That's racist!

I did watch the video. Some of it I agree with, some I don't.

I've said it before, some people are privileged. Privileged people exist in all races. Not all white people enjoy this magical privilege.

Your context and your belief in white privilege is saying you think "all white people are the same". You're trying to dodge your own bigotry.
Again, please explain the bold. How and why?
Also, I don’t think you know what bigotry means btw.
Again, please explain the bold. How and why?
Also, I don’t think you know what bigotry means btw.
LMAO, I think you're confusing bigotry and racism. I know what both terms mean. You have displayed bigotry.

Privileged, as in born into wealth or status. Or gifted with certain attributes. Or really anything that might give a person a step up. Simply being white does not give one a step up. Hell. in the world today, we are seeing more and more where being white is a detriment.
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LMAO, I think you're confusing bigotry and racism. I know what both terms mean. You have displayed bigotry.
How have I showed bigotry?
Privileged, as in born into wealth or status. Or gifted with certain attributes. Or really anything that might give a person a step up. Simply being white does not give one a step up. Hell. in the world today, we are seeing more and more where being white is a detriment.
It definitely has its advantages in this country. Idk how you can refute that. Let’s stick to your qualifiers of wealth and status. Which race is most associated with that in this country?
Every person individually and collectively has their advantages and disadvantages. No one is blaming anyone for their status but to be ignorant of a privilege 🤷‍♂️
How have I showed bigotry?

It definitely has its advantages in this country. Idk how you can refute that. Let’s stick to your qualifiers of wealth and status. Which race is most associated with that in this country?
Every person individually and collectively has their advantages and disadvantages. No one is blaming anyone for their status but to be ignorant of a privilege 🤷‍♂️

You are definitely ignorant.
How have I showed bigotry?

It definitely has its advantages in this country. Idk how you can refute that. Let’s stick to your qualifiers of wealth and status. Which race is most associated with that in this country?
Every person individually and collectively has their advantages and disadvantages. No one is blaming anyone for their status but to be ignorant of a privilege 🤷‍♂️
You're spouting BS again.

As for your "which race" question, again, you're trying to make a blanket statement about "all whites" only it doesn't apply to "all whites". Are all white people born into wealth and status? Absolutely not. And that's where "white privilege" is proven a myth. If not all white people can claim this privilege, then it's inaccurate to call it "white privilege".

So I guess your ignorance on that is a privilege you enjoy.
You're spouting BS again.

As for your "which race" question, again, you're trying to make a blanket statement about "all whites" only it doesn't apply to "all whites". Are all white people born into wealth and status? Absolutely not. And that's where "white privilege" is proven a myth. If not all white people can claim this privilege, then it's inaccurate to call it "white privilege".

So I guess your ignorance on that is a privilege you enjoy.

Progressives do anything to pit two groups against each other. They never want to debate ideas so the use people warfare as bait. The gullible more often fall for it. I used to.
At this point I'm trying to figure out if you are a white leftist that has subconsciously been a bigot your entire life. So you automatically assume that is a character trait of the collective when God gives each us free will. Then again, you could actually be a minority that uses this as a crutch and a way to excuse self responsibility or hatred toward another.
Again, how am I a bigot? Are you reading your response before you send it? You have basically refuted WP with close-mindedness and insults. Hypocrite much?
Racism and slavery is a part of this country's history. It has been a part of the history of the world. In every society there has been, the have and the have nots. It is an ugly stain. This country didn't create slavery, people bought into slavery because it was normal for those times. African tribes sold other African tribes for goods and services. As this country evolved into a 1st world country it has changed as many other nations of the world. Some have not changed. You will continue to have pockets of racism in indivuals, not the collective because we are all given free will to discern right and wrong and make a choice between the two. This country is the most gracious and fair nation in the world with a system that can sustain itself unless it collapse's using the propaganda that has ruined other civilizations throughout history.
My point here is that not everyone has the same opportunities or the same choices. Great country but it could be even better 🇺🇸
Today, with hard work everyone can achieve some level of success if their head is on straight. It doesn't mean the road to get there is the same for everyone but it doesn't mean the outcome is either. We are all different.
I agree with a lot of this. We aren’t as far off as (I think) you think.
Stop buying propaganda and thinking because something is popular or the latest trend that it's right but I know that is asking too much sometimes.

Oh, and I am not excusing this nation's history because slavery was horrible but we can look at how far we've come. It's evidenced all over the place. This get inside the mind stuff is dangerous in so many different ways besides this topic.
Lol look at my like count. Do you think I care about what is popular. I choose to be on the right side of history today. We have come a long way for sure. I am living proof. It took me leaving the south to see just how normalized and entrenched racism is there. Life is better in diversity and love.
Please expand on the arbitrary standard idea. What does Trump have to do with BLM misappropriating money?
You said:
The difference is those organizations aren't asking people for money for one thing and spending on themselves.
So why doesn’t BLM get the same treatment? Will you never vote Republican again in outrage?
This was originally on the blm site “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable”
They’ve made no secret of their desire to end what we know as the nuclear family. They received so much backlash from this quote that they removed it from their site. Why do you think they did that 😂
How do you know so little of this scam org that you are on your knees for?
I’m sorry, do you only support people you agree 100% with? So God...Jesus....and......🤷‍♂️
You're spouting BS again.
Please look up words if you don’t know what they mean. 🤦‍♂️
As for your "which race" question, again, you're trying to make a blanket statement about "all whites" only it doesn't apply to "all whites". Are all white people born into wealth and status? Absolutely not. And that's where "white privilege" is proven a myth. If not all white people can claim this privilege, then it's inaccurate to call it "white privilege".

So I guess your ignorance on that is a privilege you enjoy.
Sigh. You’re dodging again by not answering my question. We will get no where if you can’t be genuine with an open-mind.
Please look up words if you don’t know what they mean. 🤦‍♂️

Sigh. You’re dodging again by not answering my question. We will get no where if you can’t be genuine with an open-mind.
lmao Apparently reading comprehension is not your friend. I didn't dodge anything. You just choose to ignore my words and remain ignorant.

As for definition, bigotry - obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Your unreasonable attachment to this prejudicial belief that all white people enjoy a magical privilege simply based on the color of their skin is indeed bigotry, by definition no less. You're reinforcing a stereotype, which is no less prejudicial than someone reinforcing a stereotype for POC or other ethnicities. You're peddling passive hate, then denying the very thing you're clearly doing.

You keep accusing other of dodging, the whole time deflecting yourself. Your whole dodge is simply accusing others of dodging. I've clearly given you answers, so either you're too stupid to understand them, or you just choose not to. I'm guessing that you just choose not to because you're a hate mongering troll.
lmao Apparently reading comprehension is not your friend. I didn't dodge anything. You just choose to ignore my words and remain ignorant.
Lol ok Weezer
As for definition, bigotry - obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
How is my attachment unreasonable? 🍿
Your unreasonable attachment to this prejudicial belief that all white people enjoy a magical privilege simply based on the color of their skin is indeed bigotry, by definition no less. You're reinforcing a stereotype, which is no less prejudicial than someone reinforcing a stereotype for POC or other ethnicities. You're peddling passive hate, then denying the very thing you're clearly doing.
Right now, I am trying to help you understand the topic we have been discussing for over a day now but you have to be fair and open-minded or we are wasting each other’s time.
You keep accusing other of dodging, the whole time deflecting yourself. Your whole dodge is simply accusing others of dodging. I've clearly given you answers, so either you're too stupid to understand them, or you just choose not to. I'm guessing that you just choose not to because you're a hate mongering troll.
I’ve not only answered all your questions but I’ve responded when you cowered away. You’ve yet to even attempt to do what I initially asked. Still waiting actually.
Lol ok Weezer

How is my attachment unreasonable? 🍿

Right now, I am trying to help you understand the topic we have been discussing for over a day now but you have to be fair and open-minded or we are wasting each other’s time.

I’ve not only answered all your questions but I’ve responded when you cowered away. You’ve yet to even attempt to do what I initially asked. Still waiting actually.

Interpretation. You’re stupid and need me to a wokesplain things ro you.
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