The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

Lol. Biden flat out said he was picking a woman of color to be VP. So that automatically narrowed his options based on gender and skin color, which you just several posts back agreed was racist, yet now you’re saying it’s not. As usual, your rules change from one post to the next. No surprise there. I’m sure your level of BS is high on one of your continuums.
Lol. Biden flat out said he was picking a woman of color to be VP. So that automatically narrowed his options based on gender and skin color, which you just several posts back agreed was racist, yet now you’re saying it’s not. As usual, your rules change from one post to the next. No surprise there. I’m sure your level of BS is high on one of your continuums.
Where did I say it was racist?
Restricting one school with fewer recruiting spots because they are a black university is IN NOW WAY the same as limiting a school to fewer recruiting spots because they were caught cheating.
One of those two is horribly wrong.
One of those two is 100% appropriate.

Even though they are technically the same thing - limiting recruiting sports.
My list is a list of the VPs who lost.
We all know the VPs who won were all white males until Harris.
My point was that women and people of color were eliminated from consideration immediately. They were removed from the pool of "most qualified" simply because of their sex or race. We all know that that is true and most all know that that was wrong.

White men "cheated" for centuries. Many now want to simply say, okay no more cheating by anybody.
That like a baseball team is caught in the 140th game of the season to have been cheating the whole season. They currently have a 25 game lead over the second place team. The cheating team says, okay we want cheat any more but you can't take away our lead. Every other team is screaming "how in the hell is that fair, we can never catch them."
Or in college football, the team caught cheating can't just say they want cheat anymore. They will be disadvantaged by losing scholarships over the next several seasons. Their unfair advantage gained from cheating will be partially negated by the disadvantage of having fewer scholarships - which is also an increased advantage for their competitors.
It's the whole "balancing the playing field" concept.

Weak argument. Harris has set women back decades. This type of virtue signaling doesn't belong in the highest positions in the world. It's dangerous and right now the US is at a very low point domestically and around the world because of it. Almost every metric available proves this out. It doesn't have to be a quantitative measurement. There is no confidence in the US right now. This is what happens when an administration tries to ruin the country domestically through social experiments but the entire world notices.
Where did I say it was racist?
Restricting one school with fewer recruiting spots because they are a black university is IN NOW WAY the same as limiting a school to fewer recruiting spots because they were caught cheating.
One of those two is horribly wrong.
One of those two is 100% appropriate.

Even though they are technically the same thing - limiting recruiting sports.

I guess you abandoned the Amateur Hour thread. Smart decision. "Abandon posts. Fear, fear for your lives".
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Where did I say it was racist?
Restricting one school with fewer recruiting spots because they are a black university is IN NOW WAY the same as limiting a school to fewer recruiting spots because they were caught cheating.
One of those two is horribly wrong.
One of those two is 100% appropriate.

Even though they are technically the same thing - limiting recruiting sports.
Where did I say it was racist?
Restricting one school with fewer recruiting spots because they are a black university is IN NOW WAY the same as limiting a school to fewer recruiting spots because they were caught cheating.
One of those two is horribly wrong.
One of those two is 100% appropriate.

Even though they are technically the same thing - limiting recruiting sports.
And that isn’t remotely the same thing as picking a VP. The most qualified people should be candidates. Biden automatically eliminated a huge chunk of candidates based on gender and skin color. That’s cool with you though even though you agreed with onereb that it would be racist to base a decision on who should be an appointed judge by skin color. Of course I can already see where you’re going with this. You spun what onereb meant into a different direction when you replied “correct”. I’m so shocked you would spin something. Shocked I tell you.
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The 20% black vote should be concerning as well.

They are losing the votes that's kept them in office for 40 years. The woke liberal vote is not going to keep them on top.

But... this election has fraud alert written all over it.

As insane as it is, Joe Biden is somehow in the White House along with an administration of other imbeciles. As preposterous as it seems anything is possible, blue wave or red wave.
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Weak argument. Harris has set women back decades. This type of virtue signaling doesn't belong in the highest positions in the world. It's dangerous and right now the US is at a very low point domestically and around the world because of it. Almost every metric available proves this out. It doesn't have to be a quantitative measurement. There is no confidence in the US right now. This is what happens when an administration tries to ruin the country domestically through social experiments but the entire world notices.
Kamala's husband has more power than she does.
The 20% black vote should be concerning as well.

They are losing the votes that's kept them in office for 40 years. The woke liberal vote is not going to keep them on top.

But... this election has fraud alert written all over it.

Notably, the poll found 52 percent of latino voters would vote for a Republican compared to 39 percent who would choose a Democrat. For voters who have children under 18 years old, 60 percent said they'd vote for the GOP candidate while just 32 percent said they'd pick a Democrat. More voters under 45 years old also broke for Republicans (50 percent) over Democrats (40 percent).

As much as I don't like the open border policy that these Dems have created, the facts show that it is a losing policy for them as time goes on. Latinos are not going to just hand their votes to the DNC as easily as the black vote. Add that in with it looking like that the black voters in the Gen-X and below demographic are finally trending towards the GOP, and you have a recipe for disaster, assuming we have free, fair and honest elections.

Trump should have won in 2020. And with all of the nonsense that has occurred since then, there is no way that the Democrats don't get their azzes handed to them this fall.
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As much as I don't like the open border policy that these Dems have created, the facts show that it is a loosing policy for them as time goes on. Latinos are not going to just hand their votes to the DNC as easily as the black vote. Add that in with it looking like that the black voters in the Gen-X and below demographic are finally trending towards the GOP, and you have a recipe for disaster, assuming we have free, fair and honest elections.

Trump should have won in 2020. And with all of the nonsense that has occurred since then, there is no way that the Democrats don't get their azzes handed to them this fall.
The Hispanic vote will soon be over 50% Republican in the near future. Even some of the South Texas counties which are heavily Hispanic are trending Republican. All this woke nonsense isn't working for democrats in the long run. It will soon be divided more along class lines. I believe a good portion of the suburbs will be voting democrat. Which includes many of your "business" or "professional" class people and your upper middle class folks. Your working class, trades people, middle class will more than likely be voting Republican.
The Hispanic vote will soon be over 50% Republican in the near future. Even some of the South Texas counties which are heavily Hispanic are trending Republican. All this woke nonsense isn't working for democrats in the long run. It will soon be divided more along class lines. I believe a good portion of the suburbs will be voting democrat. Which includes many of your "business" or "professional" class people and your upper middle class folks. Your working class, trades people, middle class will more than likely be voting Republican.
And this is where the GOP will snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. They mostly cannot put together a plan that will bring in those voters. Right now, they are voting against the woke nonsense the the Democrats are peddling, but not necessarily voting for what the GOP is offering. That is a problem, but I don't think most of the GOP cares.
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And that isn’t remotely the same thing as picking a VP. The most qualified people should be candidates. Biden automatically eliminated a huge chunk of candidates based on gender and skin color. That’s cool with you though even though you agreed with onereb that it would be racist to base a decision on who should be an appointed judge by skin color. Of course I can already see where you’re going with this. You spun what onereb meant into a different direction when you replied “correct”. I’m so shocked you would spin something. Shocked I tell you.
I'm not spinning crap....that's what you and Hutch are doing by attempting to claim I agreed with something with which I in no way ever agreed. Please go back and read again....carefully
Hutch evidently needs to read again also.

Candidates were automatically eliminated because of their sex or color in pretty much every presidential election in US history.
It's only now that you guys take exception.....interesting.
My list is a list of the VPs who lost.
We all know the VPs who won were all white males until Harris.
My point was that women and people of color were eliminated from consideration immediately. They were removed from the pool of "most qualified" simply because of their sex or race. We all know that that is true and most all know that that was wrong.

White men "cheated" for centuries. Many now want to simply say, okay no more cheating by anybody.
That like a baseball team is caught in the 140th game of the season to have been cheating the whole season. They currently have a 25 game lead over the second place team. The cheating team says, okay we want cheat any more but you can't take away our lead. Every other team is screaming "how in the hell is that fair, we can never catch them."
Or in college football, the team caught cheating can't just say they want cheat anymore. They will be disadvantaged by losing scholarships over the next several seasons. Their unfair advantage gained from cheating will be partially negated by the disadvantage of having fewer scholarships - which is also an increased advantage for their competitors.
It's the whole "balancing the playing field" concept.
That’s stupid Luther. So let’s correct one wrong with another wrong? Sure, that always works well. Your analogy is wrong, by the way. In your scenario it wouldn’t be punishing the cheating team, this is the equivalent of saying that other teams now to get to cheat to catch up. How are you a teacher if you can’t grasp something that simple?
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I'm not spinning crap....that's what you and Hutch are doing by attempting to claim I agreed with something with which I in no way ever agreed. Please go back and read again....carefully
Hutch evidently needs to read again also.

Candidates were automatically eliminated because of their sex or color in pretty much every presidential election in US history.
It's only now that you guys take exception.....interesting.
Hey genius, if that was happening the whole time then yes it’s wrong. We know it was back in the 60s and prior and I agree it was wrong but even then people weren’t dumb enough to come out and say it publicly. Your idiot president did just that in a time where everyone talks about equal opportunity when they really mean something totally different.
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Hey genius, if that was happening the whole time then yes it’s wrong. We know it was back in the 60s and prior and I agree it was wrong but even then people weren’t dumb enough to come out and say it publicly. Your idiot president did just that in a time where everyone talks about equal opportunity when they really mean something totally different.
One doesn't get to cheat for an extended period of time and then say "okay, no more cheating from anyone - everything is equal from this point forward."
The cheater will face punitive consequences and concessions will be made to those adversely effected by the cheating.
Only then can there be a chance of anything resembling equal opportunity.
Biden did it in the name of equal opportunity.
One doesn't get to cheat for an extended period of time and then say "okay, no more cheating from anyone - everything is equal from this point forward."
The cheater will face punitive consequences and concessions will be made to those adversely effected by the cheating.
Only then can there be a chance of anything resembling equal opportunity.
Biden did it in the name of equal opportunity.
But it has zero bearing on today, other than we’ve progressed as society. Who people eliminated and why 100 years ago means nothing today. As I said in another post, you want to right a wrong by doing the exact same thing. That’s dumb Luther. Do you teach that to your students? One kid gets caught cheating on a test so do you now let everyone else cheat too? Surely even you can see the flaws in that thinking.

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