That's racist!


When I waited tables, I knew it was a gamble. Some nights I made mad bank. Other days (usually Sunday lunch, f the church crowd) I barely left with gas money.

But it was still a heck of a lot better than flipping burgers.

The waitstaff minimum wage law doesn't force restaurants to pay waitstaff minimum wage. This is passing the buck and will just make customers mad.
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When I waited tables, I knew it was a gamble. Some nights I made mad bank. Other days (usually Sunday lunch, f the church crowd) I barely left with gas money.

But it was still a heck of a lot better than flipping burgers.

The waitstaff minimum wage law doesn't force restaurants to pay waitstaff minimum wage. This is passing the buck and will just make customers mad.
MN minimum wage for waitstaff is $8-10/hr depending on sales. This is just virtue signaling that hopes you don't try to read into anything too deep.
Rocket science just went to hell
I've downloaded, read, and internalized the official launch document. I'll be glad to share and discuss it with anyone who so desires.

I find 90% of it to be pedagogically solid. The 10% I don't, though, is some pretty heady stuff that they either need to package differently and explain better or drop altogether.

One of the positives I found in the program is that it does meet the desire of several people here to include more money management and budgeting focus in math education.

My kids have now been in school in three different states, and in the top districts academically in two of those states. Much of the curricular design in the discussed guide mirrors how my children are being taught. As for its efficacy, my son is going into Algebra I as a seventh grade student next year if we can find a way to stay.

It's easy to make a fuss and "Won't someone think of the children?" with the limited explanation the provided media links discuss, but it's actually a rigorous and efficacious program. Just with a bit too much revolution in it.
I've already explained this in detail. Anyone who wants either the document or a detailed analysis, I'll find the old post. Or go on shaking your fist at the sky out of an intentional misrepresentation. Choice is yours.


Guess which one is in favor of this math course and which one thinks it is an abomination.

As I've said on this issue, I'm glad to discuss the pedagogy used for the math portion. I do not like the political infusion.
But is one the "vehicle" for the other?

In a nutshell what is the pedigogy, what is so different about it?
But is one the "vehicle" for the other?

In a nutshell what is the pedigogy, what is so different about it?

The idea behind it is that drill and kill promotes memorization and not understanding.

In the early phases of math learning, the goal is not the right answer but the ability to explain how you came to your answer. Students who are consistently told their answers are wrong in class settings are increasingly likely to not volunteer to answer questions. Once students are comfortable explaining how they got their answers (we're talking at the earliest stages of skill learning), the teacher begins teaching the framework for how to approach the problem. The idea is that the standard "I do, we do, you do" model of instruction is not necessarily as approachable as learning through open experimentation.

Yes, there are tests and assessments to gauge skill mastery. There are regular benchmarks that inform instruction.

As I've said before, my kids have been taught using this approach and have been rocketing through curricula with their classes. They're much more confident with their math skills at this age than my wife and I were.

I don't like that it talks about equipping students to deal with the realities of capitalism, colonialism, and revolution. It actually does a halfway decent job of explaining the capitalism part as equipping the learner to understand interest so they can't be taken advantage of by predatory companies. Colonialism and revolution? Yeah, that's gone more than a wee bit overboard and I didn't see any rationale.

As with anything by the Daily Mail, take the headlines with a grain of salt. It's not a feel good program that gives out participation trophies for 2+2=cucumber. But it does have some serious presentation flaws that take away from solid and accepted pedagogy.
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As I've said on this issue, I'm glad to discuss the pedagogy used for the math portion. I do not like the political infusion.


As I've said on this issue, I'm glad to discuss the pedagogy used for the math portion. I do not like the political infusion.

Without the critical race theory infusion, it is just math. Whether you focus on right answers or focus on process and experimentation, that's teaching techniques. The math is the math.
Without the critical race theory infusion, it is just math. Whether you focus on right answers or focus on process and experimentation, that's teaching techniques. The math is the math.

Yep. They took quality pedagogy and wrapped it in a political hand grenade with the pin pulled.
The restaurant could simply raise prices to pay a higher wage. Instead they market a price increase as an equity fee. I think this would only serve to bone the waitstaff, people will see it as a fixed gratuity and tip less or not go to the restaurant.

Actually I'd prefer the Japanese model as someone some time ago on on of these threads suggested - no tip and superior service. Servers and others earning tips are workers just like everybody else and should be paid like other employees across the land. I can't think of anyone who tips a clerk in a store, a mechanic who repairs a car, or the lineman who keeps your power on. Tipping is a scam, and an excuse not to pay employees what they are worth; it's like the extra fees airlines tack on for what used to be standard service - the fare doesn't look so good once finish paying the extras. Hidden fees ... hidden in plain sight.

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