That's racist!

Predicable response from you with the usual lack of substance.
Lol @ the people who liked it as well. Sad bunch to be affiliated with.

Can you actually prove this? @ bold
(fully expect you to run away or attempt to shift focus like @Weezer)
Yes I can prove it. White people excel even in countries where they are the minority and/or didn't colonize. Weird huh? Your entire hypothesis around "White Privilege" completely relies on Whites having implemented systems of systemic racism to achieve their superiority because with out that they wouldn't be successful. Sadly, you have failed to realize that isn't the case. I chalk that up to poor education and limited life experiences. I'd advise you brush up on human history, especially how early humans left Africa (a name given by Whites fyi). Then study up on how those humans adapted/evolved and the civilizations that sprung up where they landed. You might see a pattern and its pretty obvious, Mother Nature is racist.
How have I showed bigotry?

It definitely has its advantages in this country. Idk how you can refute that. Let’s stick to your qualifiers of wealth and status. Which race is most associated with that in this country?
Every person individually and collectively has their advantages and disadvantages. No one is blaming anyone for their status but to be ignorant of a privilege 🤷‍♂️
Whites. Why? They are the majority. Basic math. Wait, is that White privilege? Math? lol.

Lesson time. Asians are the wealthiest and most educated per capita in this country.
You said:

So why doesn’t BLM get the same treatment? Will you never vote Republican again in outrage?

Again, what does Trump have to do with a charity that raises money for one thing but spends very little on said mission while enriching leadership?

I don't support the Republican party, though I do feel they are the lesser of two evils. I am in fact on record saying I believed Tulsi was the best option last year, but she had too much common sense. In case you've missed it elsewhere I have little use for most Democrats and Republicans.
No, I just gave you an answer you didn’t like. This is not a chicken or egg situation.
Why in the world do you think AA households tend to be more broken?
Because the family unit isn't valued in a large portion of the AA community.

I know what you'll say.... They are incarcerated, they can't be with families. If we were to entertain that idea then the majority of AA in those areas would need to be incarcerated..... The numbers don't support that.

What is supported is that Democrat policies have had a disastrous effect on the AA community. We are seeing the same things in poor white and Hispanic areas as well. That's the evidence, it isn't a black problem, a white problem or any racial issue. It's the abandonment of the nuclear family and dependence on government.
Lol ok Weezer

How is my attachment unreasonable? 🍿

Right now, I am trying to help you understand the topic we have been discussing for over a day now but you have to be fair and open-minded or we are wasting each other’s time.

I’ve not only answered all your questions but I’ve responded when you cowered away. You’ve yet to even attempt to do what I initially asked. Still waiting actually.
It's 1:30 in the am. I'm going to bed, but feel free to tell everyone how you "ran me off" again, lol. They all know you're full of **** too.

Called that one. So does this mean whenever Bay takes a break or isn't around the rest of us can brag about how we made him/her/preferred pronoun cower away? A BS artist only knows how to sling BS. And it's hilarious to see Bay talk about being "fair and open-minded" while preaching hate.
I noticed this has been completely ignored. Wokeness is racist.

It hasn't been ignored. I've watched it a couple times, taken it on, and considered the intent of the producer.

I would enjoy seeing this same video format, with the same presenter, reproduced in Macon, Ga; Cleveland, MS; Lowndes county, AL.

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