rode 15 miles today making laps through my wife's schoool parking lot.(boring as heck) avged 16.4mph. Stayed in higher gears the whole ride. finished it off with a 2+ mile run.
Elbow/forarm and hip are still swolen and sore but I had to get some work in.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
nice work jhen. there is an old asphalt race track, here in asheville that has been converted to a bicycle track. im gonna start timing my laps on my tank. i am slowly gravitating to wanting a road bike. unfortunately ill never be able to afford a nice one.
nice work jhen. there is an old asphalt race track, here in asheville that has been converted to a bicycle track. im gonna start timing my laps on my tank. i am slowly gravitating to wanting a road bike. unfortunately ill never be able to afford a nice one.
Nice! easy ride or fast pace? I'm not sure I could handle 100+ miles in this heat. I would love to try though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Buy older bike with a solid frame for $500. Look for sales on components and slowly upgrade. Takes a little longer but is significantly cheaper.
The end result is a bike that doesn't look
flashy but is a great ride. At that point if you want to go all out, buy a new frame. It is still much cheaper than buying a brand new bike.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
solid advice, however, i kinda dont want to look like more of a bum than i already do on my mnt book. there are a pack of hippies that ride around here on older 10 speeds and it doesnt look very good. it shouldnt matter, but it does, to me, especially considering i ride by hotties all the time on nice bikes.
Vt you must have dropped quite a bit of that 50 lbs by now?
solid advice, however, i kinda dont want to look like more of a bum than i already do on my mnt book. there are a pack of hippies that ride around here on older 10 speeds and it doesnt look very good. it shouldnt matter, but it does, to me, especially considering i ride by hotties all the time on nice bikes.
I looked on ebay before I bought my bike. Just never could pull the trigger. I was afraid I was gonna end up with someones damaged goods. Either a bent frame or something that would not would be worth fixing by the time you have to replace half the parts.