That's racist!

I agree with that, but this video was explicitly about critical race theory. Seeing a strong rebuke from a passionate and very competent black man go viral speaking out against crt could spark a counter revolution against this cultural poison that's sweeping the country. I wish there were 1,000 other videos of black dads pissed off about this idiotic drivel their kids are being indoctrinated with at school.
Not unless you get the MSM on board. And they revel in the discourse that's going on.
Now black holes in space are racist too? Cornell launches 'race and the cosmos' course to prove a connection between scientific terms and racial blackness' using music by Outkast and Janelle Monae

Cornell University has launched a new woke course called Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos, which seeks to prove a connection between the decades-old scientific term and racial bias.

'Conventional wisdom would have it that the "black" in black holes has nothing to do with race. Surely there can be no connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness. Can there?

Taught by professors Nicholas Battaglia and Parisa Vaziri, the course - which would be part of the school's $60,000-a-year tuition, claims that 'artists and musicians' - like Outkast and singer Janelle Monae - 'conjure blackness through cosmological themes and images'.

Are black holes racist now too? Cornell University's new Race and the Cosmos course explores issue | Daily Mail Online
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Now black holes in space are racist too? Cornell launches 'race and the cosmos' course to prove a connection between scientific terms and racial blackness' using music by Outkast and Janelle Monae

Cornell University has launched a new woke course called Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos, which seeks to prove a connection between the decades-old scientific term and racial bias.

'Conventional wisdom would have it that the "black" in black holes has nothing to do with race. Surely there can be no connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness. Can there?

Taught by professors Nicholas Battaglia and Parisa Vaziri, the course - which would be part of the school's $60,000-a-year tuition, claims that 'artists and musicians' - like Outkast and singer Janelle Monae - 'conjure blackness through cosmological themes and images'.

Are black holes racist now too? Cornell University's new Race and the Cosmos course explores issue | Daily Mail Online
Universities are obviously not above offering useless courses. It would be funny if it weren't for some people actually taking this course seriously.
Now MATH is racist: Educators condemn $1M 'Dismantling Racism in Mathematics' program funded by Bill Gates which tells teachers NOT to push students to find the correct answer because it promotes white supremacy

  • 'The workbook's ultimate message is clear: Black kids are bad at math, so why don't we just excuse them from really learning it,' one critic said
  • It's part of a larger push nationwide to teach students about critical race theory
Educators around the country have come out to condemn a 'Dismantling Racism in Mathematics' program which tells teachers not to push students to find the correct answers to math problems because doing so promotes white supremacy.

The program is centered around a workbook for teachers entitled 'A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction' which asserts that America's education system – even mathematics instruction – reinforces the dominant power structures of white colonizers.

Grading students, asking them to show their work, requiring participation and even pushing them to get the right answer are depicted in the workbook as harmful to minorities.

US educators slam math workbook that claims it's racist to ask students to get the right answer | Daily Mail Online
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Now black holes in space are racist too? Cornell launches 'race and the cosmos' course to prove a connection between scientific terms and racial blackness' using music by Outkast and Janelle Monae

Cornell University has launched a new woke course called Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos, which seeks to prove a connection between the decades-old scientific term and racial bias.

'Conventional wisdom would have it that the "black" in black holes has nothing to do with race. Surely there can be no connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness. Can there?

Taught by professors Nicholas Battaglia and Parisa Vaziri, the course - which would be part of the school's $60,000-a-year tuition, claims that 'artists and musicians' - like Outkast and singer Janelle Monae - 'conjure blackness through cosmological themes and images'.

Are black holes racist now too? Cornell University's new Race and the Cosmos course explores issue | Daily Mail Online
the official explanation is these phenomena were going to be called ho's but the komrade harris objected and said she had patented that trademark.
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Now MATH is racist: Educators condemn $1M 'Dismantling Racism in Mathematics' program funded by Bill Gates which tells teachers NOT to push students to find the correct answer because it promotes white supremacy

  • 'The workbook's ultimate message is clear: Black kids are bad at math, so why don't we just excuse them from really learning it,' one critic said
  • It's part of a larger push nationwide to teach students about critical race theory
Educators around the country have come out to condemn a 'Dismantling Racism in Mathematics' program which tells teachers not to push students to find the correct answers to math problems because doing so promotes white supremacy.

The program is centered around a workbook for teachers entitled 'A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction' which asserts that America's education system – even mathematics instruction – reinforces the dominant power structures of white colonizers.

Grading students, asking them to show their work, requiring participation and even pushing them to get the right answer are depicted in the workbook as harmful to minorities.

US educators slam math workbook that claims it's racist to ask students to get the right answer | Daily Mail Online

I've downloaded, read, and internalized the official launch document. I'll be glad to share and discuss it with anyone who so desires.

I find 90% of it to be pedagogically solid. The 10% I don't, though, is some pretty heady stuff that they either need to package differently and explain better or drop altogether.

One of the positives I found in the program is that it does meet the desire of several people here to include more money management and budgeting focus in math education.

My kids have now been in school in three different states, and in the top districts academically in two of those states. Much of the curricular design in the discussed guide mirrors how my children are being taught. As for its efficacy, my son is going into Algebra I as a seventh grade student next year if we can find a way to stay.

It's easy to make a fuss and "Won't someone think of the children?" with the limited explanation the provided media links discuss, but it's actually a rigorous and efficacious program. Just with a bit too much revolution in it.

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