That's racist!

How did this goofy loon become a Vandy professor?

This is the imbecile who called Jordan Peterson a "Mean mad white man!" in a debate. And then got pissed off when Stephen Fry called him a political huckster and a snake oil salesman. Lol. Black fragility on full display.
I'd refuse the charge. If they refused to remove it I'd walk out on the bill and let them know we would take it up in court.

If the charge was posted which in this case it appears that it was I hope they have you charged for theft.

If you don't like a businesses policies don't patronize them. If you do, pay your damn bill.
If the charge was posted which in this case it appears that it was I hope they have you charged for theft.

If you don't like a businesses policies don't patronize them. If you do, pay your damn bill.
Yeah, I read that after my post, as long as they disclose it verbally or in a pace where no one could miss it then you pay. But I would add a caveat, that there would be no tip offered (already given) and if I received anything less than good to great service I would demand a refund on part of my order.

I typically give 15% as a rule with 20% given for excellent service and 10% for mediocre service.
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This is the imbecile who called Jordan Peterson a "Mean mad white man!" in a debate. And then got pissed off when Stephen Fry called him a political huckster and a snake oil salesman. Lol. Black fragility on full display.

I know who he is but it's disappointing that a instate school hire some of these wackos. I would feel yhe same way if it was someone on the right that was spouting Qanon conspiracies. It probably means kids are getting extreme views in one direction or the other. I guess all these schools have wackos now.
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He’ll be applauded…… but if a honky made a similar comment they’d have been crucified and cancelled
If someone called for an all-white team, there would be cries of racism. It's weird how some think it only goes one way. Maybe others did deserve the spot over Kevin Love, but if you're going to make the merit argument, seems like you would apply it elsewhere as well. In the end, it's all a cluster****.
Yeah, I read that after my post, as long as they disclose it verbally or in a pace where no one could miss it then you pay. But I would add a caveat, that there would be no tip offered (already given) and if I received anything less than good to great service I would demand a refund on part of my order.

I typically give 15% as a rule with 20% given for excellent service and 10% for mediocre service.

I generally tip 20% since it's easier to do the math in my head than 15%.
Yeah, I read that after my post, as long as they disclose it verbally or in a pace where no one could miss it then you pay. But I would add a caveat, that there would be no tip offered (already given) and if I received anything less than good to great service I would demand a refund on part of my order.

I typically give 15% as a rule with 20% given for excellent service and 10% for mediocre service.
I am kicking myself a bit because the other day I was at a bar watching the UT/Texas baseball game and the waitress all but ignored us. IT wasn't that busy either. She didn't refill our water/beer/food etc etc... and I tipped her around 10%. I actually meant to giver her $1.00.
The restaurant could simply raise prices to pay a higher wage. Instead they market a price increase as an equity fee. I think this would only serve to bone the waitstaff, people will see it as a fixed gratuity and tip less or not go to the restaurant.
It's a form of virtue signaling, it's saying we think you deserve a higher wage but don't believe in it enough to do with our money so we will make others pay you. They could easily just pay them a higher hourly wage and raise prices.
The restaurant could simply raise prices to pay a higher wage. Instead they market a price increase as an equity fee. I think this would only serve to bone the waitstaff, people will see it as a fixed gratuity and tip less or not go to the restaurant.

You gotta think this is their way of avoiding paying a higher wage - when the business drops off they can say "hey, it's the customer's fault".
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I generally tip 20% since it's easier to do the math in my head than 15%.

I tip based on my service . I refuse to tip well for bad service , I never have and never will unless it’s automatically figured in and I have no choice . I don’t get tips when I provide the service that’s expected of me , I have when I’ve gone above what was expected of me , I damn sure don’t when I do less that that’s expected . Well ... Not monetary tips .. lots of verbal recommendations on what I can do that’s biologically impossible most times .
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