That's racist!

Please respond to your myth point. I am not letting you skirt out of that.
I don't need to respond. You want to believe in a fairy tale, go ahead, but don't expect everyone to buy in. I've lived enough life to know it's a myth, perpetuated by people such as yourself who passively push hate and division. But of course you want to push the point to try and deflect from the fact you just revealed yourself. Casually dismissive of the taking of a life because he was white. No big deal, right? Well, it was a big deal to his family. But unlike you, I've never judged an entire race by the actions of individuals. I deal with people for who they are, not some preconceived notion of who they are based off the color of their skin.

Take your hate mongering somewhere else. I'm done with you.
I don't need to respond. You want to believe in a fairy tale, go ahead, but don't expect everyone to buy in. I've lived enough life to know it's a myth, perpetuated by people such as yourself who passively push hate and division. But of course you want to push the point to try and deflect from the fact you just revealed yourself. Casually dismissive of the taking of a life because he was white. No big deal, right? Well, it was a big deal to his family. But unlike you, I've never judged an entire race by the actions of individuals. I deal with people for who they are, not some preconceived notion of who they are based off the color of their skin.

Take your hate mongering somewhere else. I'm done with you.
I’ll take this cowering away to mean you cannot prove your assertion.
Can you just list everything I need to do for you to actually prove your point?
This is getting even more embarrassing 🤦‍♂️
I've offered more proof that white privilege is a myth than you've offered to prove you're not a hate mongering troll. Not my fault you're blind as well as ignorant.
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I've offered more proof that white privilege is a myth than you've offered to prove you're not a hate mongering troll. Not my fault you're blind as well as ignorant.
I've lived enough life to know it's a myth, perpetuated by people such as yourself who passively push hate and division.
^This was your proof? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I support the 2nd amendment and equal rights. It doesn't matter if it's a white or a black guy coming at you with a gun. I'll give an honest evaluation of their grouping if they ask. The rest is up to the police.
Now charging someone for a Hate Crime is subjective and except for the prosecutors relying on the police to present them with evidence; is a decision made autonomously from the police arrest.
The bold are more misstatements. There are these things called trials 😂😂😂
Indeed there are trials. So the police decide what charges are going to be filed for trial? It's almost as if someone or some office makes a relatively subjective decision from the arrest report about what charges to file.....
You definitely seem like the type that laughs at their own jokes 😂😂😂
Link @ bold or I am about to stop taking you seriously 🤦‍♂️
No, I was laughing at you.

Link - Google BLM. Sift through the copycat scams piggybacking the acronym. Hint-you want the one that uses actblue to embezzle donations. Read their BLM mission statement. You might have to go through some internet archives to find it as they like to stealth edit and delete their own content.

You aren't worth my time to find the link. I've never taken you serious.

The only rebuttal you were correct about while critiquing me was that I wrote a book of rambling text while talking in circles a few times, and it wasn't very concise. I acknowledged to the other forum members that they suffered through it.
I knew that would happen and I didn't care. I'm dyslexic and and life isn't fair. It's very hard for me to write any kind of lengthy post from my phone. Generally I use my desktop or a lap top for important stuff. You aren't important. You don't get an academic paper, cliff notes, or a rough draft. My disorganized loose notes still presented points with more substantiality than anything you've ever posted since switching aliases.
. That argument would fall into a special category I don't care to compete in.
You may apply this colloquially to any other questions, replies, or attempts at correspondence. I won't reply.

If you see me state that your a troll again on a later post or thread, you still don't matter. I'm informing another member. The other member matters, not you.
Please prove this assertion @ bold. I should stop here.

Just wow @ comparison. Feels like you make those assumptions anyway.
It doesn't exist. It isn't an actual thing. White Privilege is a dog whistle for simpletons that says "you are smarter/better than me because of my own (or ancestors) mistakes" and/or an attempt to dismiss the science behind human development and evolution. That is all.
It's not an insult. I think you're a fundamentally dishonest troll with a new alias. The writing style definitely fits and I'm not going to carry out any aloof pretense otherwise. I've stated it once before and I'll probably state that you're a troll again, but I won't argue it anymore. That argument would fall into a special category I don't care to compete in.

You're a fundamentally dishonest person, like with your aloof pretense of not understanding how Apex Fallacy artificially effects the median.

The video was pretty much an ancedotal incident of interracial violence. It is also a micro example of everyday hardships white people deal with berefit of privilege, and those hardships extrapolate to form the macro.

Your logic and reason skills are simply juvenile Kafka traps. You form them by cherry picking data and selectively phrasing your arguments.

To support your notion of white privilege; You falsely posit that by having such a high arrest percentage in comparison to the population percentage that A. Either blacks are targeted or B. That whites receive a pass.

Then when it's pointed out through empirical data that blacks commit around 10x(could be a little less or more, been a while since I looked) the amount of violent interracial crimes as Whites do, that blacks are still being targeted.

Now for the sake of clarity, let's point out that the arrests resulting from these violent crimes do not (and can not realistically) result from premeditated police initiative or targeting. Those arrested are predominantly reactive and are backed up by police reports, 911 calls, and hospital records.

Now charging someone for a Hate Crime is subjective and except for the prosecutors relying on the police to present them with evidence; is a decision made autonomously from the police arrest.

Yet here you are in a fundamentally dishonest manner, stating that the hate crimes are an absolute.

So police are so busy targeting blacks for arrest that it spikes the crime percentage even though those arrests are reactive. Then after all that targeting of blacks resulting in arrests that the police had little choice in making, whites are somehow enjoying privilige? Theres no hospital/911 records, or any kind of valid records to suggest that whites are getting away with anything. The police somehow didn't target blacks enough to turn over enough evidence to prosecute them with more hate crimes than whites though.
The back and forth contradictions are absurd.

Distribution of white people by class. Yes, a much greater majority of white people receiving no generational wealth than a much smaller minority of white people that do receive wealth refutes the notion of white privilige. Yes the ultra riche 1%-5%(whatever they are) receiving generational wealth does inflate the numbers and results in whites as a whole receiving more. That is passed down genetically, not racially. The end result still leaves no privilige for the majority of white people. That's called Apex Fallacy. You condemn a whole based on the results of a few.

To anyone else who's suffered through this, Bayvol is K-town. He/she probably received a SF job offer and took it so they could stay close to JG.
You know she won’t understand any of that
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I’ll start and end with Donald Trump 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Where is the outrage??????!
Your arbitrary standard is a joke. Focus on the movement because it will far outlast the people who coined the phrase.
Please expand on the arbitrary standard idea. What does Trump have to do with BLM misappropriating money?
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You definitely seem like the type that laughs at their own jokes 😂😂😂
Link @ bold or I am about to stop taking you seriously 🤦‍♂️

This was originally on the blm site “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable”
They’ve made no secret of their desire to end what we know as the nuclear family. They received so much backlash from this quote that they removed it from their site. Why do you think they did that 😂
How do you know so little of this scam org that you are on your knees for?
Student test scores and gpa's in low income and even lower middle class blue collar school systems these days. The school systems are only as good as parent involvement in those systems. Studies show that more involved the parents, the more successful the students.

People do not value education like they did 30 or 40 years ago.
Lots of people view schools as simply daycare.
Given the topic of this thread I don't see anything racist in the video.

Given the discussion of white privilege our resident troll (I think it's K-town's new alias, he's been gone since November) keeps insinuating into the thread. I'll go ahead and point out that white people being assaulted by minorities, while working the epitome of a low wage job, is the Apex Fallacy of critical theory that Marxists refuse to acknowledge.

The majority of white Americans are lower class to blue collar middle class citizens that enjoy none of the imaginary privilege critical theory suggests.

Then our resident troll can "EdUcAte ITseLf" by researching who bears the brunt of inter-racial violent crimes while having a higher disparity of the magnanimous fewer percentage of inter-racial violent crimes they commit prosecuted as hate crimes.

You are probably right that Bay is KTown. He never recovered from the embarrassment of the “JG is a great Qb because he’s black” argument
“The number of true racists in society is trivially small, conservatives believe, and all evidence that Black people are economically disadvantaged just shows that they don’t work hard enough or save enough, have too many children out of wedlock, or are too comfortable being on welfare. The playbook here is clear: Always identify some reason for racially disparate life outcomes that lets white people off the hook and lays the responsibility for their circumstances squarely on Black people themselves. It’s a classic case of blaming-the-victim rhetoric.”
The Right’s Farcical Denial of Systemic Racism
Please read the article.

When I state that everyone is a product of their decisions, includes all races not just black people.
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Please prove this assertion @ bold. I should stop here.

Just wow @ comparison. Feels like you make those assumptions anyway.

At this point I'm trying to figure out if you are a white leftist that has subconsciously been a bigot your entire life. So you automatically assume that is a character trait of the collective when God gives each us free will. Then again, you could actually be a minority that uses this as a crutch and a way to excuse self responsibility or hatred toward another.

Racism and slavery is a part of this country's history. It has been a part of the history of the world. In every society there has been, the have and the have nots. It is an ugly stain. This country didn't create slavery, people bought into slavery because it was normal for those times. African tribes sold other African tribes for goods and services. As this country evolved into a 1st world country it has changed as many other nations of the world. Some have not changed. You will continue to have pockets of racism in indivuals, not the collective because we are all given free will to discern right and wrong and make a choice between the two. This country is the most gracious and fair nation in the world with a system that can sustain itself unless it collapse's using the propaganda that has ruined other civilizations throughout history.

Today, with hard work everyone can achieve some level of success if their head is on straight. It doesn't mean the road to get there is the same for everyone but it doesn't mean the outcome is either. We are all different.

I could go on and on but you either get it or you don't. We are a nation of laws or we're not then at some point we won't be the greatest country on earth which is important for democracy as a whole. Imagine China, a communist country, as the greatest nation on earth. Taiwan would just be the first conquest.

Stop buying propaganda and thinking because something is popular or the latest trend that it's right but I know that is asking too much sometimes.

Oh, and I am not excusing this nation's history because slavery was horrible but we can look at how far we've come. It's evidenced all over the place. This get inside the mind stuff is dangerous in so many different ways besides this topic.
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Not the stupid laws that put them in jail or the disparity in opportunities and wealth that cause desperation? It almost like these factors are ignored on purpose. 🤦‍♂️
I’m starting at the cradle. The crux of the problem that you ignore. Any child that grows up in a home without the majority of the components I mentioned is more likely to become a problem. You just glossed right over that and moved forward with your narrative. I cannot fix a person that is already damaged, they can only fix themselves. Until they become such a problem that they become criminal outcasts. Throwing money at the problem only makes people more dependent and less self fulfilled.
I believe more than a few people here, civic leaders and some very famous people have pointed out if a community reinforces bad behavior in front of the next generation it will be repeated ad nauseum. We see it played out everyday. Until people within that community say enough, this isn’t right and we won’t tolerate it, until parents start parenting and until people like you stop ignoring the actual base of the problem it’s not going to get better.
I’m starting at the cradle. The crux of the problem that you ignore. Any child that grows up in a home without the majority of the components I mentioned is more likely to become a problem. You just glossed right over that and moved forward with your narrative. I cannot fix a person that is already damaged, they can only fix themselves. Until they become such a problem that they become criminal outcasts. Throwing money at the problem only makes people more dependent and less self fulfilled. I believe more than a few people here, civic leaders and some very famous people have pointed out if a community reinforces bad behavior in front of the next generation it will be repeated ad nauseum. We see it played out everyday. Until people within that community say enough, this isn’t right and we won’t tolerate it, until parents start parenting and until people like you stop ignoring the actual base of the problem it’s not going to get better.
No, I just gave you an answer you didn’t like. This is not a chicken or egg situation.
Why in the world do you think AA households tend to be more broken?
It doesn't exist. It isn't an actual thing. White Privilege is a dog whistle for simpletons that says "you are smarter/better than me because of my own (or ancestors) mistakes" and/or an attempt to dismiss the science behind human development and evolution. That is all.
Predicable response from you with the usual lack of substance.
Lol @ the people who liked it as well. Sad bunch to be affiliated with.

Can you actually prove this? @ bold
(fully expect you to run away or attempt to shift focus like @Weezer)

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