That's racist!

No need and leave the weak insults to weezer.
What is the point of the bold? There is no white privilege because of the discrepancy in hate crimes and the distribution of white people by class? 🤦‍♂️
It's not an insult. I think you're a fundamentally dishonest troll with a new alias. The writing style definitely fits and I'm not going to carry out any aloof pretense otherwise. I've stated it once before and I'll probably state that you're a troll again, but I won't argue it anymore. That argument would fall into a special category I don't care to compete in.

You're a fundamentally dishonest person, like with your aloof pretense of not understanding how Apex Fallacy artificially effects the median.

The video was pretty much an ancedotal incident of interracial violence. It is also a micro example of everyday hardships white people deal with berefit of privilege, and those hardships extrapolate to form the macro.

Your logic and reason skills are simply juvenile Kafka traps. You form them by cherry picking data and selectively phrasing your arguments.

To support your notion of white privilege; You falsely posit that by having such a high arrest percentage in comparison to the population percentage that A. Either blacks are targeted or B. That whites receive a pass.

Then when it's pointed out through empirical data that blacks commit around 10x(could be a little less or more, been a while since I looked) the amount of violent interracial crimes as Whites do, that blacks are still being targeted.

Now for the sake of clarity, let's point out that the arrests resulting from these violent crimes do not (and can not realistically) result from premeditated police initiative or targeting. Those arrested are predominantly reactive and are backed up by police reports, 911 calls, and hospital records.

Now charging someone for a Hate Crime is subjective and except for the prosecutors relying on the police to present them with evidence; is a decision made autonomously from the police arrest.

Yet here you are in a fundamentally dishonest manner, stating that the hate crimes are an absolute.

So police are so busy targeting blacks for arrest that it spikes the crime percentage even though those arrests are reactive. Then after all that targeting of blacks resulting in arrests that the police had little choice in making, whites are somehow enjoying privilige? Theres no hospital/911 records, or any kind of valid records to suggest that whites are getting away with anything. The police somehow didn't target blacks enough to turn over enough evidence to prosecute them with more hate crimes than whites though.
The back and forth contradictions are absurd.

Distribution of white people by class. Yes, a much greater majority of white people receiving no generational wealth than a much smaller minority of white people that do receive wealth refutes the notion of white privilige. Yes the ultra riche 1%-5%(whatever they are) receiving generational wealth does inflate the numbers and results in whites as a whole receiving more. That is passed down genetically, not racially. The end result still leaves no privilige for the majority of white people. That's called Apex Fallacy. You condemn a whole based on the results of a few.

To anyone else who's suffered through this, Bayvol is K-town. He/she probably received a SF job offer and took it so they could stay close to JG.
Probably the fact you think you’re funny?
Actually not at all. It was still funny, just not for the reason you think.

Big BLM specifically wants to devalue or de emphasis the nuclear family.

Little blm specifically states that they're separate from the political movement and that's not their goal.

That's why like @utvolpj said, it's stupid to care or be oppressed about a symbol.

Keep creating dissention......
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I feel like I can copy and post this paragraph to 90% of my responses here:
“To right-wingers, racism only matters when it is conscious and deliberate; racism that is unconscious, implicit, or institutional simply doesn’t count in their worldview. And as individualists, they think we are all masters of our own fate: If people are poor, it is basically their own fault. Therefore, systemic racism is an impossibility.”
The Right’s Farcical Denial of Systemic Racism

Btw, I have definitely posted more facts than the one you listed 🤦‍♂️. Because I am in the mood to help your lazy argument, please see the link above.

We are all a product of our decisions whether you like it or not and regardless of whether you agree with it. You believe that only certain groups are a product of their decisions because only certain groups have the privilege of personal choice which is nonsense. You know next to nothing about the group you supposedly are a champion of. They don’t need Left wing kooks running around screaming racism at every turn or their hand held like disabled children. They need good paying jobs, decent housing, and family stability. I have worked and continue to work in high poverty, heavy minority areas. I meet with parents on a daily basis and not a single one has ever parroted your brainwashed mantra of the white man holding them down. They understand that poor decisions, family dynamics, and a lack of education are holding them back. Many have taken night classes and broke off toxic relationships. Your “black lives matter” bs is nothing more than virtue signaling to other woke Left wing kooks.
Um do you not know the history of the police??? Maybe you didn’t bring them up on purpose. 🤦‍♂️
There are bad players at high levels in every single organization I listed. So why are you singling out BLM? 🤔
Are there, please list examples of leaders in those organizations taking charitable donations and enriching themselves.

Of course there are bad actors in all those organizations, they are human. The difference is those organizations aren't asking people for money for one thing and spending on themselves. I think you hit the nail on the head with the church comparison. They are Joel Osteen, I despise him as well, I tend to dislike people and organizations that are FOS.
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It's not an insult. I think you're a fundamentally dishonest troll with a new alias. The writing style definitely fits and I'm not going to carry out any aloof pretense otherwise. I've stated it once before and I'll probably state that you're a troll again, but I won't argue it anymore. That argument would fall into a special category I don't care to compete in.
To assume I am someone I am not is an insult. You also tried to mock me. Both corny fails. Save the energy for your arguments. They need them.
You're a fundamentally dishonest person, like with your aloof pretense of not understanding how Apex Fallacy artificially effects the median.

The video was pretty much an ancedotal incident of interracial violence. It is also a micro example of everyday hardships white people deal with berefit of privilege, and those hardships extrapolate to form the macro.

Your logic and reason skills are simply juvenile Kafka traps. You form them by cherry picking data and selectively phrasing your arguments.
You raise these points but I’m fundamentally dishonest 😂😂😂
You are clearly looking at these issues from only one side. Who is cherry picking??
To support your notion of white privilege; You falsely posit that by having such a high arrest percentage in comparison to the population percentage that A. Either blacks are targeted or B. That whites receive a pass.
Just no. That is not what I have done here at all 🤦‍♂️
Then when it's pointed out through empirical data that blacks commit around 10x(could be a little less or more, been a while since I looked) the amount of violent interracial crimes as Whites do, that blacks are still being targeted.
I also never said the word “target.” Facts show however, that black people are more likely to be pulled over, more likely to be murdered by the police, and much more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime. (Again, see earlier link) Bias does exist.

The facts I posted earlier have very little to do with the main point you are trying to make over and over and over again. 🤦‍♂️
Now for the sake of clarity, let's point out that the arrests resulting from these violent crimes do not (and can not realistically) result from premeditated police initiative or targeting. Those arrested are predominantly reactive and are backed up by police reports, 911 calls, and hospital records.
Again, I pointed out that there is a discrepancy at almost every single level when it comes to race and police interaction. Please go back and clink the link I posted. Also, please interject more than emotional opinion in your reply. Your words carry very little weight after our correspondence today.
Now charging someone for a Hate Crime is subjective and except for the prosecutors relying on the police to present them with evidence; is a decision made autonomously from the police arrest.

Yet here you are in a fundamentally dishonest manner, stating that the hate crimes are an absolute.
The bold are more misstatements. There are these things called trials 😂😂😂
So police are so busy targeting blacks for arrest that it spikes the crime percentage even though those arrests are reactive. Then after all that targeting of blacks resulting in arrests that the police had little choice in making, whites are somehow enjoying privilige? Theres no hospital/911 records, or any kind of valid records to suggest that whites are getting away with anything. The police somehow didn't target blacks enough to turn over enough evidence to prosecute them more hate crimes than whites though.
The back and forth contradictions are absurd.
Seems you are almost arguing with yourself? I agree, your back and forth is absurd and also, boring. I simply did not make this point you harp on in this waste of time novel 🤷‍♂️
Bias does not necessarily = targeting 🤦‍♂️
Distribution of white people by class. Yes, a much greater majority of white people receiving no generational wealth than a much smaller minority of white people that do receive wealth refutes the notion of white privilige. Yes the ultra riche 1%-5%(whatever they are) receiving generational wealth does inflate the numbers and results in whites as a whole receiving more. That is passed down genetically, not racially. The end result still leaves no privilige for the majority of white people. That's called Apex Fallacy. You condemn a whole based on the results of a few.
Wealth equates to so much more than actual money. The stuff you are forgetting. (Btw, that‘s privilege 🤦‍♂️)
To anyone else who's suffered through this, Bayvol is K-town. He/she probably received a SF job offer and took it so they could stay close to JG.
I guess this is what you have to result to when your arguments suck 🤷‍♂️
Does that make you @C-south or @NCFisher? 🤔
Please don’t respond with another book. This one was an embarrassment for you.
Actually not at all. It was still funny, just not for the reason you think.

Big BLM specifically wants to devalue or de emphasis the nuclear family.

Little blm specifically states that they're separate from the political movement and that's not their goal.

That's why like @utvolpj said, it's stupid to care or be oppressed about a symbol.

Keep creating dissention......
You definitely seem like the type that laughs at their own jokes 😂😂😂
Link @ bold or I am about to stop taking you seriously 🤦‍♂️
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Are there, please list examples of leaders in those organizations taking charitable donations and enriching themselves.

Of course there are bad actors in all those organizations, they are human. The difference is those organizations aren't asking people for money for one thing and spending on themselves. I think you hit the nail on the head with the church comparison. They are Joel Osteen, I despise him as well, I tend to dislike people and organizations that are FOS.
I’ll start and end with Donald Trump 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Where is the outrage??????!
Your arbitrary standard is a joke. Focus on the movement because it will far outlast the people who coined the phrase.
No need and leave the weak insults to weezer.
What is the point of the bold? There is no white privilege because of the discrepancy in hate crimes and the distribution of white people by class? 🤦‍♂️
I think you meant accurate observations instead of "weak insults". The truth is often painful, but once you embrace it, life gets simpler.
We are all a product of our decisions whether you like it or not and regardless of whether you agree with it. You believe that only certain groups are a product of their decisions because only certain groups have the privilege of personal choice which is nonsense. You know next to nothing about the group you supposedly are a champion of. They don’t need Left wing kooks running around screaming racism at every turn or their hand held like disabled children. They need good paying jobs, decent housing, and family stability. I have worked and continue to work in high poverty, heavy minority areas. I meet with parents on a daily basis and not a single one has ever parroted your brainwashed mantra of the white man holding them down. They understand that poor decisions, family dynamics, and a lack of education are holding them back. Many have taken night classes and broke off toxic relationships. Your “black lives matter” bs is nothing more than virtue signaling to other woke Left wing kooks.
“The number of true racists in society is trivially small, conservatives believe, and all evidence that Black people are economically disadvantaged just shows that they don’t work hard enough or save enough, have too many children out of wedlock, or are too comfortable being on welfare. The playbook here is clear: Always identify some reason for racially disparate life outcomes that lets white people off the hook and lays the responsibility for their circumstances squarely on Black people themselves. It’s a classic case of blaming-the-victim rhetoric.”
The Right’s Farcical Denial of Systemic Racism
Please read the article.
Idk if there is a better example of WP. Thanks ☺️

It's funny that you think comments like that prove something. I think your IQ may be even lower than I originally gave you credit for. I should probably apologize for believing you were reasonably intelligent. I got that one wrong.
It's funny that you think comments like that prove something. I think your IQ may be even lower than I originally gave you credit for. I should probably apologize for believing you were reasonably intelligent. I got that one wrong.
Do you know what WP is? Lets see if you can muster an intelligible answer.
Do you know what WP is? Lets see if you can muster an intelligible answer.
White privilege is the myth that simply being white somehow grants one societal advantages not enjoyed by POC. Not all white people enjoy this so-called "privilege". Making a blanket statement that they do is ignorant. It would be like me making a blanket statement calling all black people murderers or thugs because 3 black teenagers killed my cousin when they robbed the convenience store he worked at. Their actions reflect on them, as individuals, not the entire black community. Asserting white privilege is a real thing is just another form of spreading hate and division. So kudos on that. You are what you claim to hate.
White privilege is the myth that simply being white somehow grants one societal advantages not enjoyed by POC.
Please prove this assertion @ bold. I should stop here.
Not all white people enjoy this so-called "privilege". Making a blanket statement that they do is ignorant. It would be like me making a blanket statement calling all black people murderers or thugs because 3 black teenagers killed my cousin when they robbed the convenience store he worked at. Their actions reflect on them, as individuals, not the entire black community. Asserting white privilege is a real thing is just another form of spreading hate and division. So kudos on that. You are what you claim to hate.
Just wow @ comparison. Feels like you make those assumptions anyway.
Please prove this assertion @ bold. I should stop here.

Just wow @ comparison. Feels like you make those assumptions anyway.
So did my cousin's life not matter? What about the 7 week old that was left fatherless when his dad was killed? I'm talking about real people, not pulling penguins out of my ass. So "wow" at you for casually dismissing a life because he was white.
So did my cousin's life not matter? What about the 7 week old that was left fatherless when his dad was killed? I'm talking about real people, not pulling penguins out of my ass. So "wow" at you for casually dismissing a life because he was white.
Please respond to your myth point. I am not letting you skirt out of that.
If you are so adamant that it doesn’t exist, please help me understand.

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