That's racist!

Nah. Many in here balked at the idea of 1/6 being labeled a riot (let alone admitting it was insurrection). Many stated it was a peaceful affair wherein people like Ashley Babbit were "murdered" for what they would describe as a patriot making a scene.

A riot is certainly not an insurrection, but they're not mutually exclusive either. The message has been to only admit what is readily apparent and indefensible - stating that the "violent should be charged" isn't some sort of tortured admission of a call to justice, it's common sense.
The dipshitery of both sides is amazing. Let’s just agree that everyone in the last 2 years has been engaged in mostly peaceful protests.
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Paying the tax.


Notice the headline, too. Pretty sure the assailant wasn't the McDonald's worker. "McDonald's worker defends self after multiple attacks by raging hambeast" must not get the clicks.
I am on the woman who went behind the counters side….. can’t put three flavors slushie….. I feel the same way when some McDonald’s refuse to add fudge to my McFlurry. Lol
The fail is strong in this one. You don’t get your meal, you repeatedly try to start something and then you get your ass beat when you cross the line and you’re the one that’s arrested. That’s a bad day.
Natural selection in action. Noticed sister didn’t need much instruction on how to respond once the law laid hands on her too 😂
Natural selection in action. Noticed sister didn’t need much instruction on how to respond once the law laid hands on her too 😂
I didn’t notice that, but you’re right, she definitely knew the drill. That wasn’t her first rodeo.😂

Seriously, This stuff needs to stop or at least calm down . These kinds of things seem to have a real uptick lately. Everyday there seems to be a video of a fight on a plane, airport or restaurant.
Natural selection in action. Noticed sister didn’t need much instruction on how to respond once the law laid hands on her too 😂

I think some black people do not feel there are going to be any consequences for their actions due to the national narrative. It emboldens some of them IMO

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