That's racist!

I'm not sure it's about a matter of trust but I agree with the sentiment otherwise. I know folks who have ID's but are still untrustworthy.

If you can't be bothered to get an ID, you shouldn't be able to vote. Full stop. I'm all for voter ID at the polls and don't understand how anyone can make an argument that proving citizenship is somehow unnecessary or overly burdensome.

On a completely unrelated note - I wonder if an ID is required to collect unemployment or snap benefits.
It’s just a matter of common sense…..
I had a job at 14 that paid 2 dollars per hour. One time the old man that ran the place got annoyed with me and stuck me in a truck trailer where he had a bunch of coke in 6 packs, the plastic ring kind. It was July in the south, so a bunch of cans had exploded. He made me clean the coke off the unexploded cans to make new 6 packs he could sell. I bet I spent 40 hours in that trailer in 110 degree heat. Yea, that's my I am an old man complaining session off my chest now.

These people are calling in cause they are offended by a menu.

So many people are lost.
I had a job at 14 that paid 2 dollars per hour. One time the old man that ran the place got annoyed with me and stuck me in a truck trailer where he had a bunch of coke in 6 packs, the plastic ring kind. It was July in the south, so a bunch of cans had exploded. He made me clean the coke off the unexploded cans to make new 6 packs he could sell. I bet I spent 40 hours in that trailer in 110 degree heat. Yea, that's my I am an old man complaining session off my chest now.

These people are calling in cause they are offended by a menu.

So many people are lost.

The ironic thing is that they complain about it being racist but will go home and fix the exact same meal. A huge portion of today’s society gets up everyday just to hopefully find something to be offended by.
Outrage is a performance art nowadays.

If you can't explain to a reasonable bystander why you're outraged in a way that would influence them to acknowledge the legitimacy of your cause, it may be time to reevaluate some things.

Well said. Instead, in today's society, those people double and triple down by repeating their BS until it somehow becomes accepted as fact.
I love that video. I wish this would go viral. Instead of a damn tide pod challenge, why can't we have a "pissed off black father lecturing leftist white idealogues" challenge.
The problem of violence within the black community is going to have to be fixed from within. Outsiders (non black people) can’t even talk about the problem without being called racist
The problem of violence within the black community is going to have to be fixed from within. Outsiders (non black people) can’t even talk about the problem without being called racist

I agree with that, but this video was explicitly about critical race theory. Seeing a strong rebuke from a passionate and very competent black man go viral speaking out against crt could spark a counter revolution against this cultural poison that's sweeping the country. I wish there were 1,000 other videos of black dads pissed off about this idiotic drivel their kids are being indoctrinated with at school.
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