That's racist!

People like bay make it difficult to take race issues seriously. I don’t deny racism exists I just don’t think it affects anyone like the race hustlers make it out to be. Jim Bob racist has absolutely no affect on Maurice’s failure to pay attention in school, get an education, avoid drugs, crime, not have kids they can’t afford, etc. The funny thing is I know this affects all races. If it disproportionately affects one more than the other it’s not because of racism.
Because you’re a racist and the Jew isn’t thinking the way you think I should? I see everyone as equal. Race is irrelevant. Class privilege is the problem facing society and it has nothing to do with the color of anyone’s skin. It’s the privileged class that dreamed up this white privilege garbage to keep themselves in power. They could not do it without the racist who want to devide by skin color. That’s you Bay.

I'm convinced he/she cannot see his/her own racist tendencies. Those who believe themselves righteous rarely see the faults in their arguments. He/she cannot even see how they are perpetuating hate and division with their assertions.
You asked me to prove white privilege doesn't exist. I've explained why it is a fallacy. You didn't like that so you keep accusing me of dodging when I've explained it to you. You're looking for an answer you want to hear and ignoring the answers I'm giving. In order for "white privilege" to truly exist, all white people would have to benefit from it. They do not.
Just curious; what percentage of the commenters in this thread are people of color? Is anyone participating who has shared actual lived experience as a person of color? Is there a variety of viewpoints being shared by people of color?

A bunch of pigment challenged keyboard warriors talking second hand and making inferences and judgment about lived experiences that aren't being shared here is humorous when you think about it. And I include myself in that rebuke.
You asked me to prove white privilege doesn't exist. I've explained why it is a fallacy. You didn't like that so you keep accusing me of dodging when I've explained it to you. You're looking for an answer you want to hear and ignoring the answers I'm giving. In order for "white privilege" to truly exist, all white people would have to benefit from it. They do not.
You asked me to prove white privilege doesn't exist. I've explained why it is a fallacy. You didn't like that so you keep accusing me of dodging when I've explained it to you. You're looking for an answer you want to hear and ignoring the answers I'm giving. In order for "white privilege" to truly exist, all white people would have to benefit from it. They do not.

You're considering it to be a direct benefit, when it can include lack of detriment as well.

Ever had to tell your kid not to be seen in a neighborhood because they'll be considered suspicious and pulled over? Ever had to warn them how to talk about their car so it's not suspected stolen if they are stopped? These are talks my neighbors and church mates had with their kids when I lived in Mississippi. These are talks parents of some of my former students had with them. One of my students was late to her student teaching assignment one day because she was stopped for being black in a nice car in Grand Haven, a very white Michigan town. It stripped her of her dignity.

Driving while black is a real thing. Driving while white isn't. There's an example of privilege.
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And if you want to say black people get treated more unfairly, I wouldn't even agree with that. When a black person is killed by the police, justified shooting or not, it's headline news. When a white person is killed by the police, you're lucky to get a blurb. As far as harassment goes, I've been pulled over by the police for no apparent reason before. I'm sure others on here probably have to. The difference is, because I'm white, it's seen as no big deal. But if I were black, there would be shouts of "racism" from the community. You want to talk jobs? What do you think affirmative action was about? Even still to this day, most employers would rather hire a POC so they can claim diversity. Education, most colleges have special scholarships for minorities. Imagine if some tried to limit a scholarship to "whites only". You have bought into a myth. I've tried to lay it out for you to see. You're not wrong for thinking racism is bad, it is, but you are wrong to think all white people are complicit in racism.

In a perfect world, the color of one's skin, their ethnicity, their gender, their sexual orientation....none of that would matter. That's equality. Everyone being treated the same. But apparently equality is not what you want. You want white people to be inferior. That's not equality. You're preaching division of races, and you're too blind to see it.
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And if you want to say black people get treated more unfairly, I wouldn't even agree with that. When a black person is killed by the police, justified shooting or not, it's headline news. When a white person is killed by the police, you're lucky to get a blurb. As far as harassment goes, I've been pulled over by the police for no apparent reason before. I'm sure others on here probably have to. The difference is, because I'm white, it's seen as no big deal. But if I were black, there would be shouts of "racism" from the community. You want to talk jobs? What do you think affirmative action was about? Even still to this day, most employers would rather hire a POC so they can claim diversity. Education, most colleges have special scholarships for minorities. Imagine if some tried to limit a scholarship to "whites only". You have bought into a myth. I've tried to lay it out for you to see. You're not wrong for thinking racism is bad, it is, but you are wrong to think all white people are complicit in racism.

In a perfect world, the color of one's skin, their ethnicity, their gender, their sexual orientation....none of that would matter. That's equality. Everyone being treated the same. But apparently equality is not what you want. You want white people to be inferior. That's not equality. You're preaching division of races, and you're too blind to see it.
A lot of this is absolute proof of WP. I rest my case.
Also, saying WP is a fallacy does not mean you have disproved it 🤦‍♂️
Just curious; what percentage of the commenters in this thread are people of color? Is anyone participating who has shared actual lived experience as a person of color? Is there a variety of viewpoints being shared by people of color?

A bunch of pigment challenged keyboard warriors talking second hand and making inferences and judgment about lived experiences that aren't being shared here is humorous when you think about it. And I include myself in that rebuke.
Pigment challenged? I would say that most people have experienced life in America enough to know that while there are and will always be issues, that systemic racism doesn’t exist and sure as hell doesn’t cause large swarths of black people to commit violent crimes, to not value education or to not Promote the aspects that makes one successful like strong family structures. I would also say this of trailer park white people who do the same things. It’s not about race, it’s about lifestyle choices and decision making
You're considering it to be a direct benefit, when it can include lack of detriment as well.

Ever had to tell your kid not to be seen in a neighborhood because they'll be considered suspicious and pulled over? Ever had to warn them how to talk about their car so it's not suspected stolen if they are stopped? These are talks my neighbors and church mates had with their kids when I lived in Mississippi. These are talks parents of some of my former students had with them. One of my students was late to her student teaching assignment one day because she was stopped for being black in a nice car in Grand Haven, a very white Michigan town. It stripped her of her dignity.

Driving while black is a real thing. Driving while white isn't. There's an example of privilege.
As I said, I've been stopped for no apparent reason by the police. I've walked through predominantly black neighborhoods and been harassed by some for being a "white boy". Yet nothing is ever made of it, and truthfully, I never expected anything to be made of it. I treat everyone the same as I get to know them. Judge by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, or their ethnicity, or their sexual orientation, etc.
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You're considering it to be a direct benefit, when it can include lack of detriment as well.

Ever had to tell your kid not to be seen in a neighborhood because they'll be considered suspicious and pulled over? Ever had to warn them how to talk about their car so it's not suspected stolen if they are stopped? These are talks my neighbors and church mates had with their kids when I lived in Mississippi. These are talks parents of some of my former students had with them. One of my students was late to her student teaching assignment one day because she was stopped for being black in a nice car in Grand Haven, a very white Michigan town. It stripped her of her dignity.

Driving while black is a real thing. Driving while white isn't. There's an example of privilege.
How do you know she was stopped for being black? Assumptions without any real hard facts to back it up. Like most of liberal issues, it starts with what you feel instead of actual facts
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Pigment challenged? I would say that most people have experienced life in America enough to know that while there are and will always be issues, that systemic racism doesn’t exist and sure as hell doesn’t cause large swarths of black people to commit violent crimes, to not value education or to not Promote the aspects that makes one successful like strong family structures. I would also say this of trailer park white people who do the same things. It’s not about race, it’s about lifestyle choices and decision making
How is the bold not a negative stereotype that promotes WP? @All
Were is the hypocrites (@Weezer) outrage?
How is the bold not a negative stereotype that promotes WP? @All
Were is the hypocrites (@Weezer) outrage?
Data shows that. Blacks 70-75% single parent homes worst of any race in America. Blacks commit the highest rate of violent crimes of any race in America. Asians are the highest scoring category. It has nothing to do with “WP” but the fact that a failing culture within the black community that will only be fixed by themselves
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It’s not about race, it’s about lifestyle choices and decision making

First, the pigment challenged was supposed to be sarcasm. My apologies if it didn't come across as such.

Lifestyle choices and decision making are the ways out, yes. I absolutely agree with you there.

I also believe that way too many of the government's ways of attempting to help are doing more harm than good.

I do believe we have to be willing to listen with open minds to those who believe they have no way of climbing out of where they're at.
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How is the bold not a negative stereotype that promotes WP? @All
Were is the hypocrites (@Weezer) outrage?

Do statistics back up what he is saying? In no way should that speak for the entire black community, but do statistics back up what he is saying?

Do you believe the black community has issues they need to work on, or just the white community? Does change need to come from one side, or both sides?
First, the pigment challenged was supposed to be sarcasm. My apologies if it didn't come across as such.

Lifestyle choices and decision making are the ways out, yes. I absolutely agree with you there.

I also believe that way too many of the government's ways of attempting to help are doing more harm than good.

I do believe we have to be willing to listen with open minds to those who believe they have no way of climbing out of where they're at.
So again how do you know this student was “pulled over for being black?”
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Not at all @ bold.
Do think people discriminate against Jews today?
Of course people still discriminate against Jews today. Who isn't discriminated against in some form or fashion? I'm pretty sure every one if us here can lay out a story of how we have been discriminated against.
First, the pigment challenged was supposed to be sarcasm. My apologies if it didn't come across as such.

Lifestyle choices and decision making are the ways out, yes. I absolutely agree with you there.

I also believe that way too many of the government's ways of attempting to help are doing more harm than good.

I do believe we have to be willing to listen with open minds to those who believe they have no way of climbing out of where they're at.

Point number three, the government does not want to "solve" the problem. There's no political capital in that. As long as the problem exists, they can campaign on it. And a united citizenry is every government's worst nightmare.

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