The 1/6 Hearings

Ok, should they go back to 2016 and charge everyone that was in the capital building when Trump had just won the election? I think that would be fair.
I'm curious, was their a hub-bub at the Capitol in 2016 when Trump won? I honestly don't remember hearing about one, but I was in between losing my dad and being terribly ill with cirrhosis myself, so I didn't follow much of any of that too closely.
See Septic's response. You know it was trespassing. Be angry at double standards all you want, but don't deny what they did was wrong. That just makes you party to the hypocrisy.

There are times when if things go unchecked, they become de facto law. The hypocrisy is that one group of politicians decided to call out protestors after allowing years of violent protest without real consequences for actions. My indignation isn't that people "stormed" the capitol; it's that they were ignored by the inhabitants of the capitol which led to their actions. Pushing and shoving against barriers is a long way from throwing bricks, firebombs, etc. A few citizens "storming" a public building (owned by the citizens of the country) containing politicians who are supposed the listen but don't is a far cry from allowing and assisting millions of non citizens to freely trespass.
Were they trespassing? If so, they should have been charged at the time. I would guess any statute of limitations has passed.

Or by failing to prosecute repeatedly, there is no law against trespass in the capitol - it's been frequently and conveniently neglected when demonstrators were of the other faction. What's good for the goose ...
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Ten out of ten of the people I just asked at Sheetz don't know anything about your poll.

Ten out of ten also looked at me like I was crazy when I asked them.
I’d straight up tell you that you were crazy if you walked up and did that to me.
Or by failing to prosecute repeatedly, there is no law against trespass in the capitol - it's been frequently and conveniently neglected when demonstrators were of the other faction. What's good for the goose ...
Do you support that "good for the goose" argument when the shoe is on the other foot? Dems and Pubs have played these tit for tat games for years. Is it only wrong when the Dems use it against the Pubs or do you feel the same when the Pubs turn it on the Dems? Personally, I don't support either side doing it, but those who stormed the Capitol broke the law. There is no argument that they didn't break the law. Your only argument is others broke the law and didn't get prosecuted. If they broke the law, they should have been. If whoever was in charge at the time didn't pursue charges, that's on them. Not sure what else to tell you. Laws were broken so it's silly to bitch that some will now face consequences for their actions. Now, if you want to argue that Dems are turning this into a political clown show, I'll agree. But that does NOT exonerate people from breaking the law. What I'm more interested in is if the punishments will be reasonable.
There are times when if things go unchecked, they become de facto law. The hypocrisy is that one group of politicians decided to call out protestors after allowing years of violent protest without real consequences for actions. My indignation isn't that people "stormed" the capitol; it's that they were ignored by the inhabitants of the capitol which led to their actions. Pushing and shoving against barriers is a long way from throwing bricks, firebombs, etc. A few citizens "storming" a public building (owned by the citizens of the country) containing politicians who are supposed the listen but don't is a far cry from allowing and assisting millions of non citizens to freely trespass.
The White House is owned by the citizens as well, yet you can't storm it and demand the POTUS listen to you, even though he also works for the citizens.
Do you support that "good for the goose" argument when the shoe is on the other foot? Dems and Pubs have played these tit for tat games for years. Is it only wrong when the Dems use it against the Pubs or do you feel the same when the Pubs turn it on the Dems? Personally, I don't support either side doing it, but those who stormed the Capitol broke the law. There is no argument that they didn't break the law. Your only argument is others broke the law and didn't get prosecuted. If they broke the law, they should have been. If whoever was in charge at the time didn't pursue charges, that's on them. Not sure what else to tell you. Laws were broken so it's silly to bitch that some will now face consequences for their actions. Now, if you want to argue that Dems are turning this into a political clown show, I'll agree. But that does NOT exonerate people from breaking the law. What I'm more interested in is if the punishments will be reasonable.

No, I don't care who does it - just be consistent. Either punish all or punish none, but don't send mixed messages because that's basically no different from entrapment.
The White House is owned by the citizens as well, yet you can't storm it and demand the POTUS listen to you, even though he also works for the citizens.

So are a lot of other places like military bases - with reason. Personally I believe we coddle politicians far too much, and make them believe they are untouchable and invincible. The sad part is we don't even vet them to see if they are fit to hold office or hold them ethically and criminally accountable while in office. I remember way back over 50 years an ROTC quote of the day that went something like "To earn respect you must show respect." - something politicians obviously never heard of.
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The obama gang pushed the DOJ and FBI to say the 2016 election was corrupt, and the DOJ and FBI said "don't worry leave it to us".


You keep having to make direct comparisons to the people you hate the most in the world as a redirect from bad behavior. You realize you keep failing to clear the very low bar your setting?

You keep having to make direct comparisons to the people you hate the most in the world as a redirect from bad behavior. You realize you keep failing to clear the very low bar your setting?

I thought it was pretty obvious even to the casual observer. Government actions are inconsistent - most likely because they are the work of political tribes. It's made more clear when you point that out with examples - you know, like admin x did this and admin y did this. When the rules are applied differently to different people, are there actually rules?
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