Almost finished with my beater/touring/commuting bike. Inaugural tour is tentatively scheduled for next weekend with the boys from the shop. Taking a Burley child carrier full of beer up the Hennepin Canal trail. Destination: drunk. It's an early 80's Miyata 210. Friction shift, 27" wheels, waaaaaaay too tall for me, and the rear stays are bent but were straightened quite a bit by me. Bought it at Goodwill for $8.50 and I hated watching it sit in the shed getting rusty. Shop owner is building it for free - parts included - because I covered for them all while they went off and partied at Interbike. It's just going to be a pain carrying up three flights of stairs to my new apartment every day now that I live a 1.25 miles from my job.
I have plans to start a nice touring bike in the spring. I'm going to find a nice frame with braze-ons, get it painted probably white with an orange fork and add some checkerboard accents to it. Have custom panniers made in orange and white. Then ride from here to Knoxville for the first 2012 home game. TENTATIVELY.