The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

Your post says it all
Technology Exists To Enable Men To Give Birth
Technology Exists To Enable Men To Give Birth
The British magazine New Society reported Thursday that scientists say the technology exists to enable men to give birth. Although such a birth would pose many dangers, one expert was quoted as saying that ″undoubtedly, someone will do it.″

I think my original post that you have now reference multiple times said something to the effect of:
"I would not be surprised if scientific technology advanced to the point where it would be possible"

Who should we be laughing at and making fun of? I know the answer but I'm not sure you do, which makes it even funnier.

And here, yet again, another shining example of Luther's dishonesty. Note the part quoted. "The British magazine New Society reported Thursday" with no other date information. Strong implication the provided link is a recent article from a British magazine and, as we all know, the British are smart. Why does a British accent sound smarter to Americans?

Luther has quoted an AP story from 1986 that appears to reference an article in New Society magazine. Two years before the magazine stopped publishing. It is not the article from the magazine. After reading it, my guess is the AP writer was sympathetic to Alphabet people and teased out quotes to imply and support the title of his article. Oh, yeah, the Chicago Tribune subsequently ran a story based on the same New Society magazine story, with essentially the same quotes, except it seemed a bit more tongue-in-check.

However, I did an additional cursory search (I'm not really interested in this, but what the heck, look just a bit more) and found another, more recent article from 2015. Not much better, a lot of throwing theoretical stuff against the wall and see if any sticks. However, if and when a man, who was born male and is not hooked up to machines and whatever else is required to sustain an embryo to term, has a baby I'll admit I am wrong. Oh, by the way, Luther, I also once read a science fiction story about a planet where all the women died so the men underwent extreme physiological surgery to enable men to bear children. I do not recall if or how they sourced eggs for the embryos, but these "men" came to hate all normal human beings and were determined to hunt them down and kill them. Uplifting I know.

Luther is not funny, no matter how many "LOL" he throws around. He's just a pathetic, dishonest liberal nutcase.
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Interpretations and precedent.
You claim that there can be legitimate differences in legal opinion based on interpretations..... I 100% agree.
It's the why they may have different interpretations that is the question, and the answer to that question is exactly why diversity on the court is needed.

Your position is that they can have different interpretations but that those different interpretations cannot be a result of past personal experience?

Who they had as a law professor, who they first worked for, the political views of their parents, the political views of their WIFE....those are all personal experiences....and those are the very things that are at the root of different interpretations.

I'm sure that we can agree that we will not agree.
You claim that there can be legitimate differences in legal opinion based on interpretations..... I 100% agree.
It's the why they may have different interpretations that is the question, and the answer to that question is exactly why diversity on the court is needed.

Your position is that they can have different interpretations but that those different interpretations cannot be a result of past personal experience?

Who they had as a law professor, who they first worked for, the political views of their parents, the political views of their WIFE....those are all personal experiences....and those are the very things that are at the root of different interpretations.

I'm sure that we can agree that we will not agree.

Political views absolutely shouldn't play into rulings from the bench.
And here, yet again, another shining example of Luther's dishonesty. Note the part quoted. "The British magazine New Society reported Thursday" with no other date information. Strong implication the provided link is a recent article from a British magazine and, as we all know, the British are smart. Why does a British accent sound smarter to Americans?

Luther has quoted an AP story from 1986 that appears to reference an article in New Society magazine. Two years before the magazine stopped publishing. It is not the article from the magazine. After reading it, my guess is the AP writer was sympathetic to Alphabet people and teased out quotes to imply and support the title of his article. Oh, yeah, the Chicago Tribune subsequently ran a story based on the same New Society magazine story, with essentially the same quotes, except it seemed a bit more tongue-in-check.

However, I did an additional cursory search (I'm not really interested in this, but what the heck, look just a bit more) and found another, more recent article from 2015. Not much better, a lot of throwing theoretical stuff against the wall and see if any sticks. However, if and when a man, who was born male and is not hooked up to machines and whatever else is required to sustain an embryo to term, has a baby I'll admit I am wrong. Oh, by the way, Luther, I also once read a science fiction story about a planet where all the women died so the men underwent extreme physiological surgery to enable men to bear children. I do not recall if or how they sourced eggs for the embryos, but these "men" came to hate all normal human beings and were determined to hunt them down and kill them. Uplifting I know.
Luther is not funny, no matter how many "LOL" he throws around. He's just a pathetic, dishonest liberal nutcase.
Maybe you can remember the chain of events.....
You asked me a stupid and irrelevant question..."you believe men can give birth?"
I gave a quick and simple response.........."I imagine technology isn't to far away from making that a possibility. "

That should have been the end of it. What was to be gained from taking it further?
But no............
He thinks men may one day be capable of giving birth.
Luther imagines one day men will be able to give birth to rocks and potatoes.
Well, in Luther's world, it may be a man having the baby, so the gyno could also be male.
You missed the one where he imagines in the future men will give birth.
Says the guy who imagines one day men can give birth to live children.
I hope most on here can see who has the problem and who is really posting in a "dishonest" way.
Maybe you can remember the chain of events.....
You asked me a stupid and irrelevant question..."you believe men can give birth?"
I gave a quick and simple response.........."I imagine technology isn't to far away from making that a possibility. "

That should have been the end of it. What was to be gained from taking it further?
But no............

I hope most on here can see who has the problem and who is really posting in a "dishonest" way.
Again, says the guy who imagines one day men will be giving birth.
There can be a difference in legal opinions but those differences shouldn't emanate from past personal experiences.
What should those differences emanate from?
Interpretations and precedent.
You claim that there can be legitimate differences in legal opinion based on interpretations..... I 100% agree.
It's the why they may have different interpretations that is the question, and the answer to that question is exactly why diversity on the court is needed.

Your position is that they can have different interpretations but that those different interpretations cannot be a result of past personal experience?

Who they had as a law professor, who they first worked for, the political views of their parents, the political views of their WIFE....those are all personal experiences....and those are the very things that are at the root of different interpretations.

I'm sure that we can agree that we will not agree.

Political views absolutely shouldn't play into rulings from the bench.
Don't interpretations impact rulings?
I understand that you desire to live in a banana republic and sadly that is coming to fruition.
okay....I guess
It really is.
How would you define the most qualified hospital administrator? How would you rank and weight the top five qualities in order of importance? Do you think all employees in the hospital would agree? Do you think every hospital would be using the same criteria? Do you think every hospital should use the same criteria?
Do you think you would agree with the people who are actually charged with making the decision?
Given the current atmosphere in hospitals I think pitchforks and torches might make a comeback.
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Your post says it all
Technology Exists To Enable Men To Give Birth
Technology Exists To Enable Men To Give Birth
The British magazine New Society reported Thursday that scientists say the technology exists to enable men to give birth. Although such a birth would pose many dangers, one expert was quoted as saying that ″undoubtedly, someone will do it.″

I think my original post that you have now reference multiple times said something to the effect of:
"I would not be surprised if scientific technology advanced to the point where it would be possible"

Who should we be laughing at and making fun of? I know the answer but I'm not sure you do, which makes it even funnier.
I’m laughing at the first volunteer, who would be the last volunteer.
Haven’t read all 26 pages, but how did Biden accomplishment morph to men having babies 🤷🏻‍♂️
My claim was that neither of the two major party nominees considered picking a female (or POC) as their VP.
Male 125 vs Female 3
White 127 vs POC 1

Frame that anyway you wish but it's obvious that a presidential candidate's criteria of picking a VP is primarily "who will give me the greatest chance of winning". Using that criteria - females and POC were eliminated from the pool because they were female or a person of color.

125 to 3.

You don't think the period before women had the right to vote might have some influence there? If women weren't considered capable of voting then why would people have thought them capable of holding high office? This is basically the same argument you and McDad had on SC nominations and approvals all over again.

Not one of the women nominated for VP were worth it, and BTW the list you quote does not include all VP candidates.
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Your post says it all
Technology Exists To Enable Men To Give Birth
Technology Exists To Enable Men To Give Birth
The British magazine New Society reported Thursday that scientists say the technology exists to enable men to give birth. Although such a birth would pose many dangers, one expert was quoted as saying that ″undoubtedly, someone will do it.″

I think my original post that you have now reference multiple times said something to the effect of:
"I would not be surprised if scientific technology advanced to the point where it would be possible"

Who should we be laughing at and making fun of? I know the answer but I'm not sure you do, which makes it even funnier.

It’s sad you really believe this.
BS, there have been dozens of women run and be nominated from Victoria Woodhull in 1872, through Geraldine Ferraro in 1984. While most were in minor parties, they were on ballots with opportunities to be elected.
Even in your world of History According to Democrats showing how great Democrats are this is not even close to accurate.
Remember when democrats loved John McCain's choice for VP? They still preferred the old white man for VP.

Democrats would vote for a ticket that consisted of Dick Durbin and Patrick Leahy over Winsome Sears and Carol Swain.
You don't think the period before women had the right to vote might have some influence there? If women weren't considered capable of voting then why would people have thought them capable of holding high office? This is basically the same argument you and McDad had on SC nominations and approvals all over again.

Not one of the women nominated for VP were worth it, and BTW the list you quote does not include all VP candidates.
My list is a list of the VPs who lost.
We all know the VPs who won were all white males until Harris.
My point was that women and people of color were eliminated from consideration immediately. They were removed from the pool of "most qualified" simply because of their sex or race. We all know that that is true and most all know that that was wrong.

White men "cheated" for centuries. Many now want to simply say, okay no more cheating by anybody.
That like a baseball team is caught in the 140th game of the season to have been cheating the whole season. They currently have a 25 game lead over the second place team. The cheating team says, okay we want cheat any more but you can't take away our lead. Every other team is screaming "how in the hell is that fair, we can never catch them."
Or in college football, the team caught cheating can't just say they want cheat anymore. They will be disadvantaged by losing scholarships over the next several seasons. Their unfair advantage gained from cheating will be partially negated by the disadvantage of having fewer scholarships - which is also an increased advantage for their competitors.
It's the whole "balancing the playing field" concept.
It’s sad you really believe this.
Why? I believe science will have (already does have) the ability to clone a human.
Some scoffed at the concept that science (man) would ever advance to the point of having the ability to fly or walk on the moon.
I don't care of science progresses that far; I care if humans can progress enough to properly deal with the scientific progress.
The past 50 years seem to indicate that scientific progress is far outpacing man's ability to properly adapt.
Maybe you can remember the chain of events.....
You asked me a stupid and irrelevant question..."you believe men can give birth?"
I gave a quick and simple response.........."I imagine technology isn't to far away from making that a possibility. "

That should have been the end of it. What was to be gained from taking it further?
But no............

I hope most on here can see who has the problem and who is really posting in a "dishonest" way.

Lol!!! Imagine a man having an ass baby. Guess they will crap out both baby and placenta???
NPR Poll Puts Another Nail in Dems' Midterm Coffin

Say good-bye to your favorite radical far-left leader that's coming up in the Midterms.
Joe Biden will have ushered in a big Red Wave coming the likes have never seen before.

The 20% black vote should be concerning as well.

They are losing the votes that's kept them in office for 40 years. The woke liberal vote is not going to keep them on top.

But... this election has fraud alert written all over it.
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