That's racist!

No, but if you are AA, wouldn’t a lot of stuff posted on here spark a reaction from you? I said one thing, not even inflammatory, about Jews and (I think) 3 different ones asked for clarification.
You mean things like saying black folks are perfectly capable of obtaining IDs to vote? That they know how to use the internet? That if they work hard they can succeed? …… or the crap you post talking about how they’re helpless?
You mean things like saying black folks are perfectly capable of obtaining IDs to vote? That they know how to use the internet? That if they work hard they can succeed? …… or the crap you post talking about how they’re helpless?
No, like the actual racist bs we see on this board daily.
Never said that btw 🤷‍♂️
Let's flip things around: how do we bring people who see their situation as coming from institutionalized racism to understand that it's not, and that their decisions can break them out?

Identity is a very powerful thing that people will risk their lives to defend. I really don't know how you break people of defending their identity as "oppressed person of color". They may think of themselves as "oppressed" (which I probably wouldn't agree with), and are subconsciously identifying with a larger group of people with similar ideals and are likely very willing to stay in that identity group. If you blow up that narrative, they essentially lose their identity. So I can't see it working to simply switch the narrative, it has to be a long and painful evolution of the narrative. How you do that from the outside? Seems impossible. That's why I've always maintained the following: "To a black oppressed identity group member: Whether you think white people are to blame for your condition or not, White people can't be the ones to fix it for you. As individuals, you are all responsible for the actions you take in your own individual lives." Sounds heartless, but it is the reality. White people can't fix the black community. They simply can't. And all the woke white guilt types need to quit pretending that they are the protectors of the black community. All you are doing is validating their victimhood and preventing them from evolving their narrative.
Let's flip things around: how do we bring people who see their situation as coming from institutionalized racism to understand that it's not, and that their decisions can break them out?
You can't, you can lay it out plainly. But only the individuals within a culture reject or accept basic concepts and ideas.
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Identity is a very powerful thing that people will risk their lives to defend. I really don't know how you break people of defending their identity as "oppressed person of color". They may think of themselves as "oppressed" (which I probably wouldn't agree with), and are subconsciously identifying with a larger group of people with similar ideals and are likely very willing to stay in that identity group. If you blow up that narrative, they essentially lose their identity. So I can't see it working to simply switch the narrative, it has to be a long and painful evolution of the narrative. How you do that from the outside? Seems impossible. That's why I've always maintained the following: "To a black oppressed identity group member: Whether you think white people are to blame for your condition or not, White people can't be the ones to fix it for you. As individuals, you are all responsible for the actions you take in your own individual lives." Sounds heartless, but it is the reality. White people can't fix the black community. They simply can't. And all the woke white guilt types need to quit pretending that they are the protectors of the black community. All you are doing is validating their victimhood and preventing them from evolving their narrative.


And the idea is bigger than reconciling the historical failures of America, it's about power, globalism, class warfare , etc. The use of racism is a means to an end, and minorities are pawns in their silly game. As the risk of failed progressism policy becoming exposed the more you see the lust for more scorthed earth tactics. These people and their cronies are getting rich off the government. It is big business. They will do anything to achieve it. Others like the squad and Bernie want to wreck the country or are useful idiots.
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