That's racist!

I might be willing to kill you over a good brisket.
I say might because I kinda like you….
I understand. I didn't know about "brisket" until I moved to S. FL. Then I discovered Jewish deli's and that was a life changer! This goes back to '07 ish and I had never paid over $10 for a sandwich until I went to a Jewish deli. WOW!

Now I live on the W. Coast of FL and they have no clue!
I understand. I didn't know about "brisket" until I moved to S. FL. Then I discovered Jewish deli's and that was a life changer! This goes back to '07 ish and I had never paid over $10 for a sandwich until I went to a Jewish deli. WOW!

Now I live on the W. Coast of FL and they have no clue!
I just told the red women I’m going to make brisket tomorrow (your fault) and she said “hurray for Jewish roast.”
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I just told the red women I’m going to make brisket tomorrow (your fault) and she said “hurray for Jewish roast.”


When I was in S. FL I worked for a company owned by a man from Israel. He would buy lunch often and sometimes from one of these great delis. When choosing my bread I asked what is, "CHallah?" I didn't know.

I was corrected with a phlegm-filled pronunciation of "holla".

I felt bad. :(

When I was in S. FL I worked for a company owned by a man from Israel. He would buy lunch often and sometimes from one of these great delis. When choosing my bread I asked what is, "CHallah?" I didn't know.

I was corrected with a phlegm-filled pronunciation of "holla".

I felt bad. :(
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I just told the red women I’m going to make brisket tomorrow (your fault) and she said “hurray for Jewish roast.”
LOL, I received brisket training from a Jewish man using a rotisserie smoker.

As I am a culinary heretic, I played around and developed an exceptionally mild brown sugar brine. (top secret btw...)
I almost wilted under his critical gaze as he told me my Brisket was unclean before trying it.

I appealed to the Mashgiach to arbitrate during our taste test. They didn't call it Jewish Roast but it was not 'unclean' and this gentile was allowed to serve it at temple.
LOL, I received brisket training from a Jewish man using a rotisserie smoker.

As I am a culinary heretic, I played around and developed an exceptionally mild brown sugar brine. (top secret btw...)
I almost wilted under his critical gaze as he told me my Brisket was unclean before trying it.

I appealed to the Mashgiach to arbitrate during our taste test. They didn't call it Jewish Roast but it was not 'unclean' and this gentile was allowed to serve it at temple.
We take brisket very seriously. Lol
LOL, I received brisket training from a Jewish man using a rotisserie smoker.

As I am a culinary heretic, I played around and developed an exceptionally mild brown sugar brine. (top secret btw...)
I almost wilted under his critical gaze as he told me my Brisket was unclean before trying it.

I appealed to the Mashgiach to arbitrate during our taste test. They didn't call it Jewish Roast but it was not 'unclean' and this gentile was allowed to serve it at temple.

I have no idea what any of this means but get on over to the Grill/ BBQ Thread on the Pub and share this stuff! :)
Since I didn't offend you, my response was, "Sorry! We didn't have a whole lot-a 'hhhhholllla' growing up in East TN."

Thankfully, they understood.

I’ve lived in Tennessee my entire life and my redneck accent absolutely leaves my Hebrew near unrecognizable. We call it speaking “Hebrah”
Given the topic of this thread I don't see anything racist in the video.

Given the discussion of white privilege our resident troll (I think it's K-town's new alias, he's been gone since November) keeps insinuating into the thread. I'll go ahead and point out that white people being assaulted by minorities, while working the epitome of a low wage job, is the Apex Fallacy of critical theory that Marxists refuse to acknowledge.

The majority of white Americans are lower class to blue collar middle class citizens that enjoy none of the imaginary privilege critical theory suggests.

Then our resident troll can "EdUcAte ITseLf" by researching who bears the brunt of inter-racial violent crimes while having a higher disparity of the magnanimous fewer percentage of inter-racial violent crimes they commit prosecuted as hate crimes.
No need and leave the weak insults to weezer.
What is the point of the bold? There is no white privilege because of the discrepancy in hate crimes and the distribution of white people by class? 🤦‍♂️
White Tulsa existed. And I am willing to bet plenty of racist isht went down that was widespread throughout the nation. A race massacre doesnt pop out of no where. They didnt have to bus in whites, they just walked over.

Your belief of some type of black oasis in the middle of no where is a gross fallacy, and a clear indication you think AA are somehow less. In your mind they couldnt have thrived if there were whites around, or rampant racism. Instead the opposite is far more likely. They were able to thrive with whites, and racism present. They were able to overcome, build up and support their community in the face of the challenges put on them. No idea why sjws want to shy away from that. It's another of the amazing tales about what makes Americans so great. But no, racists like you who cant see past their nose would rather believe an unsupported illogical fairy tale than admit the truth.
Not at all what I was trying to imply and I clarified a bit in my last post.
They built their own community, supported by them and somewhat shielded from the typical racism at that time. White people were clearly around because they stopped the thriving, counter to your point.
BTW, I am starting to lose your point here. Are you saying they should form their own communities today?
My exact sentiment when leader after leader in BLM is exposed but people like you still support the scam organization.
I just don’t get this argument. Do you support the police? The military? How about the Boy/Girl Scouts? Churches? I can go on and on.
Why only single out irrelevant members and isolated incidents and ignore the movement at the same time for only this organization?
You have tap danced all around the root cause of all of this. A Stable loving home environment, solid role models, teaching values and morals, discipline, consequences and repercussions for actions, a solid work ethic and defining right from wrong. What I have just listed are all the keys to keeping a child from the going to jail constantly cycle. Every community fails at this.
Not the stupid laws that put them in jail or the disparity in opportunities and wealth that cause desperation? It almost like these factors are ignored on purpose. 🤦‍♂️
I would definitely not say every community. Asian communities don't have this issue. Nor do most actual African immigrant communities. First-gen legal Hispanic folks are usually good at it too. And of course, these "privileges" are precisely why the black community acts out and attacks them at an overwhelming clip.
Link 🤦‍♂️
Link please 😂😂😂
Student test scores and gpa's in low income and even lower middle class blue collar school systems these days. The school systems are only as good as parent involvement in those systems. Studies show that more involved the parents, the more successful the students.

People do not value education like they did 30 or 40 years ago.
She can’t and neither can Bay define what systemic racism actually exists other than “disproportionate” policing which in and of itself is a direct result of high crime areas not roving bands of vigilante Klan members who pose as cops. Which is why they can’t be taken serious, you can only cry wolf so many times and people not tune you out.
I feel like I can copy and post this paragraph to 90% of my responses here:
“To right-wingers, racism only matters when it is conscious and deliberate; racism that is unconscious, implicit, or institutional simply doesn’t count in their worldview. And as individualists, they think we are all masters of our own fate: If people are poor, it is basically their own fault. Therefore, systemic racism is an impossibility.”
The Right’s Farcical Denial of Systemic Racism

Btw, I have definitely posted more facts than the one you listed 🤦‍♂️. Because I am in the mood to help your lazy argument, please see the link above.
I just don’t get this argument. Do you support the police? The military? How about the Boy/Girl Scouts? Churches? I can go on and on.
Why only single out irrelevant members and isolated incidents and ignore the movement at the same time for only this organization?
LOL... Founding members are hardly "irrelevant members"...... The top brass in the military doesn't ask me for money to defend the nation, then spend the money on personal property. The boy and girl scout organizations don't either. Churches may be a valid comparison with a few mega churches leaders enriching themselves.

So are you admitting you are supporting an organization that's pulling the old Joel Osteen? You really want to cast your lot with the idiots that fund his Lambos and lavish lifestyle?
LOL... Founding members are hardly "irrelevant members"...... The top brass in the military doesn't ask me for money to defend the nation, then spend the money on personal property. The boy and girl scout organizations don't either. Churches may be a valid comparison with a few mega churches leaders enriching themselves.

So are you admitting you are supporting an organization that's pulling the old Joel Osteen? You really want to cast your lot with the idiots that fund his Lambos and lavish lifestyle?
Um do you not know the history of the police??? Maybe you didn’t bring them up on purpose. 🤦‍♂️
There are bad players at high levels in every single organization I listed. So why are you singling out BLM? 🤔

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