That's racist!

Oooh, "some people".

The horrible thing about the internet is that it allows nearly insignificant minorities of groups to appear to be much larger and more influential than they really are.
Yes some people. Like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the city of Seattle, the Oregon Department of Education, and countless others in academia.
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As I said in the "Juneteenth" thread, it's deserving of being a holiday, but it's being made a holiday now for political reasons. Celebrating when all Americans, regardless of race, were considered "free" is a significant event that deserves to be honored. I could question the date of the holiday, suggesting that maybe the day the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery was ratified as more significant, but it's still worthy of acknowledgement. I would think anyone who truly believes in equality would agree with that.
There are major issues in the system that are impossible to overcome. I also do not like negativity judging a group of people based on their race.
Like white privilege? Diversity of opinion within any race is healthy. That means people are thinking for themselves instead of thinking as they’re told to think. You have your own distinct opinion. Do you expect all people in your given race to agree with your “enlightened” opinion? I hope not.
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I’ve read every one.
You’re a racist who thinks white people like yourself are the only hope for black people who can’t get ahead without you. You’ve never made a valid point.
This thread has completely changed since I’ve been here. The other ridiculous and racist thread has hopefully disappeared forever. I am happy with my contribution to the board 🤷‍♂️
Yes I can prove it. White people excel even in countries where they are the minority and/or didn't colonize. Weird huh?
People here have made the argument that Africans thrive in this country as well. The comparison you are trying to make, doesn’t work.
Your entire hypothesis around "White Privilege" completely relies on Whites having implemented systems of systemic racism to achieve their superiority because with out that they wouldn't be successful. Sadly, you have failed to realize that isn't the case. I chalk that up to poor education and limited life experiences. I'd advise you brush up on human history, especially how early humans left Africa (a name given by Whites fyi). Then study up on how those humans adapted/evolved and the civilizations that sprung up where they landed. You might see a pattern and its pretty obvious, Mother Nature is racist.
Just no @ bold. Two awful points but I know this is the best you can do.
Please go watch the earlier video posted and then come back because I’d actually like to have a convo of substance about it.
Again, what does Trump have to do with a charity that raises money for one thing but spends very little on said mission while enriching leadership?

I don't support the Republican party, though I do feel they are the lesser of two evils. I am in fact on record saying I believed Tulsi was the best option last year, but she had too much common sense. In case you've missed it elsewhere I have little use for most Democrats and Republicans.
I certainly don't support organizations when some or a portion of their mission statement is contrary to my values.
If you didn’t vote red, it’s not worth me explaining because the point would be inapplicable for that reason.

Bottom line, we can all find reasons to be critical of almost anything. No matter how you slice this issue, the movement has done much more great than bad and that is what I support ✊

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