That's racist!

Especially the one that put a beat down on the "customer"

I don’t really care who da fug Mickey D’s blames. The employee delivering knuckle sandwiches to that disgruntled customer was absolute gold!!
Favorite part, besides the "being arrested for being a jackass at McDonalds (lol), was when her government funded covid cash weave got wrecked.
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You are right. They rely on hard work and strong familial ties which make them less likely to fall into criminal behavior. They also don’t make excuses for why their life choices are awful
Yes. And so do you. And nothing will ever stop people from doing that. But that’s not systemic racism
I can’t remember all your fallacious ridiculousnesses but are you one of those weird souls who doesn’t believe racism exist?
I think the massacre proves there wasnt a lack of racism. Unless you think it went 0 racism, 0 racism, 0 racism, 100% racism. And considering it started over a black guy being arrested I dont see how the oppressive system wasnt in place either.
I was referring to the period AAs were allowed to prosper there @ bold.
I am sure they still faced racism but the limited isolation obviously helped.
No it's simply pandering and virtue signaling. No one disagrees with the lower case idea but the capitalized org is useless and actually damages the cause
Could have fooled me @ bold.
Also, if this is your take on my avatar, what is your opinion on actual oppressive symbols that offend AAs?
So, given the thread topic, how is this racist?
Given the topic of this thread I don't see anything racist in the video.

Given the discussion of white privilege our resident troll (I think it's K-town's new alias, he's been gone since November) keeps insinuating into the thread. I'll go ahead and point out that white people being assaulted by minorities, while working the epitome of a low wage job, is the Apex Fallacy of critical theory that Marxists refuse to acknowledge.

The majority of white Americans are lower class to blue collar middle class citizens that enjoy none of the imaginary privilege critical theory suggests.

Then our resident troll can "EdUcAte ITseLf" by researching who bears the brunt of inter-racial violent crimes while having a higher disparity of the magnanimous fewer percentage of inter-racial violent crimes they commit prosecuted as hate crimes.
I was referring to the period AAs were allowed to prosper there @ bold.
I am sure they still faced racism but the limited isolation obviously helped.
White Tulsa existed. And I am willing to bet plenty of racist isht went down that was widespread throughout the nation. A race massacre doesnt pop out of no where. They didnt have to bus in whites, they just walked over.

Your belief of some type of black oasis in the middle of no where is a gross fallacy, and a clear indication you think AA are somehow less. In your mind they couldnt have thrived if there were whites around, or rampant racism. Instead the opposite is far more likely. They were able to thrive with whites, and racism present. They were able to overcome, build up and support their community in the face of the challenges put on them. No idea why sjws want to shy away from that. It's another of the amazing tales about what makes Americans so great. But no, racists like you who cant see past their nose would rather believe an unsupported illogical fairy tale than admit the truth.

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