplied the answer to.

The answer is pretty much the same. White privilege is the ability to take certain things for granted. To say you do not care that someone else is majorly offended with reason is a privilege.

Utterly stupid.
You must be referring to the question he asked before the one I supplied the answer to.

The answer is pretty much the same. White privilege is the ability to take certain things for granted. To say you do not care that someone else is majorly offended with reason is a privilege.
The sheer number of guilt ridden, spineless worms like yourself in the general population amazes me. It’s like a mental retardation pandemic
The sheer number of guilt ridden, spineless worms like yourself in the general population amazes me. It’s like a mental retardation pandemic
Come on CP! I come here as often as I can and I take on the whole damn board on an issue that we all know is infamous to the south. Hard to call me spineless 😋
To me, Jews come across as HIGHLY intolerant of anything anti-Semitic
We don’t need a racist like you telling us how to think or that we can’t make it without your help. We don’t tolerate it. We don’t blame it for our problems and we don’t let it beat us. That’s why we’re abandoning the Democrats in mass. An exodus of you will.

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