That's racist!

Just wow. What a lazy response.
Will you finally stop running and prove that WP doesn’t exist? I promise I’ll do a lot better in response than you just did.
(definitely expect you to run again)
You've yet to offer any tangible proof that it does exist. Why should I prove a negative to make you happy?
So you can look like less of a coward? Or, because I asked you 1st?
Pick one 🤷‍♂️
lmao So weak. If you want to say some are privileged, I could easily agree with that. To say all white people enjoy this mythical white privilege is just a joke. Blanket statements are rarely, if ever, entirely correct, which is the idea you are pitching. I've known black people that are privilefed through one way or another. Should their privilege be called out, and made a blanket statement? No, because it wouldn't be true of all black people. The fact you can't see past the absurdity of a statement that lumps everyone together based on their race is ignorance on your part. You're practicing bigotry, basically saying "all white people are the same" which is a complete and total fallacy. It is no different than a racist statement that lumps all black people together, or all Hispanics together, or any group of POC together. You are choosing to believe in a mythical stereotype that perpetuates hate. And you choose to remain blind to that simple fact.
Says the person who refuses to be open-minded 😂

I’m a pragmatic person. I’m open minded to an extent. When people talk stupid s**t it’s hard to take them seriously. Your emotional gibberish only proves you’re severely disturbed.
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lmao So weak. If you want to say some are privileged, I could easily agree with that. To say all white people enjoy this mythical white privilege is just a joke. Blanket statements are rarely, if ever, entirely correct, which is the idea you are pitching. I've known black people that are privilefed through one way or another. Should their privilege be called out, and made a blanket statement? No, because it wouldn't be true of all black people. The fact you can't see past the absurdity of a statement that lumps everyone together based on their race is ignorance on your part. You're practicing bigotry, basically saying "all white people are the same" which is a complete and total fallacy. It is no different than a racist statement that lumps all black people together, or all Hispanics together, or any group of POC together. You are choosing to believe in a mythical stereotype that perpetuates hate. And you choose to remain blind to that simple fact.
Explain the bold please. I think we may be able to get somewhere 🍿
No where ever have I said “all white people are the same” btw.
Also, did you watch the video regarding privilege that was just posted?
Explain the bold please. I think we may be able to get somewhere 🍿
No where ever have I said “all white people are the same” btw.
Also, did you watch the video regarding privilege that was just posted?
I did watch the video. Some of it I agree with, some I don't.

I've said it before, some people are privileged. Privileged people exist in all races. Not all white people enjoy this magical privilege.

Your context and your belief in white privilege is saying you think "all white people are the same". You're trying to dodge your own bigotry.

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