That's racist!

The New Reconstruction
You asked so I hope you take the time to read. Please come back after and let’s discuss it ✊
I got three paragraphs in and shat was so thick I couldn't go any further. Trump was elected because the Democrats ran the most untrustworthy, establishment, spiteful and unauthentic person in politics. It wasn't some racist tide that gave Trump the presidency.

After that bunk I could take nothing else seriously in that article. Even if I pretend to be the slightest bit naive it wouldn't pass the smell test. You must be a troll, please regroup and try harder.
If you didn’t vote red, it’s not worth me explaining because the point would be inapplicable for that reason.

Bottom line, we can all find reasons to be critical of almost anything. No matter how you slice this issue, the movement has done much more great than bad and that is what I support ✊
The point is the point regardless of party affiliation, you either have standing in an argument or you don't. You support the statement that BLM, just admit that the organization is a large scale grift and move on already.
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Got one of their co-founders so rich and famous that she was able to buy a multi-million dollar mansion in SoCal and sign a long-term media rights deal with Warner Bros.. I have to say that I respect her game.
I don't respect it but if she can fleece the simpletons out there like Bay so be it.
Statistics say stereotypes 🤦‍♂️
After this absolutely embarrassing showing by you in this back and forth, how can I even take you seriously going forward?
Statistics and stereotypes are not even close to the same thing. Statistics are hard data, facts. Stereotypes are BS assumptions.
People here have made the argument that Africans thrive in this country as well. The comparison you are trying to make, doesn’t work.

Just no @ bold. Two awful points but I know this is the best you can do.
Please go watch the earlier video posted and then come back because I’d actually like to have a convo of substance about it.
Lol. Get the proof you so desire then just say "no, thats awful". Your poor public education is showing princess.
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Driving while black is a real thing. Driving while white isn't. There's an example of privilege.

This is absolutely bull ****.
It’s about situations and not race.

I was in a “rough” area of chattanooga looking at a project with one of my foreman. This Foreman is white bearded and could not look more redneck. We’re standing there looking at the side of a building when a young black man dressed with blue all over him runs by us. He sees us standing there and says “five O coming “ and keeps going. Now I know from personal history that if the cop sees me and him there we will be harassed. So we did exactly what the young man thought we’d do when he warned us. We hid from the cops. I’ve been pulled over in that neighborhood several times for “driving while not being black “ and was told straight up that’s why I was pulled over.
Says the person who refuses to be open-minded 😂
Being open minded was listening to your initial trope, then when everyone calls bs on your arguments it seems the problem may be your argument. Falls under the “ I’m ok, everyone else is just mental” scope. I hope this doesn’t fall on deaf ears. ( see anyone can post false sincerity)
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How have I showed bigotry?

It definitely has its advantages in this country. Idk how you can refute that. Let’s stick to your qualifiers of wealth and status. Which race is most associated with that in this country?
Every person individually and collectively has their advantages and disadvantages. No one is blaming anyone for their status but to be ignorant of a privilege 🤷‍♂️
No that’s being ignorant.
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I noticed this has been completely ignored. Wokeness is racist.
Liberal colleges are teaching this wokeness as a result we are dumming down our kids and perpetuating a belief system that one race is inferior to another. Individuals and their actions are not even considered. Academia has a problem and has had this problem for years.
I think this is what people are fed up with. Sure racism exists and we should take all necessary steps to make sure it doesn't, however it seems everything is being made out to be some symbol of racism. Its drowning out the message.
To me it's "let's see how much we can change just for the sake of change." I realize now there IS no end goal with people like this. Its simply a game of "how many times can we move the goal post and get away with it."
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Or we can choose to live in reality 🤦‍♂️

I do live in reality. Poor black inner city neighborhoods, and poor white rural communities have been kept in poverty for years because LBJ started the "War on Poverty". Give people free things and many have no incentive to better themselves so long as they can survive. If you really want to end this madness then you have to put a lifetime limit on welfare of 2 or 3 years. No one should ever need it longer than that.

"Shut up if you don't agree" seems to be the motto here, too. Those who don't agree with the majority opinion of posters are harassed, harangued, insulted, mocked, and isolated. It's not only a "Leftist" idea.

As for the what the video is saying, the student is describing another case of good intent, God-awful implementation. And I'm assuming positive intent here because I can't fathom why anyone would think creating artificial discord would be a good idea.
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"Shut up if you don't agree" seems to be the motto here, too. Those who don't agree with the majority opinion of posters are harassed, harangued, insulted, mocked, and isolated. It's not only a "Leftist" idea.

As for the what the video is saying, the student is describing another case of good intent, God-awful implementation. And I'm assuming positive intent here because I can't fathom why anyone would think creating artificial discord would be a good idea.

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