That's racist!

“You all”? As in “You people “??

Yes. There’s a lot of us who think as I do. Apparently you have not paid attention to the way the Jews do business. We’re the people who put hot chicks in yoga pants at check points just because there’s a group that consideres looking at those girls a sin and according to their religious beliefs they should kill themselves.
We also profile when looking for criminals
But I digress.

“Can I see your passport please?”
^missed one. My point still stands 🤦‍♂️
Still stands about what? You have to use hysteria to make a point based on a flawed understanding of history?

If you have legit arguments, which you do, you shouldnt need to jump straight into the bs. All this does is weaken your argument for anyone that actually pays attention.
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You must be referring to the question he asked before the one I supplied the answer to.

The answer is pretty much the same. White privilege is the ability to take certain things for granted. To say you do not care that someone else is majorly offended with reason is a privilege.
You reject any white complaints out of hand. Seems like the privilege knows no bounds.
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I respect your opinion although we both know you all would never let that happen. Do any other Jews here feel the same way?
There are traits that most successful people share. Being self reliant and responsible are among the apex of those traits. Perpetuating a victim mentality that prohibits people from being successful is counterproductive. It appears to me this isn't about elevating AA's in particular and POC in general.

If America is so systemically racist why are Asian American's and Indian American's more successful today than their white counterparts? I think the answer is very obvious, they value self reliance, work ethic, discipline and education.
There are traits that most successful people share. Being self reliant and responsible are among the apex of those traits. Perpetuating a victim mentality that prohibits people from being successful is counterproductive. It appears to me this isn't about elevating AA's in particular and POC in general.

If America is so systemically racist why are Asian American's and Indian American's more successful today than their white counterparts? I think the answer is very obvious, they value self reliance, work ethic, discipline and education.
Are you sure it isn't because they act white?
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I cannot speak for all, but today I would have a hard time going to a school who was named after anyone who enslaved a race of people
Would you have a hard time visiting/spending money in our nations Capital?

William Blount College, precurssor to the University of Tennessee, was obviously named for our first Governor. He owned slaves.
Guess you are not a UT fan anymore
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Would you have a hard time visiting/spending money in our nations Capital?

William Blount College, precurssor to the University of Tennessee, was obviously named for our first Governor. He owned slaves.
Guess you are not a UT fan anymore
Every race, ethnicity, region on earth has enslaved, committed genocide or otherwise committed atrocities. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It appears we sowing some seeds.
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If data is presented which shows a difference in police stops, arrests, incarceration, and severity of punishment due to ethnicity, would differences in justice system stats with other human characteristics be as valid?

For example:
If data shows men are stopped by cops more, arrested more, incarcerated more, and with worse severity of punishment than women, does it prove prejudicial engagement against men compared to women?
Same question for age demographics. If young men and women 18-25 have harsher experiences than those aged 26-45, and those aged 26-45 have harsher experiences compared to those aged 46-65, does the data prove young adults are treated with prejudice compared to middle aged people?
So since Hunter gets a pass for saying the N word multiple times, I guess it’s ok for white people to say it again with no backlash.
I cannot speak for all, but today I would have a hard time going to a school who was named after anyone who enslaved a race of people
Washington? Jefferson? Mohammed? Castro? Lenin? Caesar? Andrew Jackson? Sitting Bull? several people have been enslaved in different ways by many different people in different countries? you literally have to mention every African, European, Asian, Middle Eastern and South/Central American leader from the Biblical times through 1800s
Have you missed all the stories of AA’s committing violent crime…. It seems to be a correlation….one of the most schooling stats I saw…. It was a recent time period of 2-4 yrs….. during that time 230,000 plus AA’s were treated in emergency rooms with non fatal gunshot injuries compared to 70,000 for white people….. that is insane to me.
In Knoxville this year its 75-1 AA to white shooting victims.....must be that "racism" that causes them to shoot each other every week :rolleyes:
“...[AAs accounted for] almost 24% of over 6,000 fatal shootings by the police since 2015.”
” drivers were about 20% more likely to be stopped than white drivers.”
“African-Americans were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.”
“African-Americans are imprisoned at five times the rate of white Americans...”
George Floyd: How are African-Americans treated under the law?

And so much more.
1. And 95% of those shootings were justified and legal defensive shootings due to violent criminals
2. Because police use directed patrolling in the highest crime areas which in every city, tends to be urban areas with high gang violence and crime, FROM black communities
3. Because blacks are more likely to be arrested for OTHER concurrent crimes while carrying marijuana (i.e. guns, driving on revoked license, etc)
4. Because blacks are more likely to commit multiple crimes over decades and thus have their probation and paroles revoked as well as added on sentencing where as other "newbie" arrestees would not get as much time

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