That's racist!

not sure what I rushed to.
I bolded it @ your uncertainty. You did it again immediately below.
you are assigning a nefarious motive to an action without direct knowledge of intent. the vast majority of people support the action including those that are allegedly the victim yet you still hold that the motive is impure. that is a textbook case of being close-minded.
I’m sorry, but the majority of people in this country thought there was voter fraud. Turns out, this was the safest election in our history with no facial ID required. Now that the air horn is away from the person crying wolf, I expect the support to not be the same.
the purpose of the laws is to ensure voter integrity. the "widespread" is a nebulous qualifier in the concept of voter fraud. the citizenry largely supports this action for election integrity and your response (as one in the minority on this issue) is that they could only hold that position because they want to discriminate.
When was integrity in doubt? Why is widespread voter fraud a “nebulous qualifier” when that literally describes the purpose of the laws, even according to you?
please spare us the lecture about your enlightenment vs almost everyone else's bad intent.
Maybe be open-minded? 🤷‍♂️
I bolded it @ your uncertainty. You did it again immediately below.

I’m sorry, but the majority of people in this country thought there was voter fraud. Turns out, this was the safest election in our history with no facial ID required. Now that the air horn is away from the person crying wolf, I expect the support to not be the same.

When was integrity in doubt? Why is widespread voter fraud a “nebulous qualifier” when that literally describes the purpose of the laws, even according to you?

Maybe be open-minded? 🤷‍♂️

if your starting point is that people who want voter ID are doing so with the intent to discriminate then you are not being open-minded - you've assigned a nefarious motive to people you do not know because they've chosen an option different than one you'd choose.

the open-minded view would be to recognize that others may see the issue differently than you do.

voter ID has been the law of the land in almost every state prior to this election

as for "widespread" it is nebulous because it is not defined. each illegitimate vote cancels a legitimate one. further, if people overwhelmingly want it (75-80%; about the same for POC) to feel more confident about the election who are you to tell them their beliefs are wrong. Once again, no empathy for people (the majority of people) with a different belief than you.
if your starting point is that people who want voter ID are doing so with the intent to discriminate then you are not being open-minded - you've assigned a nefarious motive to people you do not know because they've chosen an option different than one you'd choose.

the open-minded view would be to recognize that others may see the issue differently than you do.

voter ID has been the law of the land in almost every state prior to this election

as for "widespread" it is nebulous because it is not defined. each illegitimate vote cancels a legitimate one. further, if people overwhelmingly want it (75-80%; about the same for POC) to feel more confident about the election who are you to tell them their believes are wrong. Once again, no empathy for people (the majority of people) with a different belief than you.
Just because I take a different side from the popular does not mean I am devoid of empathy or an open-mind. I’d say it’s just the opposite.

I have already responded to your majority argument. Again, the majority of people though there was voter fraud. Was there any?

Can you admit that Trump played a part in these new ID laws?
Why is it so hard for you to be empathetic?

Having empathy doesn’t mean there is no personal accountability, you can be compassionate and have expectations. It’s like being a parent. The parents who continually make excuses for their children’s behavior isn’t doing what is best for their children neither is the politics of perpetually blaming another race.
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Having empathy doesn’t mean there is no personal accountability, you can be compassionate and have expectations. It’s like being a parent. The parents who continually make excuses for their children’s behavior isn’t doing what is best for their children neither is the politics of perpetually blaming another race.
Sometimes the child is right.
Just because I take a different side from the popular does not mean I am devoid of empathy or an open-mind. I’d say it’s just the opposite.

I have already responded to your majority argument. Again, the majority of people though there was voter fraud. Was there any?

Can you admit that Trump played a part in these new ID laws?

In reverse order:

Voter ID laws were in place prior to Trump. At best they are being applied to non-in person voting now that non-in person voting is expanding; it's the natural extension.

there was voter fraud (since "widespread" is not defined we can't use that term) the majority of people want voter ID laws

Screen Shot 2021-06-21 at 10.30.55 PM.png

finally, you are more than entitled to hold any opinion you want on the matter. however when you attack the motives of those with a different belief you are not being open-minded to THEIR opinion; the very essence of being open-minded.

I don't know why you don't support voter ID laws but I can understand some people would not = open-minded. Now if I said those who don't support voter ID laws believe it makes it harder for their candidates to cheat and they might lose elections then I would not be being open-minded about the issue.
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Just because I take a different side from the popular does not mean I am devoid of empathy or an open-mind. I’d say it’s just the opposite.

I have already responded to your majority argument. Again, the majority of people though there was voter fraud. Was there any?

Can you admit that Trump played a part in these new ID laws?

Having empathy means nothing if you don’t act on it, voting for a particular party isn’t an action neither is always parroting racism and privilege
In reverse order:

Voter ID laws were in place prior to Trump. At best they are being applied to non-in person voting now that non-in person voting is expanding; it's the natural extension.

there was voter fraud (since "widespread" is not defined we can't use that term) the majority of people want voter ID laws

View attachment 375639

finally, you are more than entitled to hold any opinion you want on the matter. however when you attack the motives of those with a different belief you are not being open-minded to THEIR opinion; the very essence of being open-minded.

I don't know why you don't support voter ID laws but I can understand some people would not = open-minded. Now if I said those who don't support voter ID laws believe it makes it harder for their candidates to cheat and they might lose elections then I would not be being open-minded about the issue.
Can you please answer my last question with a yes or no?
A 9-year old girl just took the school board to "school!"


Minnesota girl slams school board over BLM posters after 'no politics' promise
I’m sorry, did they ever find any proof of widespread voter fraud?

I can definitely argue that a law made with discriminatory intent is a discriminatory law.

So you off handedly admit there’s voter fraud and then claim you can only “argue” the second point which is based off nothing but feelings.
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^But yet you are the one that rushed to the conclusion here.

Again, if there was no widespread fraud, what is the purpose? Who will the law affect most? Who is putting them in place?
Perception, just like cities across America reacting to extremely isolated incidents are disbanding police practices and defunding police. The numbers don't support the measures but it is being done for perception. The perception for a significant portion of America is they don't trust the government, just like many don't trust police. One side accuses the other of doing it out of racism it being anti police. They are the same thing being done for the same reason...... perception.
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if your starting point is that people who want voter ID are doing so with the intent to discriminate then you are not being open-minded - you've assigned a nefarious motive to people you do not know because they've chosen an option different than one you'd choose.

the open-minded view would be to recognize that others may see the issue differently than you do.

voter ID has been the law of the land in almost every state prior to this election

as for "widespread" it is nebulous because it is not defined. each illegitimate vote cancels a legitimate one. further, if people overwhelmingly want it (75-80%; about the same for POC) to feel more confident about the election who are you to tell them their beliefs are wrong. Once again, no empathy for people (the majority of people) with a different belief than you.
There is no logical or rational reason to be against Voter ID except for conspiracy theorists who believe it's some kind of white supremacy plot OR because you are a political hack who knows that it would affect illegal voting
I said the intent behind the ID laws is discriminatory.

No, the intent is to prevent cheating or fraud even on the smallest scale. It takes little effort to get an ID. Only those that would like to hold open the option to engage or allow others to engage in nefarious voting activity decry it as “discriminatory”.

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